Portrait of Prishvin, painted by G. S. Vereisky

Portrait of Prishvin, painted by G. S. Vereisky
Portrait of Prishvin, painted by G. S. Vereisky

Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin was remembered by the world for his prose works. His works are imbued with love for the motherland. The author wrote short stories, essays and stories, which were illustrated by the artist O. G. Vereisky. His works are part of the school curriculum, which indicates a high level of skill.

Biographical portrait of Prishvin

portrait of Prishvin
portrait of Prishvin

Prose writer was born in February 1873. He was from a prosperous merchant family. The boy grew up as an active and noisy child, as evidenced by his expulsion from school in the fourth grade for impudent behavior. Being a rebel by nature, the writer Prishvin later admitted that his character was shaped by two main actions in life:

  • Expulsion from high school.
  • Escape from the gymnasium.

The first event taught the author how to communicate with people, and the second opened a traveler in him, because, having escaped from an educational institution, the young adventurer went to Asia.

Vereian artist
Vereian artist

Prishvin's biography is not white as snow. While studying at the Riga Polytechnic School, he seriouslybecame interested in Marxism, for which he was arrested and banished to a two-year exile. This trick did not go unnoticed, and the young man received a ban on further education in Russia. However, his mother was a wise woman and made every effort to ensure that her son continued his studies. In 1900, Mikhail Prishvin went to study in Leipzig and received an agronomic education there.

Long travels in the north of Russia and Scandinavia left an imprint on the imagination of the future writer, which was the reason for writing the first story - "Sashok". This was followed by other writing sketches Prishvin, but soon he had to change his craft. In 1914, the writer's mother died, and he decided to start building a house on the plot of land left to him. This was not destined to happen, since the First World War began and Prishvin went to the front as a war correspondent and a part-time orderly.

At the end of the war, Prishvin took up teaching and simultaneously wrote his works. The author died in 1954 in Moscow.

Writer's legacy

The portrait of Prishvin is unremarkable in terms of biographical sensations and does not stand out against the background of portraits of other writers. Having lived a simple life, Prishvin managed to write enough works that became part of the Russian treasury of literary masterpieces.

The very first works of the author date back to 1906-1907, when the book "In the land of fearless birds" and "Behind the magic bun" was published. As a result of Prishvin's travels around the FarEast in the 1930s The story "Ginseng" and the novel "The Sovereign's Road" were written. Collections of short stories deserve considerable attention: Calendar of Nature and Forest Drops. Over time, the famous fairy tale "The Pantry of the Sun" appeared, which was recognized as the best book for children.

O. G. Vereisky is an illustrator

Few people think about how much readers would love books if they didn't have expertly selected illustrations. This is especially true for young readers, for whom pictures are an essential attribute of a good book. Among the geniuses who spent their lives in the backyard of books working for the glory of writers was O. G. Vereisky. He is not as famous as Vasnetsov or Vrubel, but, nevertheless, his merits are hard to overestimate. He was a People's Artist of the USSR and a member of the Academy of Arts.

portrait of Prishvin m m
portrait of Prishvin m m

Vereisky's career began in Leningrad under the supervision of Osmerkin. However, the artist gained wide popularity while working in the capital. In his creative career, the master was remembered for illustrations to the works of literary classics. Among the most famous writers whose books Vereisky worked on are Hemingway, Paustovsky, Sholokhov, Fadeev and Bunin. Sketches for Prishvin's works deserve special attention. In 1984, the artist was awarded the prize for the best illustrator work for the work "Anna Karenina".

writer Prishvin
writer Prishvin

Portrait of M. M. Prishvin

Orest Georgievich Vereisky, in addition to illustrations for short stories and short stories, also painted a portraitPrishvin M. M., which is stored in the museum of the same name in Russia. The work was made in the form of a pencil drawing in 1948, but this does not make it any less significant. The portrait of Prishvin was painted from life, as evidenced by entries in the writer's personal diary. The size of the canvas is small - 39, 5x48. The paper shows the writer's head and the artist's signature.

Where is the portrait of M. M. Prishvin, painted by illustrator Vereisky

In the creative environment, one often observes a symbiosis of artists who help each other become more popular and leave a mark on history. The portrait of Prishvin M. M., painted by the hand of the illustrator Vereisky, was not an attempt at PR for each other. It is rather a tribute to Mikhail Mikhailovich.

Orest Georgievich succeeded in his craft thanks to the abundance of easel works, author's lithography and many watercolor sketches. The portrait of Prishvin was not the work of his whole life for him, as evidenced by the manner of writing - a pencil drawing. The writer kept a diary throughout his life, describing in detail all the events. The portrait painted by Vereisky carries not so much artistic value as biographical value.

In the spring of 1946, Prishvin was resting in the Porechye sanatorium near Moscow, where he looked after himself a house nearby. The writer's wife made every effort to make the house look like an old manor, where everything would point to the versatile interests of her husband. It came out beautifully. After the death of the writer, people visited here, and the house officially received the status of a museum.

portrait of Prishvin
portrait of Prishvin

Home decorationillustrates Prishvin's ordinary daily routine. There is a samovar on the table, and the rooms are decorated with flowers and books. Of particular interest is the writer's room, where you can see one of the most famous portraits of Mikhail Mikhailovich, painted by Orest Vereisky.

A picture of Prishvin's head hangs right above the headboard of his bed in the bedroom. A thick dark brown frame frames a yellow sheet of paper on which a prose writer is drawn in pencil. On the left at work you can see the date of the portrait. The whole room expresses the individuality of its owner and indicates his modesty and accuracy. To the left of the portrait hang crossed guns - the personification of Prishvin's love for hunting. The wooden floor is decorated with carpets with a characteristic patterned pattern. But, despite these little things, the central element of the room is precisely the portrait painted by Vereisky. Of course, such an arrangement betrays the writer's respect for the artist's work. This was their final joint project, a few years later Prishvin passed away.
