Pinocchio: a summary of the extraordinary adventures of the wooden boy and his friends

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Pinocchio: a summary of the extraordinary adventures of the wooden boy and his friends
Pinocchio: a summary of the extraordinary adventures of the wooden boy and his friends

Video: Pinocchio: a summary of the extraordinary adventures of the wooden boy and his friends

Video: Pinocchio: a summary of the extraordinary adventures of the wooden boy and his friends
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The hero of the fairy tale by the Italian writer Carla Collodi named Pinocchio became a wonderful, cheerful, cheerful Pinocchio for Russian children. We will now consider a summary of the tale written in 1934 by our excellent writer A. Tolstoy. All adventures take six days. But how much is going on!

How Pinocchio appeared

Old Giuseppe gave a talking log to his friend Carlo and advised him to make a doll out of it. Old Carlo worked hard in his closet and carved Pinocchio, who suddenly began to grow an unusually long and curious nose.

pinocchio summary
pinocchio summary

Revived silly Pinocchio (we begin to present the summary of the tale) ran away from Papa Carlo. He was caught by the police, and he pretended to be dead. Papa Carlo was taken to the police to find out why he treats children badly.

Talking cricket and rat Shusher

The wooden boy returned home and saw a cricket, who told him that he alwayslisten to your elders and go to school. Pinocchio did not like this advice so much that he drove away the cricket and, hungry, stuck his nose into the hearth, in which the fire was merrily burning and something was being cooked in a pot. It turned out that it was just a picture. And in the evening, Shusher's rat crawled out from under the floor, grabbed the boy and dragged him to him. But then Papa Carlo appeared, chased away the rat, made clothes for the boy and presented the ABC book, with which his naughty son should go to school tomorrow.

School and puppet theater

The mischievous boy never got to school, because he saw a wonderful puppet theater. He went to his performance. All the dolls recognized him and, having stopped playing, cheerfully called him to their place. The owner of Karabas Barabas was very angry that the performance fell through, grabbed Pinocchio (the summary of the tale continues) and decided that he would make good firewood. But Pinocchio managed to tell a little about himself and about the picture with the hearth in the closet of the old organ grinder. Then the owner of the theater understood something and let Pinocchio go to Papa Carlo, giving the boy some money.

Two scoundrels

On the way home, the gullible Pinocchio met with the cunning fox Alice and the cat Basilio. They persuaded him to go with them to the Land of Fools, where there is a wonderful field. One has only to bury money on it, as a tree will grow with gold coins instead of leaves. Of course, Pinocchio agreed. He dreamed of becoming rich in order to help Papa Carlo. In the evening, everyone stopped at a tavern, where Pinocchio modestly asked for 3 crusts of bread, and the cat and the fox ate to satiety, and everyone went to bed. At night, the owner woke Pinocchio. The summary will show what lies ahead for the restless boy.

the shortest content of Pinocchio
the shortest content of Pinocchio

He paid for the common dinner and left, but he was attacked by masked robbers, hung upside down on a tree, and, tired of waiting for money to fall out of him, left to have a bite to eat somewhere.

In Malvina's house

The best doll ran away from the theater from the tormentor together with the poodle Artemon and settled in a beautiful house in the forest. All the inhabitants of the forest became her friends and were glad when they did her a favor. She found the lifeless Pinocchio and ordered him to be transferred to the house. A council of forest healers Toad, Owl and Praying Mantis gathered at the bedside of the patient. They could not decide whether Pinocchio was alive or not. Finally, he was prescribed castor oil. Here the patient immediately came to life and refused to drink it. Malvina offered to teach Pinocchio to read, count and write. What will come of it, the summary will show. The adventures of Pinocchio continue. The wooden boy turned out to be an incapable student. He stuck his long nose into the inkwell and made a smudge on the paper. Malvina ran out of patience, and she decided to punish the naughty boy by putting him in a closet. At night, Pinocchio ran away from a dusty closet, and a bat showed him the way to the Field of Miracles. But she led him to a sly cat and a fox.

In the Land of Fools

As the fox and the cat said, so did the gullible Pinocchio. He buried the remaining soldos, poured water over them, and sat down to wait patiently for the tree to grow. And the cat and the fox went to the police and reported that on the fieldsits a tramp. Two Dobermans were sent to capture Pinocchio. They grabbed him and carried him to drown in the pond.

Turtle Tortilla

In a dirty pond, where there were a lot of frogs and leeches, the ancient turtle Tortilla lived. Having learned about the adventures of the unfortunate Pinocchio, she took pity on him and gave him a golden key, which Karabas Barabas drowned in the pond.

summary of the adventures of Pinocchio
summary of the adventures of Pinocchio

The adventures of the wooden boy have not yet come to an end, but we will outline them in the shortest possible time. Pinocchio will then meet Piero, who also ran away from the puppet theater, and they will go to Malvina. And there they were waiting for a chase with bulldogs, which was organized by Karabas Barabas and his friend Duremar. Pinocchio and the dog Artemon took the fight, in which they were helped by all the forest dwellers. Meanwhile, the police from the Land of Fools captured Malvina, Pierrot and the escaped dolls. But Papa Carlo showed up and freed everyone.

New theater

When everyone came to Papa Carlo, Pinocchio said that a door was hidden behind the picture with a hearth, and took out a golden key from it. Everyone quickly opened the door and went downstairs. Below was an extraordinary puppet theater "Lightning". It was decided that everyone would go to school in the morning and perform performances in the evening.

summary of the golden key or the adventures of Pinocchio
summary of the golden key or the adventures of Pinocchio

The very first performance in the new theater, and this is what the summary tells about - "The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio".
