Geoffrey Rush: actor's filmography

Geoffrey Rush: actor's filmography
Geoffrey Rush: actor's filmography

Introducing the world famous actor named Geoffrey Rush. He can rightly be called a real genius of adventure and historical cinema, who is able to transform into a variety of characters - from Leon Trotsky and the Marquis de Sade to the captain of the pirate ship Barbarossa and a medieval minister at the royal court. The track record of Geoffrey Rush includes a huge number of both theatrical and film projects. In addition, his name is included in the "gold list of actors" who have won three of the most prestigious awards (Emmy, Oscar and Tony) in their careers, as well as six awards for one film.

Geoffrey Rush
Geoffrey Rush

Geoffrey Rush: photos, childhood and adolescence

The future world-famous actor was born in 1951 in a town called Kuwoomba, located in Cleveland, Australia. His parents were in no way connected with either the theater or cinema: his father, Roy, was an accountant, and his mother, Merle, worked as a saleswoman. When little Geoffrey wasfive years, dad and mom decided to get a divorce. As a result, he and Merle moved to live in the nearest big city - Brisbane.

As a schoolboy, young Rush enjoyed attending the drama club, where the guys put on such eccentric comedies as "The Wonderful Crichton", "Chardley's Aunt" and "Arsenic and Old Lace". As Jeffrey later said, even in those days, he, along with other enthusiastic boys and girls, tried to choose works with, as they say, a “double bottom”. After school, Rush entered the Faculty of Arts at the University of Queensland, from which he successfully graduated in 1970. Subsequently, he went to work in one of the theaters.

Geoffrey Rush filmography
Geoffrey Rush filmography

Geoffrey Rush: filmography, the beginning of a film career

For the first time on the big screen, the actor appeared in 1981, playing one of the secondary roles in the crime melodrama called "Deception". However, this work of Jeffrey did not bring any noticeable success, and he continued to direct theatrical performances, for which he was even awarded the Sydney Mayer Award in 1994.

Between 1982 and 1995, Rush starred in only three films that could not be called particularly successful: "Starship" (1982), "Twelfth Night" (1987) and "How to Become a Native" (1995). The turning point in the actor's film career was his participation in the film "Shine", which was released in 1996. He played a very talented, but mentally unbalanced pianist - the main role, which, by the way, was also claimed by Tom Cruise and Rife Fiennes. This work was a real triumph for Rush,bringing him not only the recognition of the audience, but also such prestigious awards as Oscar, Golden Globe and others. According to Jeffrey, having read the script for "Shine" back in 1992, he considered the film's plot very successful. In addition, when developing the character, the theatrical role of King Lear helped him a lot.

Geoffrey Rush photo
Geoffrey Rush photo

Continuation of film career

In the next few years, mainly historical films with Geoffrey Rush were released. From a series of paintings, one can especially highlight such tapes of 1998 as "Shakespeare in Love", "Elizabeth" and "Les Misérables". According to film critics, Hollywood literally "grabbed" Rush as a character actor. However, despite the fact that his type most ideally suited the role of a theater owner in a film about Shakespeare or a minister under Elizabeth, he also showed interest in the plots unfolding in the modern world. In addition, the directors noted that even after becoming the winner of many awards, Jeffrey never became conceited and did not lose his mind because of the fame that fell upon him, but, on the contrary, approached work even more collected than ever.

In 1999, the actor appeared on the big screens in the films "House of Night Ghosts" and "Mysterious People", which diversified the role of Rush with the characters of Frankenstein, Casanova and an eccentric millionaire. Despite the fact that these films did not have much success at the box office, Jeffrey's fans were delighted with his acting and the images he created.

actor Geoffrey Rush
actor Geoffrey Rush


At the very beginning of the new millennium, actor Geoffrey Rush playedthe main character in the highly controversial film The Pen of the Marquis de Sade. Regarding his participation in this project, he joked that if they offer to act in films where they have to kiss Kate Winslet, and they also pay for it, then it’s stupid to refuse. Many film critics agreed that the scenes involving Rush are the only episodes worthy of attention in this picture. Jeffrey himself showed himself to be a truly profound actor, having managed to show his character not only as a "vicious animal", but also as a great thinker, whose works have stood the test of time.

Also noteworthy is Rush's minor role in the 2002 film Frida. In this project, he brilliantly played Leon Trotsky.

On top of success

Geoffrey Rush, whose filmography already included many very successful and popular works, in 2003 becomes a truly first-rate star. Such success brought him the role of the pirate captain Hector Barbossa in the film "Pirates of the Caribbean". His partners on the set were such talented and famous actors as Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley. The following two parts of the pirate saga also had great success: "Dead Man's Chest" and "At World's End".

Another brilliant work of the actor was the role of Sir Francis Walsingham in the historical drama The Golden Age, where his shooting partner was Cate Blanchett. In 2010, he superbly played a speech therapist named Lionel Logue in the film The King's Speech. For this role, Rush was awarded a BAFTA award, and also became a nominee for an Oscar and a Golden Globe.

Geoffrey Rush movies
Geoffrey Rush movies

Recent works

In 2013, two more films with the participation of the actor were released: "The Best Offer" and "The Book Thief". Now Geoffrey Rush is busy working on the paintings "Gods of Egypt" and the next, already the fourth part of the saga about the pirates of the Caribbean called "Dead Men Tell No Tales". Both films are scheduled to hit the big screen in 2016.

Private life

In 1988, Geoffrey Rush married actress Jane Menelos. Subsequently, the couple played together in several performances, and also starred in the film The Pen of the Marquis de Sade. The couple has two children: daughter Angelica (born 1992) and son James (born 1995).
