The most interesting fairy tale for a child: what is it and what is it about?

The most interesting fairy tale for a child: what is it and what is it about?
The most interesting fairy tale for a child: what is it and what is it about?

Which fairy tale is the most interesting? It will be different for each child, because everyone has different tastes and preferences. Someone loves good characters and empathizes with them, while other souls do not like villains, because they always lose. The kids pity the losers and always keep hope for their correction. At an early age, most children choose one story they like for themselves and ask their parents to endlessly reread and retell it. It often happens that a child memorizes a fairy tale in its entirety, and the book is rubbed to holes.

most interesting story
most interesting story

The fairy tale has always lived

The fairy tale, most likely, has always lived. Ancient people told their children interesting stories, reinforcing them with drawings that were left on the walls of the caves. As time passed, these stories were overgrown with new facts, various heroes appeared in them, who solved the problems that were relevant in a particular time period. Some of these stories are alive to this day, although many centuries have passed since they were written. Among the old worksabout which it is simply impossible not to say, "Myths of ancient Greece" and Russian epics about heroes. The last of those mentioned are perhaps the most interesting tales, and Alyosha, Dobrynya and Ilya are known not only in Russia, but also abroad (the merit of Viktor Vasnetsov). Fictions and epics were told from generation to generation, thanks to which every country in the world has its own folk tales.

the most interesting fairy tales for children
the most interesting fairy tales for children

The most interesting fairy tales for toddlers

It is difficult for a small child under one year old and a toddler who is not yet two years old to concentrate on one thing for more than 10-15 minutes, so fairy tales for such children should be short. The very first books that are recommended for children to read from birth to two years old are the following:

  1. "Kolobok".
  2. "Ryaba Hen".
  3. "Zayushka's hut".
  4. "Three Bears".
  5. "Turnip".
  6. "Teremok".
  7. "The Fox and the Crane".

Despite the small volume, these are the most interesting fairy tales for children. They are instructive, incredibly kind, with a semantic load. For the entry level and for the first acquaintance of a child with a book, there is simply no better option. Such fairy tales can introduce kids to forest and domestic animals, teach ingenuity, cunning and, of course, friendship.

the most interesting Russian fairy tales
the most interesting Russian fairy tales

Fairy tales for children from two years old and those who are older

For older children, you should look atmore complex pieces such as:

  1. "Tsokotukha fly", "Doctor Aibolit" and other poetic tales of Chukovsky.
  2. "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka".
  3. All fairy tales by A. S. Pushkin, written in verse, will do.
  4. "Humpbacked Horse".
  5. "Frost".
  6. "Silver Hoof".
  7. "Swan Geese".

These are the most interesting Russian fairy tales, although the list can be very long, there are a myriad of them. This state of affairs is very beneficial for young parents, because it is easy to choose something special for a child, especially knowing his preferences and interest in something.

Advice to parents of restless children

Many parents complain that their children are restless, with an absolute lack of perseverance. They envy families with white envy, where the kid listens with interest to mom or dad, reading, for example, "Cockroach", prompting every word, or leafing through his favorite book, telling the most interesting tale, in his opinion. Psychologists and educators in such situations are advised to bring a certain holiday to reading books, to try to interest the child. For this, toys worn on the hand, called bi-ba-bo, may be suitable. When reading a fairy tale, arrange a kind of puppet show with the interaction of characters. The child should also be given a soft toy, which will be some kind of hero from the readable work. Children usually like this process of interaction very much; with great pleasure they begin not only to listen to a fairy tale, but alsoplay it.

the most interesting folk tales
the most interesting folk tales

Another option recommended by educators and psychologists to introduce a restless child to the world of fantasy and good fiction is to preserve the tradition of reading the most interesting fairy tales to him at night. For children, this method is not only contact with parents who in the modern world have to work hard, but also the best opportunity to perceive the information offered in a calm and comfortable atmosphere, in a relaxed state, tired of an exciting day full of new discoveries and adventures. For parents, this is also a good end to the day and a great pastime after a hard day at work.

The fairy tale, like a kind great-grandmother, has raised countless children, and the need for her will never fade away.
