The most spectacular films: list

The most spectacular films: list
The most spectacular films: list

Quality as important as spectacle can be the deciding factor in choosing a good movie to watch. Today, in the age of modern computer technology, you won’t surprise the viewer with special effects. And yet, what are the most spectacular films to highlight?

A new world never seen by man

The palm is rightfully occupied by a fantasy drama by James Cameron. Simple and understandable at first glance, the story has broken all conceivable world records for collected awards and box office profits. It is noteworthy that the re-launch of “Avatar” at the box office gathered no less number of viewers who decided to once again touch the mysterious and beautiful world of Pandora. “Avatar” is the most spectacular film of the year.

the most entertaining films
the most entertaining films

Former Marine decides to continue participating in the experiment, replacing his brother. Jake Sully is sent to a planet that scientists are gradually mastering. Here the air, nature, wildlife and local people are completely different, among whom he finds his love…

James Cameron takes pride of place among the few directors who create high-quality spectacular pictures. Avatar is followed by his other films - Titanic and Terminator.

Greatallegory of the 20th century

The Lord of the Rings trilogy is considered one of the most expensive in the history of cinema. And at the same time the most financially successful. Filming took place in picturesque New Zealand. The plot revolves around the War of the Ring. The main character, the hobbit Frodo, goes on a campaign to destroy the Ring of Omnipotence. The Brotherhood is falling apart, but he continues on his final mission to defeat the Dark Lord…

most spectacular movies list
most spectacular movies list

Is there any spectacle in the trilogy? Of course. The peculiarity of the creation lies in the use of such innovative effects as motion capture technology. It was used on Gollum, one of the key characters, who was a fictional mythical creature. Subsequently, this technology has become widespread.

“The Lord of the Rings” deservedly falls into the most spectacular films. The list of paintings is replenished with its prequel, the Hobbit trilogy. The first part titled “An Unexpected Journey” was released in 2014.

Human weaknesses and base needs

“Sin City”, which old friends Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez had a hand in creating, captivated the audience with its stylist. The film is in black and white. Each scene contains an element of color - whether it be the red lips of the heroine or another separately emphasized detail. In addition, the plot is unusual with a large number of diverse characters and several branched stories that intersect in unexpected ways. Big man Marv, performed by Mickey Rourke, the audience called the most impressive character. Referred to as one of the most spectacular computer-generated films, Sin City also features an impressive number of Hollywood's first stars. The sequel, titled “A Dame to Kill For”, alas, was not so successful.

most entertaining film of the year
most entertaining film of the year

Entertainment over history

How well do we remember history? Not your generation and immediate ancestors, but distant times? The events of the historical action-action movie “300 Spartans” will help to understand this. The narrative focuses on the Battle of Thermopylae, which took place in 480 BC. The Persian king Xerxes with his thousandth army was stopped by the Spartans and their leader Leonidas. The unequal battle is diluted with the gloominess of the background, which gave the picture an appropriate atmosphere. All episodes were filmed using a green screen. According to critics, "300 Spartans" is considered the pioneer of this direction. Deservedly ranked among the most spectacular films, "300 …" more than recouped the spent budget. It is also considered a good launching pad for lead actor Gerard Butler.

the most spectacular fantasy films
the most spectacular fantasy films

About the bloodiest battle

Returning to more modern times, it is impossible not to cover such a period as the four years of the Great Patriotic War. Cinema hundreds of times turned to this topic, releasing military films of a dramatic, love-romantic nature. A feature of the Russian painting "Stalingrad" was the large presence of spectacular scenes created withusing innovative technologies. Fyodor Bondarchuk presented not just a film about the war, but a world-class film, combining tragedy, drama, love. However, many viewers noted an excess of completed battle scenes, while others believed that this was what the picture was based on. Be that as it may, "Stalingrad" cannot be left out of the category "The most spectacular films about the war."

the most spectacular war films
the most spectacular war films

Confrontation of worlds

Perhaps the creators of this picture had their hopes for an adult audience, but the film fell in love with teenagers. The plot revealed to the viewer a secret that has been kept for centuries. The robots of alien existence have been fighting for the future of the Universe for a long time. Mankind did not know about this until the Autobots and their opponents, the Decepticons, descended to earth for a decisive battle. The key to salvation lies with an ordinary student Sam, who will have to exchange school problems for universal worries … The most spectacular science fiction films cannot do without Transformers. At the moment, four parts of the franchise have been released.

the most spectacular movies in 3D
the most spectacular movies in 3D

The end of the world: myth or reality?

In 2009, the apocalyptic science fiction film “2012” was released, which tells about the possible end of the world, which has been actively discussed in the press over the past few years. Researchers predicted solar flares and meteorites, huge tsunamis engulfing our earth. Unfortunately, similar cataclysms still occur now.

The main characters of the picture are several people. When it becomesit is clear that the world will be engulfed by a wave of large-scale disasters, each of them trying to save himself and his family. That's just how to do it? The government gives orders to build giant arks. Obviously, the best places will go only to the powerful of this world. Will they be able to survive in the coming global flood? What future awaits them? Undoubtedly, the relevance of "2012" aroused the interest of a large number of viewers who decided to see the picture. It should definitely be included in the most spectacular films.

the most entertaining films
the most entertaining films

We are moving forward

Several bright, memorable films are released every year. All of them gain a multimillion-dollar army of fans around the world. Today's technologies allow you to watch what is happening on the screen with the help of 3D effects, which are so beloved in our country. Thanks to them, everyone can feel real adrenaline, feel close to the on-screen hero. In conclusion, we present the most spectacular films in 3D that have been released since the beginning of the year. TOP 5 looks like this:

  1. "Jurassic World".
  2. “San Andreas Fault.”
  3. “Future Land.”
  4. “Avengers: Age of Ultron.”
  5. “Fast & Furious 7”.
