Popular films of 2015: list of the best

Popular films of 2015: list of the best
Popular films of 2015: list of the best

Every year new films appear. Undoubtedly, it is impossible to revise everything. In our article we will look at the popular films of 2015. The list of these paintings is quite diverse. Therefore, everyone will find a suitable film for themselves.


The main character of the picture is an aircraft designer. His name is Yuri Gordeev. He is on the verge of triumph. The guy worked on creating an aircraft with great capabilities. But one morning he realizes that no one notices him. It turns out that Yuri was in a car accident and became a ghost.

popular movies of 2015 list
popular movies of 2015 list

Now Gordeev can only watch how his company is closed by a competitor. But there is one person in the world who sees Yuri - seventh grader Vanya. This boy is cowardly, his classmates mock him. Although only Vanya can finish Yuri's life's work.

Battalion (2015)

The action in the picture takes place in 1917. The emperor abdicated after the revolution. This changed not only the life of Russia, but also the course of the Great War. During this period, the Bolsheviks are conducting their propaganda with might and main, while the officers cannot decide anything on their own without the soldiers' committee. And this already puts the army at riskcomplete decomposition. In order to raise the morale of the military, the provisional government of the state creates a women's battalion. Maria Bochkareva will command them. During the period of service, these women show a real example of courage and, of course, bravery.

battalion 2015
battalion 2015

The film "Battalion" (2015) is worth watching for girls who lack courage. Indeed, in this picture, ordinary women perform heroic, brave deeds. The picture should be viewed by people over the age of twelve.

Lucky Horoscope

This story is about Max finding his "lucky" horoscope. The guy sincerely believes in him, follows him. At first everything goes really well. He believes that a "lucky" horoscope will help win the heart of his beloved. But then this astrological forecast is rewritten, and his life is crumbling before our eyes.

Fifty Shades of Grey

Which popular films of 2015 deserve attention? The list will continue with the film Fifty Shades of Grey. The main character is Anastasia Steele. She is a very modest student, lives with a classmate. A week before graduation, Kate's friend asks Anastacia to interview billionaire Christian Grey. The girl agrees. But the interview doesn't go well, she thinks she'll never meet Christian again. Suddenly, a handsome billionaire shows up at the store where she works. After that, their acquaintance continues, they have a relationship. Anastacia also learns some of Christian's secrets.

new 2015 movies
new 2015 movies


The film is quite interesting, the plot will appeal to those who love pictures about daredevils.

Territory - a place where people test themselves for strength. It is very cold in this boundless space. But this does not frighten the geologist Ilya Chinkov. Man has dreamed all his life to find the gold of the Territory. For the sake of achieving what he wants, he is ready for anything. Therefore, the geologist gathers a team of daredevils and sets off.

One Left

What other popular films of 2015 are worth watching? The list will continue with the picture "One left." The main character is a successful sculptor named Max. He is a confirmed bachelor. Max has a lot of lucrative orders, as well as a large number of girls.

territory movie
territory movie

But one day everything changes, the usual course of life is violated by his right hand. She literally stops listening to him. The hand behaves like a spoiled girl. Everyone who knows Max thinks he's gone crazy. But only the sculptor understands that this is not the reason.

Astral 3

What other popular movies should you watch in 2015? The list includes horror. It's called Astral 3. This story is about how a teenage girl comes to a gifted psychic Alice. She asks for help. The girl wants to know what is haunting her, because she clearly feels like a target of a supernatural entity. Psychic Alice decides to help her. Although she promised herself that she would no longer communicate with spirits, after all, such sessions are not particularly safe for her either.


Now you know what new items were released in 2015. These films are quite interesting. There are entertaining comedies in the presented list. More instructive pictures can also be found.
