Summary of "Kolobok" - fairy tales for the little ones

Summary of "Kolobok" - fairy tales for the little ones
Summary of "Kolobok" - fairy tales for the little ones

The article contains a summary of "Kolobok" - fairy tales for the smallest.

A little about the fairy tale itself


This is a short magical story with a not-so-happy ending. They tell it to the smallest children - from one to three years old. What is good about the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man":

  • it involves many characters - an old man with an old woman, the bun itself, a hare, a wolf, a bear and a fox, this makes it possible to introduce the child to many characters at once;
  • frequent repetitions make it easy to remember;
  • A simple plot and a rare change of scenery allow the child to better perceive the story.

Of course, the end of the fairy tale is sad - the fox deceives the bun and eats it. The child may get upset. The task of an adult is to present this story in such a way that the kid clearly understands who is who, understands the very essence of what is happening.

The moral of the story is very simple and clear even to the youngest children - you need to obey adults, you can't run away from home, you can't trust strangers, not all gentle words are true. To lead the child to these thoughts, you must first read him a fairy tale, and then discuss in simple phrases: whom did he remember in thisfairy tale (list the characters), who is good (old people), who is bad (fox), who is naughty (kolobok) and so on.

Summary of "Kolobok"


Once upon a time there was an old man and an old woman. The old man asked the old woman to bake him a bun. The old woman kneaded the dough and baked a wonderful ruddy bun. I put it on the window to study. Kolobok soon got tired of lying on the window, he jumped off and ran away. Rolled down the path straight into the woods. In the forest I first met a bunny who said: "Kolobok, kolobok, I'll eat you!" “Don’t eat me, I’ll sing a song for you,” the bun asked and sang a funny song to the bunny about how the old woman baked it and how he ran away. And then he rolled through the forest. On the way he saw a gray wolf and a bear. They also wanted to eat the kolobok, but he sang his fervent song to everyone and ran away. But then he met a cunning fox gingerbread man. He also sang his song to her and wanted to roll on, but the dexterous fox deceived him. She praised our unlucky traveler, complained that she could not hear well, and asked him to sit on her tongue and sing his wonderful song again. Gingerbread Man was glad that his song was liked, and, without thinking, jumped on the tongue of a cunning red beast, which immediately swallowed him. Am - and no kolobok!

Here on such a not very joyful note and finish the summary of "Kolobok". The story that the Russian people wrote is really small, but very informative.

Characteristics of heroes


It's hard to say who the main characters of the fairy tale are"Kolobok". It can be unequivocally argued that the gingerbread man himself is the central character, while the rest of the characters (and muzzles) - the old man with the old woman and forest animals - appear in the fairy tale for a short time and all perform equivalent actions. Everyone's character is different:

  • kolobok - naughty and boastful;
  • old people are hardworking and simple-hearted;
  • hare, wolf and bear are stupid;
  • fox - smart, cunning and dexterous.

Now you know the summary of "Kolobok", the moral of the tale and how to properly tell it to a child.
