Actress Linda Darnell: photo, biography, films

Actress Linda Darnell: photo, biography, films
Actress Linda Darnell: photo, biography, films

Eloise Darnell's coin shone on the big screen in the 1940s. The beauty with a chiseled figure and the face of an angel won the hearts of millions of viewers with her wide smile and cheerful disposition. But was the life of a Hollywood star really that joyful?

How it all began

Linda Darnell started her acting career when she was 11 years old. The charming girl walked the catwalk and showed children's outfits until theatrical agents noticed her. From the age of 13, she begins to perform on stage and plays in several productions. The talent of the girly girl quickly liked one Hollywood producer, and she was offered to go to Los Angeles for a screen test. But trouble came out - the girl lied about her age in order to pass the casting, and the deception was soon revealed. I had to leave my dreams of a big movie for a while. It is worth noting that the girl herself never wanted to become an actress. But her mother left her no choice - a harsh woman decided everything for her daughter. The girl did not feel acting talent in herself and without much zeal set foot on the path of show business.

linda darnell
linda darnell

First steps

After three years, the girl returns to the Cityangels to star in her first film, Blood and Sand. In the film, she had a chance to play the role of a faithful and loving wife. Her husband brazenly cheats with a secular beauty in front of his wife. The entire cast and crew were in love with young Linda. She easily managed to play such a tragic role at the age of 18. The film was a huge success, and the name of Linda Darnell became known to the whole world. The mother holds on to the successful daughter with all her hands and robs her like sticky. She appropriates all the income for herself and does not want to share. Only a year later, the girl was able to free herself from her mother's care. However, the fighting woman does not intend to lose we alth and begins to sue her daughter for the right to own her money. Only by entering into marriage, the girl was able to get rid of the obsessive and arrogant parent. So from the biography of Linda Darnell, her own mother disappeared. But who dares blame the actress?

linda darnell photo
linda darnell photo

Real success

After the premiere of the first picture, offers fell on the girl, as if from a cornucopia. She could choose her own roles. "Bernadette's Song" and "Buffalo Bill" cemented her fame as a successful actress. This was followed by a series of equally popular films, but these roles no longer pleased Linda Darnell. Her partners on the set collected awards and prizes for their roles, and the girl herself has not received anything over the years. However, this did not break the actress, and she continued to act in films, in the hope that soon her talent would be appreciated.

linda darnell biography
linda darnell biography


Having received the firstrecognition and feeling like a star, actress Linda Darnell decided to get married. In 1943, she was legally married to cinematographer Jay Marley. The man was 22 years older than her. At the age of 19, the girl decided to become a mother, but it turned out that nature did not give her such an opportunity. So the first adopted daughter, Charlotte, appears in the family. After eight years of marriage, the couple separated, and the girl stayed with her mother.

linda darnell actress
linda darnell actress

According to the calculation

The second marriage became less successful: businessman Philip Liebmann did not justify her hopes. For a year and a half, Linda tried to save their relationship and even adopted another girl, Alfreda. But you can’t order your heart - the beauty did not love her husband and could not live with him under the same roof. Initially, she married him only out of selfish motives. Having decided in this way to improve her financial situation, the actress had no idea how difficult it would be for her to live with an unloved person.

After the divorce, the adopted daughter chose to stay with her we althy father. During this marriage, Linda significantly damaged her reputation. She managed to fall in love with a married colleague, and this brought a lot of pain. All of Hollywood became aware of the novel, and the girl began to take a bottle in between filming. The journalists were delighted when they interviewed the drunk star, who poured selective abuse and looked very defiant in skimpy outfits. Love without reciprocity pushes her to a desperate step, and the girl tries to commit suicide. This case puts an end to her acting career.

Lindadarnell actress
Lindadarnell actress

Attempt 3

After two years, the woman marries again. By that time, Linda Darnell did not act in films and almost did not receive offers from directors. Marriage to pilot Merle Robertson was based on mutual feelings and intense passion. Their romance became the subject of discussion at all Hollywood parties, and the couple decided to get married in order to shut the mouths of all the gossips. This marriage is like an emotional funnel: the more time passed, the more he pulled the actress to the bottom. Against the backdrop of constant scandals and even fights, a woman begins to get involved in alcohol and gains a lot of extra pounds. There can no longer be any talk of leading roles in films. Having learned about her husband's betrayal with a young actress, she immediately arranges a fight with her mistress right in the restaurant for the amusement of all the people. The divorce was as turbulent as their family life. The press relished the details of their scandals, and after that the spouses themselves began to pour mud at each other in the print media.

linda darnell life years
linda darnell life years

The Last Years of Linda Darnell

Having lost all her connections and left out of social life, Linda completely sells her property and buys a small house in the province. After all the scandals and trials, she no longer has the strength to fight addiction. The last marriage finally broke some kind of bar in her, and she set off in all serious ways far from the noisy metropolis. Photos of Linda Darnell are no longer printed in the press, and if such a bold magazine were found, then no one would recognize the reference Hollywood in a plump For three years of living away from cameras and spotlights, she turned into a simple rural woman with a persistent alcohol syndrome. Linda could no longer live without a bottle and used her last means to arrange noisy drinking parties with new friends.

linda darnell
linda darnell

Many people wanted to visit the house of the famous actress, and even more so to have a brotherhood drink with her. Another binge ended in tragedy. After seeing off the guests, Linda lit a cigarette and lay down on the sofa. She immediately passed out and woke up when the house was already on fire. Terrified, she managed to get to her daughter's room and helped her out. But the actress herself did not have time to leave the burning mansion. The doorknob was already red-hot, and the woman suffocated in a puff of smoke. When firefighters arrived, they managed to extract only the remains of the once famous artist from the house. They were later cremated, as Linda requested in her will. But they were able to bury only after 10 years. The daughter did not have money for this procedure, and only years later her husband gave rest to the ashes of her mother-in-law.

linda darnell movies
linda darnell movies

Tragic Fate

Beautiful Linda was only 41 years old when her life was tragically cut short. She never blamed anyone for her mistakes and problems. She even forgave her own mother and was grateful to her for the push to the career ladder. However, if the parent did not insist on her acting, then perhaps Linda would have lived a long happy life, working somewhere in a government organization. Viewers can only watch films with this wonderful actress and regret hersudden death.
