Igor Yankovsky is one of the clan

Igor Yankovsky is one of the clan
Igor Yankovsky is one of the clan

The famous acting dynasty of the Yankovsky family is known far beyond the borders of Russia. Everyone bearing this surname is certainly a very talented and gifted person. Igor Yankovsky is no exception, who, unlike other relatives, is not only an actor, but also a businessman.

The acting background of one of the…

On April 29, 1951, a new representative of their famous family was born in the Yankovsky family. The boy was named Igor. The baby's dad was Rostislav Yankovsky - a wonderful theater and film actor. Igor's uncle was the magnificent and unforgettable Oleg Yankovsky ("The Same Munghausen", "In Love of His Own Will"), who for many years was, is and remains an actor adored by millions of viewers.

Igor Yankovsky
Igor Yankovsky

Even in childhood, parents noticed artistic inclinations in their son. They decided to support him in the future if he decides to connect his life with cinema. This is what happened a few years later. Yankovsky Igor did not want to lag behind his eminent relatives. He followed in their footsteps.

In 1974 he received his diplomaTheater School named after Shchukin. And then he joined the troupe of the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya. Under the shadow of these scenes, he served for nearly twenty years.

His film masterpieces

Igor Yankovsky, whose family supported any of his undertakings, came to the set in the mid-seventies of the last century. For two decades, he was "under the gun" of the movie camera, playing a huge number of interesting and diverse roles. Each of his characters is a person. And it doesn't matter if it's a positive hero or not. The main thing is that in embodying each of them, Igor Yankovsky gave them a piece of himself.

And the characters were indeed quite entertaining both from the point of view of an ordinary viewer and at the same time a professional critic. This is Geraldine Jr. from a fascinating picture about the adventures of Prince Florizel, and Viktor Korablev from the Soviet detective "Charlotte's Necklace". And the treasure hunter Oleg Nikolaevich Torchinsky, who was hit by a car, from the action-packed film "Golden Mine", and the businessman Vadim from the film "Confession of a Kept Woman", and Dmitry Selivanov from the sports film "At the Beginning of the Game", and Pyotr Krasov from the drama "Such as We !”.

Igor Yankovsky personal life
Igor Yankovsky personal life

In those distant years, Igor Rostislavovich was a very famous, popular actor. His photographs adorned almost every issue of magazines dealing with the affairs of the theater and cinema. But one day an important moment came for him, because he decides to leave his beloved profession.


In an interview written shortly after leavingfrom big cinema, Igor Yankovsky, whose biography is not as widely known as that of his "star" relatives, shared with reporters that everything happened too spontaneously and unexpectedly for himself. His friend bought a brokerage firm and provided an opportunity for Jankowski to work for his own good in tandem with him. Igor Rostislavovich thought about it and agreed.

At first they traded in grain. After some time, their joint business "went uphill" well. They came up with the idea of doing advertising.

Together with Vladimir Evstafiev, Igor Yankovsky creates an advertising agency. In such a simple way, old friends became a kind of pioneers of this new business in the country at that time.

igor yankovsky family
igor yankovsky family

For some time he tried to combine the new business with the past work - theater and cinema. Unfortunately, he had to part with art, because, as he himself seriously states, advertising should either be taken seriously or not at all.

Serious activity

Thanks to the fact that he has come to grips with business, for the second decade, since 2004, Igor Yankovsky is a co-founder and head of the Advertising Cartel agency and president of the Association of Communication Agencies of Russia.

Sometimes he very sincerely regrets that the cinema has remained for him in the distant past. But as you know, there are some exceptions to the rules. Therefore, in 2002, Igor Rostislavovich accepted with great pleasure an offer from his cousin PhilipYankovsky to star in his film called "In Motion". It was a wonderful time, a return to youth. True, after this film there were no new paintings in his biography. Not yet. So admirers of Igor Yankovsky's talent should not lose hope of seeing his new works in cinema.

Igor Yankovsky biography
Igor Yankovsky biography

He is like Igor Yankovsky. His personal life is not taken out of the family clan. Only one not very pleasant fact is known. A few years ago, his son Denis was detained by law enforcement officers when he sold two bags of drugs. The "star" dad was not aware of the addictions of his overage child, who was sentenced to four years probation.
