Journey into the world of love and romance with Diana Palmer

Journey into the world of love and romance with Diana Palmer
Journey into the world of love and romance with Diana Palmer

A popular author of over a hundred books, Diana Palmer began her writing career as a reporter. Currently ranked among America's Top 10 Romance Writers, she tells sensual romance stories with her usual charm and humor. Diana lives with her family in Cornelia, Georgia. Writing books for her is something more than a job, it is her life, in which the role of wife, mother and grandmother is no less important.

Writer Diana Palmer
Writer Diana Palmer

Life path

Diana Palmer (real name Susan Eloise Spath) was born December 12, 1946 in Cuthbert, United States. Her mother was a nurse who combined her profession with journalism, and her father was a college professor. Together with their younger sister, they grew up in Chambley, Georgia, where Diana graduated from high school in 1964. In her youth, she read the works of the American writer Zane Grain and had a passion for cowboys.

9 OctoberShe married James Edward Kyle in 1972, and in 1980 they had a son, who, according to Diana Palmer, became the main creative achievement of her life.

At 54, she returned to college, inspired by her husband, who left his job in adulthood to earn a degree in computer programming. In 1995, she received a bachelor's degree in history and two majors in archeology and Spanish. She was a member of the Native American Rights Foundation, the American Museum of Natural History, the Institute of Archeology, the Planetary Society, and many other conservation and charitable organizations.

Diana Palmer books
Diana Palmer books

Writing career

Before becoming a writer, she worked as a newspaper reporter and has sixteen years of experience working for various dailies and weeklies, including The Gainesville Times and the Tri-County Advertiser. After honing her pen in reporting, Susan decided to get serious about writing and devote herself to a career in writing.

In 1979, Diana Palmer's novels were introduced to readers through MacFadden Romance, and in 1980, Susan wrote the science fiction novel The Morcai Battalion. Between 1982 and 1990, she published seven novels under the pseudonym Diana Blaine (the name of her son), and in 1984 she sold a novel under the pseudonym Cathy Curry. She also used her last name, Kyle, from 1988 to 1995 for seven romance novels published by Warner Books. Currently, she only uses the most famous pseudonym - Diana Palmer.and works with three New York publishers.

She has more than 150 books in her creative portfolio, most of which have been translated and published in many countries. In 1998, the film "Precious Love" was released based on the novel by a famous writer. Diana Palmer writes historical novels, romance stories and science fiction. Has received numerous awards for his contributions to the field of literature.

In the list of the author's most famous books published in Russian:

  • "Soft heart".
  • "September morning".
  • "Nora".
  • "My heart is yours, love".
  • "The best dad ever".
  • "Mysterious Stranger".
  • "Revival of feelings".

A little personal

Diana Palmer is an interesting versatile person, and her range of interests is very wide. Numerous hobbies include gardening, archaeology, anthropology, astronomy, and music. She is very fond of animals, especially iguanas.

When I was more mobile, I was fond of traveling and, according to her, never met a person whom she did not like. Being a person of faith, he respects all religions and cultures. Diana enjoys getting mail from her readers, but she doesn't always have the ability to respond quickly. In his spare time, he prefers to sleep.

Love and passion in the books of Diana Palmer
Love and passion in the books of Diana Palmer

The place of romance in our lives

At a time when some people are reprehensible to romantic works and consider reading such literature uselessa waste of time, others enthusiastically read romance novels. And it provides certain benefits that we may not even realize.

Just as science fiction takes an interest in time travel and a hidden mystery reveals the possibilities of our thinking, romance invites a celebration of love that engages readers and teaches some valuable lessons along the way. There is some exciting magic in these novels, where happiness, passion and love reign.

Admittedly, not all romantic works have this effect, and the quality of many of them leaves much to be desired. Still, it's impossible to judge a genre based on a couple of books. It may take time to find your author, but if it does, an exciting and exciting adventure awaits. According to numerous reader reviews, Diana Palmer's books can be excellent guides to the realm of romance and love.
