Artist Natalia Akimova. Born into the light, gone into cruel sadness

Artist Natalia Akimova. Born into the light, gone into cruel sadness
Artist Natalia Akimova. Born into the light, gone into cruel sadness

Clearly, dryly, in the lines of the biographies of famous people, politicians, artists, a certain trend can be traced. The more famous the person, her life, full of tragic or, conversely, joyful events, accomplishments, achievements - the less information in these figures that the reader is most interested in learning. A striking example of this fact is a brief summary of the life and career of an actress named Natalya Akimova. You can say the quiet, calm life of an ordinary woman from the outback.

Natalya Akimova
Natalya Akimova

Short biography

Judge for yourself. Originally from Estonia (Tallinn). Date of birth - the sixteenth of October 1957. After high school, she came to Leningrad and entered the LGITM and K. Year of graduation - 1979. Natalya Akimova, an actress by education, immediately received a distribution to the Tomsk Youth Theater, where she worked until 1980. She returned to the city forNeva and until 1983 served in the BDT named after M. Gorky. Starting from the eighty-third and to this day, she has been an artist of the Theater of Europe. 1994 brought the title of Honored. Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR for the performance of Lisa in ''Brothers and Sisters'' (1994). Married twice. The first marriage was with actor Andrei Krasko, followed by Igor Sklyar, popular in the film “We are from Jazz”. Has from the last son of Vasily. Currently lives in Pushkin.

Natalya Akimova. Personal life
Natalya Akimova. Personal life

Something like this. Strict, dry, concise information, nothing emotional. And very few circles of a wide readership are aware of the ups and downs of the life and creative path of this extraordinary, original personality. A mysterious actress named Natalya Akimova. Why did she turn from a bright, naive young artist with huge luminous green eyes into a woman who plays exclusively tragic characters, with a difficult fate? And the most amazing thing is that they come out incomparably convincing, reliable.

Mask of acting - rock

And not because they offer only such roles, not at all because the role has changed. The captivating gleam of carefree happiness from a woman named Natalya Akimova disappeared from her eyes. After all, the mirrors of the soul, as the organ of vision is poetically called, reflect the inner world of the female nature, the anguish of the heart, the tears of joy, the despair that they experience in everyday life. How to know! How many such gifts did our heroine put on the magical and intoxicating altar of Melpomene…

Natalya Akimova. Biography
Natalya Akimova. Biography

It is impossible to fully reveal and tell about the mysterious Natalya Akimova as an artist, if you do not pay attention to an important aspect. Which? The influence of the appearance of a cruel nuance in theatrical canvases. Without exaggeration, we can say that she has become a performer of the ''cruel cry'' genre. Embodies the unfortunate, mentally and physically wretched, thrown ''lost shares'' to the outskirts - but with such a steely gleam in his eyes, which was not observed in the former meek artist! With what frenzied passion for self-destruction she draws her images, how grotesquely she emphasizes this character trait of her characters, savoring their misfortune, reveling in their grief.

Closed soul panel named Natalia Akimova

Private life, unlike the sides of the profession, not all representatives of this art are wide open. Many of them, such as Oleg Basilashvili, Alisa Freindlikh, Mikhail Boyarsky, despite their wild fame, are very closed people in this regard. In the same way, the personal life of actress Natalya Akimova is not for public display. She will be happy to tell in an interview about her numerous leading roles or episodic ones in a file cabinet, share her doubts about certain moments in performances. But journalists can't wait to open their souls, dragging out into the light of God some ''fried, tasty'' details of their life, life, relationships with men.

Natalya Akimova. Personal life. With I. Sklyar
Natalya Akimova. Personal life. With I. Sklyar

It is possible to guess where the hysterical note of harsh tin came from. To your he althfantasy! But all conjectures that are not supported by convincing evidence will remain empty talk and another exaggerated one-day.

A track record and soft Akimov reflection

The Russian female base in Natalia Akimova is strong. Whatever happens, everything will endure, only it will appear, sometime in the soft, greenish girlish eyes of Akimov, here is that terrible cold reflection of the experienced.

It is not necessary to remind once again about the numerous track record. Everyone can do it and get acquainted with it. There is information about theatrical performances in which Natalya Akimova successfully played, whose biography and cinematic portraits are simply amazing.

Natalya Akimova. Actress
Natalya Akimova. Actress

Bright hope of mercy

We believe, we want to hope that time will somehow ease, remove the heavy burden that does not allow spring ringing laughter to escape. God's mercy will certainly never leave this actress and amazing person. The personal life of an actress and a person named Natalya Akimova will also be happy, and the thirst for new good discoveries and achievements in creativity will not bypass joy.
