How to draw a sword? Step-by-step instruction

How to draw a sword? Step-by-step instruction
How to draw a sword? Step-by-step instruction

Everyone probably knows what it is, but how to draw a sword is not an easy task for many. In addition, this concept is very multifaceted.

What do we know?

There are various types of these melee weapons, which were primarily used by knights. And the sword has always been an integral part of the martial arts of the East. Many antique dealers buy antique blades for crazy money. It is also a prestigious collectible.

how to draw a sword
how to draw a sword

What is it made of?

Thinking about how to draw a sword, you first need to imagine its design. And it consists of the main parts: a blade and a hilt (which includes a hilt, a crosspiece and a pommel).

The blade, in turn, is a blade, fuller and shank. Moreover, the blade can be in the form of a lens, a hexagon or a rhombus. The so-called fuller acts as a stiffener and as a way to lighten the sword. A guard (cross), a handle and an apple (top) are usually mounted on the shank.

A bit of history

The purpose of the guard is to prevent the hand from slipping onto the sharp blade. Also protect the hands from the blows of the enemy. So that the guard does not move out onto the handle, it was supported by woodenhandle covers. The pommel has another task - to support the hand so that the sword does not fly out when struck. So is balancing. Recall that for a long time before the advent of firearms (and even after), the sword was the main equipment of warriors from various countries. How to draw a sword? Now that we have a rough idea of the design of this weapon, we can proceed to the actual image of it.

how to draw a sword step by step
how to draw a sword step by step

How to draw a sword step by step

We will need paper, an eraser, soft pencils.

Step 1

The sword is a symmetrical and geometric figure. However, this weapon has many forms, depending on the purpose and application. Therefore, first decide which sword you want to draw: two-handed, straight, curved, short Greek or oriental.

Step 2

Decide: will your sword be in the hands of a warrior or on its own? In the first case, draw a figure first, leaving room for a weapon in your hand. Then draw directly the sword itself.

Step 3

We will draw a two-handed knight's two-bladed sword. It is symmetrical. The blade is quite long. The weapon itself looks pretty heavy. Although rumors that some knightly swords weighed up to fifty kilograms are greatly exaggerated. As a rule, such weapons weighed no more than ten or even five kg.

how to draw a sword with a pencil
how to draw a sword with a pencil

Step 4

Draw a sketch of the sword. To do this, we draw a long vertical (can be inclined) line (blade) in the center of the sheet. We cross it with a shorthorizontal (perpendicular) at the top. This is a guard. At the very top, we outline an apple in the form of a small circle. Decide on the width of our sword. Knight's weapons are not wide, but sharpened on both sides. The blade is long and narrow. The handle is strong. Guard in the form of a cross. By the way, the medieval sword of the era of chivalry looked like a cross, as if emphasizing the religiosity of the mission.

Step 5

Thinking about how to draw a sword with a pencil, we need to take care of the decoration of the weapon, because in many cultures it is a symbol. Often it was decorated with the emblems and mottos of the clan. It is also the arbiter of justice, and also an indicator of the mastery of the owner, the owner. So, let's start finishing our sword: we erase unnecessary lines, add patterns, a knight's coat of arms, carefully draw the details. If desired, you can add a background, for example, red. In general, steel gray tones are ideal for the drawing, which are perfectly conveyed by graphics: pencil, charcoal. Let's shade the shadows. It is necessary that our sword shine and sparkle in the sun! If you want, you can make the handle multi-colored. For this we use colored pencils. Weapons ready for battle!

Now you know how to draw a sword - in this case, a knightly one.
