How to draw an eye in watercolor?

How to draw an eye in watercolor?
How to draw an eye in watercolor?

If you are starting to learn to paint with watercolors, then small watercolor sketches (etudes) will help you in this training. Drawing various parts of the body or face is a useful activity. In this article, you will learn how to draw an eye with watercolor. In the future, this skill may come in handy.

Eye drawing
Eye drawing

Preparatory stage

In order to draw an eye with watercolor, the following items are needed:

  • pencil (plain or red for sketching);
  • sheet of A5 watercolor paper;
  • eraser;
  • watercolors (if you want the color to be saturated and stay on paper for a long time, then you should not use honey watercolor);
  • brushes in several sizes;
  • clean water;
  • wooden tablet or glass;
  • adhesive tape or glue.

Those who have worked with watercolor at least once know that paper ripples when wet. To avoid this problem, a sheet of paper must be fixed on a drawing tablet, but if you are still a beginner, you can use glass for this purpose. This should be done afterhow to sketch on paper.


First of all, in order to draw an eye in watercolor, you need to make a pencil sketch.

The first step. In the center of the sheet, draw a small circle, this will be the iris of the eye. Draw a smaller circle inside - this is the pupil.

Second step. Draw the upper and lower eyelids around the iris. Now you need to draw a rough outline of the eyebrow above the eye.

Third step. Use the eraser to erase extra or too bright sketch lines. It is necessary to leave only a slightly noticeable outline.

Eye sketch
Eye sketch


To paint an eye with watercolor, you need to properly "stretch" the paper, otherwise the sheet will lead.

If you have a drawing tablet, just put paper on it. Gently wet the sheet with a brush to speed up the process, you can use a spray gun. Once the sheet is wet enough, fold the corners back and secure with glue.

If you don't have a wooden tablet, you can use glass. Even simple glass from a photo frame will do, the format does not have to be A5, the main thing is no less. We soak the sheet on glass, it is important that the sheet is even without the slightest bumps. Use masking tape to attach the sheet to the glass around the entire perimeter.

If you don't follow these easy steps, your watercolor eye drawing will be ruined.

Filling a picture with color

  • With the help of loose burnt sienna, we work out the folds and contours of the eyelids. External and internal cornerseyes should be given the most attention, here the color needs to be reapplied for greater saturation. It is also necessary to fill the entire eyebrow with a light color.
  • Fill the edges of the iris with a pale shade of color chosen for the eye, fill the pupil completely with black, for example, pale blue. In the burnt sienna, which was used earlier, we add quite a bit of black. Outline the edges of the eyebrows and eyelids with the resulting color.
  • Our eyes are never completely white, so let's add some red. It is necessary to mix sienna, red cadmium and a fairly large amount of water. With the resulting shade, it is necessary to work out the outer and inner corners of the eye. We work out the lower bend of the eyebrow with brown paint.
  • Let's get back to the iris. It is necessary to refine its outline with cob alt blue and a blue tint. Dark brown or black lightly draw a line of eyelash growth. We draw the shadow zones of the eyes before working on the eyelashes. At the inner corner of the eye on the lower eyelid, with barely noticeable lines, we outline the first few small eyelashes. On the eyeball (under the upper eyelid) we work out a small shadow from the eyelashes and the eyelid.
  • Mixing Indian red and white, with the resulting shade we draw the folds of the lower and upper eyelids, the eyebrow and the corner of the eye. The folds of the eyelids need to be treated with sienna. In a darker tone, we work out the edge of the iris. Draw a small white highlight above the pupil.
Drawing in progress
Drawing in progress
  • With some dark shade (brown/dark brown/black) draw the eyebrows and darken the creases and corners of the eyelids, graduallydraw dark eyelashes. Darken the lower contour and the end of the eyebrow a little.
  • The contour of the iris and the pupil are once again working out with black paint. On the iris, draw blue/turquoise/blue veins. Making the white highlight more accurate.
Finished drawing
Finished drawing

Now you know how to draw an eye in watercolor step by step.
