Director and screenwriter Michael Davis

Director and screenwriter Michael Davis
Director and screenwriter Michael Davis

Writer and director Michael Davis was born in the UK in 1961. His birthday is August 1st.


In 1994, the American sci-fi thriller "Double Dragon" was released, and Michael Davis was among the screenwriters of the picture.

michael davis
michael davis

The main characters of this film are brothers who are masters of oriental martial arts. Having set off in search of a magical talisman, they come to grips with the demons blocking their path. The script was based on a computer game popular in those years.

The work of Michael Davis - director and screenwriter. 20th century

In 1994, the science fiction film Jack and the Beanstalk, based on the famous fairy tale, was released. A boy named Jack planted a bean seed that accidentally got into his house. The stem of the plant grew and disappeared into the clouds, and Jack, driven by curiosity, decided to get to the top of the beanstalk and ended up in an amazing world inhabited by giants.

The script for the film, in addition to Davis, was written by Debra Dion and the Charles Band, and the actor J. D. Daniels, the star of the TV series Quantum Leap (the first episodes were first shown in 1989) and "Nanny" (launched in 1993).

Michael Davis films: 21century

The plot of the comedy "One Hundred Girls and One in an Elevator" is the embodiment of the wildest fantasies of unbridled youth. First-year student Matthew wanders around the sorority in hopes of finding the girl he spent the night with in the blacked-out elevator.

michael davis movies
michael davis movies

Michael Davis entrusted the lead role to 18-year-old Jonathan Tucker, already known for his films Two by the Sea, Sleepers and The Virgin Suicides.

One Hundred Girls and One in an Elevator premiered in 2000.

The film "Girl Fever" director and screenwriter Michael Davis presented to the audience in 2002. To embody the images of the main characters, he invited actors Chad Donella (known from the film "Castle") and Jennifer Morrison (became famous thanks to the film projects "Warrior" and "Once Upon a Time").

Sam is a talented artist, but one hundred percent loser and lazy. He can take the initiative only in anticipation of a romantic date with a member of the opposite sex.

A chance encounter with a beautiful stranger led him to sneak into the female student dorm and look for the one whose smile made him sleepless.

michael davis director
michael davis director

Comedy horror "Road Monster" was first shown in 2003. The main characters of the film are fellow students. After receiving an invitation to a classmate's wedding, they get into the car and hit the road.

Having picked up a charming traveling companion, Adam and Harley are already making plans for the upcoming weekend, when they suddenly discover thatforced to flee from a bloodthirsty mutant in a huge car that is chasing them on their heels.

Starring actors Eric Jungmann (known to viewers from the movie "Castle") and Justin Urich (appeared in some scenes of the films "Lake of Fear 2", "Third Planet from the Sun" and "Buffy the Vampire Slayer").

About Shoot 'Em Up

shoot them
shoot them

This film was released in 2007 by New Line Cinema. Most of the users of the Global Network who watched this movie online and left their reviews were dissatisfied. The basis for dissatisfaction was a deceptive plot: an action-adventure, according to dissatisfied viewers, is gradually turning into a black comedy.

Working on the film, Michael Davis once again realized himself as a director and screenwriter. The project was produced by Rick Benattar, Don Murphy, Susan Montford, Toby Emmerich (co-founder of New Line Cinema), Douglas Curtis, Cale Boyter and Jeff Katz.

A casual passer-by witnesses a terrible lynching: several armed men are trying to send a pregnant woman to the next world. Having stood up for the poor thing, the man becomes a defendant in someone else's (and even involved in politics) showdown.

Director Michael Davies invited Clive Owen, an English film actor who became famous thanks to his brilliant performance in the 1997 film drama Attraction, to play the lead role. In the Davis film, the actor played Mr. Smith, an unprepossessing lover of raw carrots.

It is not known how fate would have turned outMr. Smith and an orphaned baby, if not for Donna - an inhabitant of a local brothel. She was played by the Italian actress Monica Bellucci, known for the films Doberman, Brotherhood of the Wolf, Malena…

Shoot 'Em Up had a $39 million budget and a worldwide box office gross of $26,718,550.
