Best Youth Comedies of 2013

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Best Youth Comedies of 2013
Best Youth Comedies of 2013

Video: Best Youth Comedies of 2013

Video: Best Youth Comedies of 2013
Video: Robert De Niro | Cambridge Union 2024, June

For many, the comedy genre is a favorite. This is understandable: when life is full of various worries and troubles, you always want to relax and laugh heartily. 2013 was rich in films of the comedy genre, many released tapes made even the most serious person smile. We present to your attention the three most memorable films that were rightfully included in the list of "Best Youth Comedies of 2013".

21 and over

best teen comedies
best teen comedies

Opens our hit parade with a freaky comedy that can rightfully compete with the legendary "The Hangover" or "Project X". If the first one showed us at one time how hard it is for adult uncles to wake up in the morning with a wild hangover and lose a friend, and the second told us about how modern American youth can come off, then the film "21 and More" skillfully combined all the advantages of these films. However, unlike the "Bachelor Party", here the guys did not lose a friend, but the house in which he lives. And it all began with the words: “Yes, we will only drink a bottle of beer.” Perhaps, it is on this phrase that everyone will smile maliciously, knowing from their own experience that everything will not end well. This is what happened to the guys who barely persuaded their friend to celebrate 21 daysbirthday on the eve of a very important and serious interview. Of course, it didn't end with a bottle of beer or one bar. As soon as the guys had plenty of fun and got pretty drunk, they realized that the birthday boy was passed out. And then it dawns on them that they have no idea where he lives. This is where the night of fun mayhem begins. The comedy is really funny and will appeal to many, especially young people who recently celebrated their 21st birthday. Thanks to the funny confusion happening on the screen, we include it in the best youth comedies.

Movie 43

best teen comedies of 2013
best teen comedies of 2013

A wild and unprecedented comedy with such a rich cast that one wonders how they could give their consent to participate in this film mayhem. It's one thing when it comes to young actors like Emma Stone or Anna Faris, but seeing Kate Winslet or Richard Gere in a movie was pretty amazing. This is a New Year's film that entered the youth comedies of 2013. The list of the best has been supplemented over time, displacing it from the first places. In addition, many critics spoke very negatively about this film, not appreciating the dark humor of the film. In any case, there are people who will like it. 12 short novels, funny and just weird, combined into one whole film, deserve to be included in the best teen comedies of 2013.

We are the Millers

teen comedies 2013 best list
teen comedies 2013 best list

The most recently released film, which has already broken all records for the number of positive reviews aboutcomedies of this kind. This film was highly appreciated not only by ordinary viewers, but also by experienced film critics, which already indicates that it successfully broke into our rating of "Best Youth Comedies of 2013". In addition to excellent humor and sparkling jokes, the picture also has a non-standard plot. The protagonist earns his living by selling weed. One day, his calm and measured business fails, and he becomes indebted to his supplier. In order to pay off, he needs to smuggle a shipment of contraband from Mexico. But how can you do it discreetly? Everything is very simple, you need to introduce a cynical stripper, an interested boy and an informal girl into the business in order to pretend to be a happy Miller family. As you can imagine, the plan is not without gaps. It is for this approach to the comedy genre and first-class humor that this film entered the list of "best teen comedies".
