How to draw a Creeper from Minecraft

How to draw a Creeper from Minecraft
How to draw a Creeper from Minecraft

One of the most popular games today is Minecraft, which, despite its apparent ease, has won the love of users around the world. As is the case with any other objects and characters of your favorite games, Minecraft heroes are trying to be depicted on paper. Following the instruction given below, everyone will be able to learn how to draw Creeper, one of the game monsters.

What is Minecraft?

how to draw a creeper from minecraft
how to draw a creeper from minecraft

The game is based on the process of building various objects. This is a kind of creativity that allows you to create the most bizarre and amazing structures. An unusual and seemingly old-fashioned world, built from a thousand cubes, captivates all generations of users for long hours - from young to old. Many of them are trying to put on paper at least some elements of the game world, they are interested, for example, in how to draw a Creeper or some other monsters that they have to fight in the game.

Who is the Creeper?

how to draw a creeper
how to draw a creeper

Fans, of course, should not be explained who this monster is and what role it plays in the world of Minecraft. But for those who just want to replenish their gallery with a new originaldrawing and wants to know more about the character to be portrayed, we will give information on this matter. Perhaps she will help figure out how to draw a Creeper.

If you turn on the game and see a green, almost silently moving monster, which, when the player approaches, starts hissing and explodes after a second and a half, be sure that you were not mistaken: this is the Creeper. It is called the kamikaze monster because, in addition to destroying everything around it, it also disappears when it explodes.

Drawing a Creeper

The following instruction will help all those who want to know how to draw a Creeper from Minecraft, but have no idea where to start their drawing. To do this, you need to follow a few simple steps, focusing on the diagram below.

  1. Draw two rectangles from picture 1, which will be the body of the Creeper.
  2. Finish the legs, trying to achieve maximum parallelism with the body. You can use the line. The result should be drawing number 2.
  3. Depict the head and face of the monster, adding a mouth and eyes to make the image number 3.
  4. Add a few lines to the Creeper's legs, as done in figure 4.
  5. Shade the drawing, highlighting the feet, eyes and mouth of the resulting monster with a darker shade. Figure 5 is what should be the result.
how to draw a creeper step by step
how to draw a creeper step by step

The algorithm described above will help you figure out how to draw a Creeper step by step. Even if younever held a pencil and paper in their hands, portraying this character will not be such a difficult task. Perhaps a few tricks will help you with this, which we will discuss later.

Tricks for beginners

These tips may not seem so brilliant after reading, but they will greatly simplify the task for those who want, but do not know how to draw a Creeper from Minecraft.

For their first experiments, novice artists can use not ordinary landscape paper, but notebook paper, in a cage. The thing is that the basis for all the characters in the game is a cube, so it will be very convenient to mark the borders of the future drawing with dots and connect them to get the most even lines, and as a result, a beautiful and more accurate image.

If you find it difficult to connect several figures into one the first time, and you are unhappy with the result, you can practice on paper, depicting and connecting individual elements. The most important thing is to understand the principle by which all the figures are drawn, and not to spare a certain amount of time and effort for training. Then you will know how to draw the Creeper as realistically as possible and close to the image that appears on the monitor screen.

how to draw a creeper
how to draw a creeper

Advice for beginners

The first and main piece of advice for those who decide to take up painting is not to copy anything with 100% accuracy. The main thing that you should do when looking at the instructions above is to catch the idea that it conveys. Try to start withsmall - draw it in a mirror image. Then it will not just be a copy of what someone has previously depicted, but your own drawing, your own experience.

Try to capture as many details as possible. For example, place your character in some kind of environment rather than leaving their image on a blank piece of paper. This will give extra scope for imagination, make work even more exciting and help you avoid routine.

Another important point is not to try to draw the smallest details right away. We need to move from the big to the small, from the general to the particular. Draw the largest part, for example, the torso, and then draw smaller elements to it: arms and legs.

Don't be afraid to make mistakes and correct them. None of the newcomers, no matter what he starts to do, is immune from them. The fact that you are wrong only says that you are working, improving and moving forward, and not standing still. Constant practice and honing skills over time will not leave questions about how to draw a Creeper, as well as many other equally interesting drawings that will delight you and your friends, to whom they will be shown or presented.
