Valley Veronica: in the communion of love

Valley Veronica: in the communion of love
Valley Veronica: in the communion of love

Veronika Dolina is known and loved by fans of the author's song genre as a performer of lyrical, sharp-female works.

Sincere poems, soulful voice touch to the core, because all her songs are written and performed under the sign of love.

And beautiful features of youth

Veronika Arkadyevna Dolina was born in Moscow on January 2, 1956 in a family of hereditary doctors and scientists.

It was customary in their family to study a lot, a doctor or a candidate of science is, one might say, a traditional achievement.

Veronika herself, in addition to the secondary school, graduated from a music school, then successfully studied at the Moscow Pedagogical Institute. Upon graduation in 1979, she received a diploma in teaching French.

author's song - Veronica Dolina
author's song - Veronica Dolina

Veronica Dolina began composing songs in 1971, singing them to her own accompaniment on a six-string guitar.

First successes

At the time of perestroika, the singer-bard had the opportunity to publish her works. And if before that only the big ones knew the singerfans of the author's song, after the release of the first disc in 1986, Veronica Dolina was recognized by a wide range of listeners.

The publication in Paris of the first collection of her poems and the election to the committee of playwrights added to the demand for the author of surprisingly heartfelt texts.

Poems from the song "Flying Woman":

Oh woman flying hard!

Your face is bright, your dwelling is poor, It's dark outside but crowded

You look through the window pane….

oh woman flying hard
oh woman flying hard

Besides her own, she composed music based on poems by Yunna Moritz, for example, "The Talisman", collaborated with A. Sukhanov ("I played with fire, I was not afraid of fire…").

The company "Melody" in 1989 released a CD "Elite Things", author and performer - Veronika Dolina.

Biography of the soul

By 2014, the talented author published 19 poetry collections, wrote more than 500 poems, released 24 CDs and 9 vinyl.

In 2011, the translation of "Maria French. Twelve stories" was published, the author of the translation is Veronika Dolina.

veronica valley songs
veronica valley songs

In 2005 she was awarded the literary prize "Venets". The prize is awarded by the Writers' Union of Moscow for special achievements in the field of literature.

She is often called the heiress of the poetry of Akhmatova and Tsvetaeva, Bulat Shalvovich Okudzhava himself noted the originality and special authorial feeling inherent in the songs of the bard Veronika Dolina. Often hercalled "the last sixties". But it seems that it is one of the first in the "eighties", if we continue the analogy of dividing the development of the author's song over the years.

Moreover, the appeal to a woman puts the songs of the Valley out of time, just like the poems and songs of other famous Russian bards. Her works have their own voice and their own poetic quality, you will recognize Veronica Dolina immediately and you will not confuse with anyone.

Fortunately for the listeners, she continues to create. Recently, a book of new poems "Green Dress" was published with illustrations from the works of the impressionist artist from the USA, Mary Cassatt. And, of course, every reader will find poems about fate, about a woman, about children.

She herself, being a model of family life (the poetess has four successful children, her husband is an honored worker of arts, film director Alexander Muratov), writes for women deprived of happiness, but not losing hope. Wise and sincere lines will always find their listeners and fans.

Don't put out my candle, I still want to burn, I'm still alive, Don't put out my candle….

Let's wish Veronika Dolina that the candle of her creativity does not fade away.
