Anime about love: a list of the best films. What anime about love and school to watch

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Anime about love: a list of the best films. What anime about love and school to watch
Anime about love: a list of the best films. What anime about love and school to watch

Video: Anime about love: a list of the best films. What anime about love and school to watch

Video: Anime about love: a list of the best films. What anime about love and school to watch
Video: How to Draw Superheroes 2024, June
anime about love list
anime about love list

First love, a mischievous kiss, gorgeous guys and charming girls - anime about love and school is popular not only among teenagers, but also among adults. If you're new to the genre, here are some must-see films.

Japanese animation

The anime genre came to us from the land of the rising sun. The plots of the films are distinguished by a variety of themes, eras and styles. Chip anime is a specific manner of drawing characters and backgrounds. The source of animated films and series are popular Japanese comics or computer games. When filmed, the graphics and style of the original are preserved. Animated series are designed, as a rule, for a teenage audience, as well as adult fans of the genre.

Anime about love

One of the most popular genres among young people around the world. The plots of such films are based most often on fictional events. The authors depict tender feelings, first kisses and romantic love. The script of the picture is accompanied by bright events, comedy scenes, as well as sadmoments. Throughout the film, as a rule, beautiful music sounds. Let's see which anime love cartoons are the most popular.

anime first love
anime first love

Lovely complex

Romantic comedy about schoolchildren. Risa and Atsushi are in the same class. They have a lot in common: a sense of humor, a favorite singer, a cocktail, they even love the same rides. Friends consider them the perfect couple. One small detail spoils the whole picture: Risa is taller than Atsushi by as much as 14 centimeters. An anime about whether love can overcome all obstacles.

Mischievous kiss

Anime about love, the list of which is growing every year, is a must-see for all lovers of this genre. Funny adventures and sparkling humor mixed with a touching description of the experiences of the main character will be very close to modern teenagers. Kotoko, a high school student, falls in love with the school's most eligible fiancé, the charming and handsome Irie. Trouble falls on the poor girl one after another. At first, her lover does not bother to read her passionate message, then Kotoko's new house is completely destroyed by an earthquake. Suddenly, she and her father move in with a friend of their family, who turns out to be none other than Irie's dad. The girl does her best to please the young man, while getting into awkward, sometimes comical, situations. After an unexpected first kiss, Kotoko has hope to win the heart of an impregnable handsome man.

anime about love
anime about love

"Basketfruits" (Fruits Basket)

Another anime about love. The viewing list for both beginners and fans of the genre should definitely be replenished with the mystical comedy "Fruit Basket". The story of the misadventures of schoolgirl Toru, who lost her mother and was left without a roof over her head. Despite all the hardships, the girl does not lose heart and is not going to burden either her relatives or her friends. She decides to live in a tent. At the same time, she studies diligently and works simultaneously in several places. One day, while walking around his new home, Toru ends up in the house of a friend of his classmate Yuki. The guys decide to help the girl and offer her to stay in the house in exchange for household services. There is no doubt when Tohru's tent is suddenly washed away by a landslide.

"Student Council President is a maid!" (Kaichou wa Maid-sama!)

Another romantic high school love anime. The list for joint viewing with friends can be safely replenished with it. A picture about the Seika School, which was reorganized from a boys' school into a mixed institution. Of course, the boys are still in the majority here. Ayuzawa is a new student. She becomes the student council president, hoping to change the life of the school for the better. However, the girl has a secret. Since the girl has to earn money for her studies herself, she is forced to earn extra money in a cafe. Naturally, if someone finds out about this, then her reputation will be damaged. And it must happen that one day one of the most popular boys of the school, Usui, drops by in her cafe. Many girls like him, although he remains at the same timecold with everyone. The secret of the girl remains a secret, but after this incident, Usui begins to often look into the cafe, which, of course, only annoys Ayuzawa. Moreover, it seems to her that he is simply mocking her.

cartoon anime about love
cartoon anime about love

"Special A" (Special A)

A romantic story about schoolchildren blinded by their first love. The anime tells about the girl Hikari, who passionately dreams of being the first in everything. Her goal is to overtake the main competitor in the class - Kay. This rivalry has lasted no less than six years. Hikari use every opportunity to get ahead of Kei in anything. Suddenly, the boy starts behaving very strangely. Instead of joy for the failures of her opponent, Kei shows an incomprehensible concern. He tries to sit closer in class, even if there are plenty of seats around. This boy's behavior doesn't go unnoticed by anyone but Hikari herself. The girl is not up to love, all her thoughts are occupied with one single goal - to become the first!

Love Anime List

Romantic mood, tender feelings, a flight of fantasy, dreams of being close to the object of your adoration - all this is united by anime pictures about love. We also recommend that all fans of the genre watch the following new cartoon masterpieces:

  1. "The Wind Is Rising" - drama, history. Directed by Miyazaki Hayao, 2013
  2. "Golden Time" (Golden Time) - romance, mysticism. Directed by Kon Chiaki 2013
  3. "Clear Tomorrow" (Nagi no Asukara) - romance, fantasy. Producer -Shinohara Toshiya, 2013
  4. "Friends for a week" (Isshuukan Friends) - romance. Directed by Iwasaki Taro, 2014
  5. "Irregular student at the School of Magic" (Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei) - romance, fantasy. Directed by Ono Manabu, 2014
  6. "Fun of the Gods" (Kamigami no Asobi) - romance, fantasy. Directed by Kawamura Tomoyuki, 2014
  7. "Engaged to a Stranger" (Mikakunin de Shinkoukei) - mysticism, comedy. Directed by Fujiwara Yoshiyuki, 2014
  8. "The Great Cloud Shogun" (Fuuun Ishin Dai Shougun) - adventure, romance. Directed by Watanabe Takashi, 2014
anime about love and school
anime about love and school

All these films, in the anime genre, will not leave indifferent the younger generation, who are close to the experiences of the main characters. For older people, such films, full of adventure, humor and romantic mood, will also be very interesting to watch. Enjoy watching and good mood!
