Kio Emil Teodorovich and his sons-illusionists

Kio Emil Teodorovich and his sons-illusionists
Kio Emil Teodorovich and his sons-illusionists

Kio Emil Teodorovich (1894-1965) - Soviet magician-illusionist, who dreamed of creating an attraction for a full-fledged department, and not limited to one or two numbers. He fulfilled this dream of his.

Emil Keogh: biography

Emil Teodorovich Girshfeld was the eldest of three sons of the traveling salesman Teodor Emilievich and Beatrice Germanovna and was born in Moscow. After receiving his education, he began working at the Moscow Odeon Theater of Miniatures. Then there was a circus in Warsaw, where Kyo Emil Teodorovich became an administrator, uniformist and bereator, speaking under the pseudonym Emil Renard. From the age of 27, he already worked in Moscow in cinemas and cabarets, and a year later, posters appeared with the mysterious letters “KIO” (one of the variants of the pseudonym “How Interesting to Deceive”). He then had one number, the so-called "Rejuvenation".

Kio Emil Teodorovich
Kio Emil Teodorovich

An intelligent young man led an ancient old woman into a box that stood on a stand, then pierced it with swords from four sides and pierced it with a spear from above. When the swords were drawn, the box opened and a young beauty fluttered out of it.

Kio Emil Teodorovich disappeared for almost ten long years and appeared in Leningrad witheastern numbers. Critics called his attraction vulgar. But, having changed it, leaving Orientalism, Kio moved to Moscow and successfully performed in the variety theater. Then he moved to the circus. It was a bold decision, as the actions of the illusionist were visible from all sides. Emil Kio staged tricks and complex attractions in such a way that the viewer could not guess anything. He entered the arena like a performance at the Philharmonic. Impressive, in a tailcoat, he communicates with clowns during the act, who tried to guess what the trick is and inform the audience. It was an innovation in the genre of illusion - humor and irony. He rehearsed at night, keeping the tricks secret.

Private life

Kio Emil Teodorovich was married several times. From the marriage with Kosha Alexandrovna, the son Emil was born. From the latter with Evgenia Vasilievna Smirnova (the age difference was 20 years) - son Igor Kio. Both became remarkable illusionists. Only Emil was invited to work in Japan, and Igor worked in the USSR.

igor kio
igor kio

Evgenia Vasilievna and Kio Emil Teodorovich were a harmonious couple not only in the circus, but also in life. Both liked the house to be full of guests, treated money lightly, did not hoard. This is probably why, when Emil Teodorovich died in Kyiv on tour, in order to bury him, they had to sell the Volga car. The upbringing of Igor Kio was completely entrusted to his mother. She managed to find such a language with him that it always seemed to the child, and then to the teenager, that he was doing what he wanted.

The life of Igor's son

He first entered the arena at the age of fifteen,because the father was ill. The debut was successful, and from that time Igor Kio became his father's assistant. Unusual was his first love - Galina Leonidovna Brezhneva. They registered the marriage, but the relevant authorities intervened, and nine days later the newlyweds received clean passports. However, to meet, since the feelings of both were deep and full of tenderness, they continued for another four years. After that, Igor was summoned to the KGB. The lovers had to leave.

Second marriage

Igor Emilevich met his second wife at the circus. She performed with her own number with parrots. Her name was Iolanta Nikolaevna Olkhovikova. On the eve of her birthday, Iolanta saw the Zarya watch on her table - a formal marriage proposal had already been made. They had a daughter, Victoria. The gift for this was an expensive fur coat.

Emil Keogh biography
Emil Keogh biography

In the photo on the right Iolanta Nikolaevna, on the left Igor Emilievich with his daughter Victoria and grandchildren. They divorced after eleven years. Iolanta became the wife of Igor's older brother Emil.

Third marriage and work

The illusionist's third wife was his assistant. Igor Emilievich lived with Victoria Ivanovna until the end of his life. He left Iolanthe and his daughter an apartment, and at first he rented a house with his young wife. Igor Emilievich, after the death of his father, inherited his program. Artistry and skill allowed him to control the attention of the audience. During the year he gave five hundred to six hundred performances. His ideas were broad.

emily keo tricks
emily keo tricks

He dreamed of his own theater, inwhere miracles would begin right at the door. However, he was not given money to stage new numbers and props. Grandson Igor spent a lot of time with him in the circus, but did not become an illusionist. When Igor Emilievich died in 2006, he left no successors or students behind him.
