How to draw yin-yang step by step

How to draw yin-yang step by step
How to draw yin-yang step by step

Yin-yang is an ancient Chinese symbol for balance between opposites. It contains two values. First, everything is constantly changing. Second: opposites complement each other (without dark there is no light - and vice versa). And drawing a yin-yang sign is very easy.


For drawing you will need paper, a simple pencil and a regular eraser. To make the yin-yang neat and even, take a ruler and a compass. Also prepare colored pencils, paints or markers if you want to color the future drawing.

Stages of drawing a Yin-yang symbol
Stages of drawing a Yin-yang symbol

How to draw yin-yang

You can draw a yin-yang symbol by following a few simple steps:

  1. Use a compass to draw a circle on the paper.
  2. Take a ruler and draw two lines through the center of the circle, vertical and horizontal. These lines will be auxiliary, so try to make them barely visible.
  3. Inside the large circle on a vertical line, draw two identical smaller circles. Each of them should have one edge in contact with a large circle, and the other with a horizontalauxiliary line.
  4. Draw another horizontal stripe, dividing the top circle in half with it. Use it to determine the center of the circle.
  5. Draw a small circle in the center of the top circle.
  6. In the same way, draw a line through the bottom circle and draw a small circle in its center.
  7. Erase the guidelines, leaving only the big circle and the two shapes inside it.
  8. Erase the right half of the top shape and the left half of the bottom shape to get two waves.
  9. Color the top wave black, leaving the small dot unpainted, and make the bottom wave white, painting only the small circle inside.
Yin-yang symbol
Yin-yang symbol

You can also find a yin-yang symbol with eight trigrams drawn around the outer circle. They look like a set of solid and broken lines drawn one above the other. Each trigram includes three such lines.

More drawing ideas

The concept of yin-yang can be depicted in more than just the traditional black and white symbol. You can draw yin-yang using other opposite colors as well. But that's not all. You can depict this symbol as a change of day and night, where the sun and moon will be in place of small dots.

Yin-yang variations
Yin-yang variations

You can also depict two waves in the form of fire and water or air and earth. In addition, the yin-yang symbol can often be found in the form of two fish or some kind of animal. Another idea for depicting yin-yang is the changing seasons. The main thing is to keep the main meaning, and the restdepends on your imagination.
