The image of Bazarov: a man walking one step ahead of his time

The image of Bazarov: a man walking one step ahead of his time
The image of Bazarov: a man walking one step ahead of his time

The image of Bazarov occupies a central place in Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons". Only in two of the twenty-eight chapters is this man not the main character. All other characters described by the author are grouped around Bazarov, help to clearly see certain traits of his character, and also reveal themselves. Bazarov is fundamentally different from the people around him: he is smart, has great spiritual strength, but among the representatives of the district aristocracy he feels loneliness. This is a commoner who adheres to democratic views, opposes the serfdom, a materialist who went through a difficult school of deprivation and labor. The image of Bazarov attracts attention with his independence and ability to think independently, freely.

Clash of free consciousness and the old order

Bazarov's image
Bazarov's image

The plot of Turgenev's novel is based on Bazarov's clash with the aristocratic world of that time. The author reveals the character and life position of the hero in his conflict with the “cursed barchuks”. In the work, the writer actively uses contrasts: Bazarov is opposed to PavelPetrovich. One of them is a staunch democrat, and the other is a typical representative of the aristocratic class. Bazarov is consistent, purposeful, has willpower. In turn, Pavel Petrovich is soft-bodied, he is in a state of some kind of “splitness”. His beliefs are random, he has no idea of his goal.

As already mentioned, the image of Bazarov is most fully revealed in the disputes of the hero with other characters. Talking with Pavel Petrovich, he demonstrates to us the maturity of the mind, the ability to see into the root, contempt and hatred for the lordly-slave order. The relationship between Bazarov and Arkady reveals the personality of the first from a new perspective: he acts as an educator, teacher and friend, shows the ability to attract young people to his side, intransigence and honesty in friendship. And his relationship with Odintsova shows that, among other things, Bazarov is capable of deep true love. This is a whole nature, having willpower and self-respect.

The origin of Bazarov

evgeny bazar image
evgeny bazar image

Evgeny Bazarov, whose image is the topic of our discussion today, comes from a simple family. His grandfather was a peasant, and his father was a county doctor. The fact that his grandfather plowed the land, Bazarov speaks with undisguised pride. He is proud of the fact that he studied for “copper money”, and that he achieved everything he has on his own. Work for this person is a real moral need. Even while resting in the countryside, he is unable to sit idly by. Bazarov communicates with people simply, guided bysincere interest. And this is once again confirmed by the fact that after he visits Arkady, the yard boys “ran after the doctor like little dogs,” and during Moti’s illness, he gladly helps Fenya. Bazarov keeps himself simple and confident in any company, he does not seek to impress others and under any circumstances remains himself.

Negation as the basis of the hero's worldview

The image of Bazarov is the image of a supporter of “merciless and complete denial”. What does this strong and extraordinary person deny? He himself gives the answer to this question: "Everything." Bazarov denies literally all aspects of the socio-political structure of Russia in those years.

The protagonist of the novel does not succumb to other people's influence, but knows how to persuade other people to his side. His strong influence on Arkady is obvious, and in disputes with Nikolai Petrovich he is so convincing that he makes him doubt his views. Unable to resist the charm of the personality of Bazarov and the aristocrat Odintsova. However, in fairness, it should be noted that not all of the hero's judgments are true. After all, Bazarov denied the beauty of the wildlife around him, and art, and the boundless sphere of human emotions and experiences. However, apparently, love for Odintsova made him rethink these views and climb even one step higher.

Turgenev's image of Bazarov
Turgenev's image of Bazarov


A man who goes one step ahead of his time is depicted in his creation by Turgenev. The image of Bazarov is alien to that world and thatthe era in which he lives. However, along with the inexhaustible spiritual strength of the character, the author also shows us the “reverse side of the medal” - his ideological, political and even psychological loneliness in an alien environment of nobles. Demonstrating Bazarov's readiness to change the world around him for the better, to "clear" it for those who will build a new state with new orders, Turgenev, however, does not give his hero the opportunity to act. After all, in his opinion, Russia does not need such destructive actions.
