2025 Author: Leah Sherlock | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:46
Your attention is invited to a story told by the eyewitness of these events, Vyacheslav Kondratiev, - "Sasha". You will now learn the summary of this story.

Vyacheslav Kondratiev is a former front-line soldier. He was a participant in hostilities and therefore wants to share with readers his memories of a war that brings hunger and death. The story takes place in 1941. It was this time that became the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. So, let's move on to the story itself, which was written by Vyacheslav Kondratyev, "Sashka".
Sashka is a kind, humane, moral person with a great sense of responsibility for everyone and everything. He is the main character of the story written by Vyacheslav Kondratiev.

Sashka is a young soldier whowas near Rzhev on the front line. He is very inquisitive. If he knew German, he would certainly ask the Germans how they are doing with food and ammunition. This topic worries the hero very much, because who, if not him, knows what hunger and death are. The soldiers were given half a bowl of wheat porridge for two a day. I didn’t have the strength, not only to bury the dead, but even to dig a trench for myself.
The main character easily performs several feats at once. The first is when, under enemy fire, he crawls towards a dead German across a field under fire to take off his felt boots and give them to his company commander, whose shoes are worn out.

The second - when he, having not been at the front even a couple of months, independently detains a Fritz. The German does not want to say anything, and the battalion commander orders Sasha to kill him. He faces a dilemma. He does not understand how one can violate the words written in the leaflet: "prisoners of war will be allowed to return home after the war." How can he shoot at an unarmed person, even an enemy? An orderly, Tolya, is even sent for Sasha to follow the execution of the order. But Sashka, instead of killing the prisoner, leads him to the headquarters of the brigade…
He is always happy to help: although he himself is wounded, he bandages a soldier and, having reached the medical platoon, brings the orderlies. He does this without attaching great importance to his feat, as a matter of course.
The life of people in wartime - at the front, in the village, in the hospital - conveyed in great detail in his storySasha Kondratiev. The summary of the story can be described in one sentence: "War, blood, dirt, corpses, but among all this there is the most important thing - faith in the triumph of the human soul."
In the final chapter Sasha comes to Moscow. He looks at people who are not directly involved in the war, girls who go to the front as volunteers, and understands that everything goes on as usual, and this makes him even more aware of his importance there, at the front!
The story written by Vyacheslav Kondratiev, "Sasha", the summary of which you have now read, is one of the best works about the war. These years claimed hundreds of thousands of human lives, broke people's destinies and left a bitter mark on the memory of many. I advise you to read this wonderful story in its entirety (authored by Vyacheslav Kondratiev) - "Sasha". The summary cannot replace the work in its entirety.
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