Zila Clark. Biography and photo of the actress

Zila Clark. Biography and photo of the actress
Zila Clark. Biography and photo of the actress

Zila Clark is a wonderful English actress. Her subtle game in the film "Jane Eyre" struck the television audience. The whole world instantly fell in love with the little governess from the United Kingdom. Unfortunately, this is the only stellar breakthrough in the career of an actress. The fate of this interesting woman will be discussed in our article.

Zila Clark
Zila Clark

Childhood and youth

Zila Clarke was born in the UK in 1954. She grew up in Cornwall - a fabulous place where, according to English legends, giants live. At the age of ten, the girl lost her father. The future actress was fond of dancing from an early age and even attended a ballet school. At the age of seventeen, she graduated from an educational institution and decided to devote her life to the theater. There are enough professional actors in England, but few permanent troupes. The servants of Melpomene, as a rule, through agents, offer services to numerous theaters. A wide choice of jobs is compensated by high competition. In order to make yourself known, it is not enough to be talented, you also need to have diligence and a remarkablewillpower. Zila Clark did it. She performed with great success in a wide variety of theaters in England (for example, in London's West End). In addition, the girl worked on the radio and played in films.

actress zeela clarke biography
actress zeela clarke biography


Rarely accepted invitations to act in films by Zila Clark. The filmography of the actress is quite modest. In 1977, she managed to play the cameo role of a woman in a raincoat in the serial film Poldark. Then she was involved in the mini-series "The Lost Boys". This is the story of the creation of the famous fairy tale "Peter Pan". Zila played the role of the girl Wendy in it. In 1986, the actress played in the film "Lady Jane". She appeared in one episode involving a store clerk. In 1992, Zila took part in the filming of the film "Dead Romantic". That's all the roles. The reasons for such a modest filmography can be different. Someone blames the ineradicable Cornish accent of the actress for this, someone believes that her personal life interfered.

Highest hour

However, Zila Clark managed to become famous. True popular love and popularity brought her the role of Jane Eyre in the amazing film adaptation of the novel by Charlotte Bronte. The film was worthy of this wonderful work. Each item of clothing, episode, look corresponds to the novel. This is very rare in movies. The actress managed to create such a reliable image that her talent for reincarnation captivated the audience. At the time of work in the film, Zila was already almost thirty years old. But she managed to play younginexperienced, ardent and principled governess from the nineteenth century. This role took place at the peak of her career. For her, Zila Clark was nominated as the best actress for the Cable ACE award.

Zila Clark now
Zila Clark now

Other activities

After her role in Jane Eyre, actress Zila Clark, whose biography is discussed in this article, played a little. She mostly appeared on television. She got a role in the film adaptation of the play based on Dickens' novel Dombey and Son. Then the artist was involved in the TV series The Lost Boys and The Duchess of Duke Street. In addition, she continued to work in the theater and performed several small but memorable roles. The actress was engaged in reading poetry in radio shows. Her favorite poets are Pushkin and Byron.

Private life

Zila Clark has always been a caring wife and mother. Together with her husband Francis, she settled in a cozy two-story house in London. Victorian style reigns in her home: a fireplace, many old paintings, valuable antiques. Three children grew up in the family of the actress. Elder sons - from the first marriage. From Francis, the actress gave birth to only one child - a girl. She was given the Cornish name Lamorna.

Zela Clark filmography
Zela Clark filmography

Zila Clark is now a housewife. She does an excellent job with this role: there is always a delicious smell in the kitchen, and surgical cleanliness reigns in the rooms. Beads became the favorite hobby of the actress. She loves to collect jewelry. In London there is a wholea trading network that sells cute trifles - semi-precious stones and beads. Zila Clark can often be seen in these stores. Collecting beads is her favorite hobby.

Now you know how the life of a talented actress developed. Zila Clark, despite the great competition, managed to wait for her finest hour and play a role that was remembered by everyone for its depth and authenticity. The actress is still remembered and loved very much.
