Ballet in Moscow is an exquisite pleasure

Ballet in Moscow is an exquisite pleasure
Ballet in Moscow is an exquisite pleasure

The art of ballet is one of the most harmonious and spectacular forms of art. For many people, ballet is a bright feast for the soul, hearing, eyes and the highest pleasure. But also ballet is the greatest mystery for intellectuals and, of course, a fairy tale from which one does not want to return.

ballet in moscow
ballet in moscow

The most famous major theaters of Russian ballet are in Moscow and St. Petersburg. They present high-class performances, including in terms of modern design technologies.

Ballet as an art form: from its inception to…

Ballet as an art form can be associated with the mythology of Ancient Greece, despite the fact that this direction is quite young. After all, ballet was born as a synthetic form on the basis of three arts - music, drama (theater), plasticity (dance), and later added the art of painting. But the basis of the ballet performance is still dance. And the patroness of dance in Greek mythology was the muse Terpsichore. The muse of Melpomene was the patroness of tragedy, and tragedy often becomes the basis of the plots of ballet performances.

theater ballet moscow
theater ballet moscow

The prerequisites for the birth of ballet as a synthetic art form lie back inprimitive society, or rather in its ritual rites, where ritual dramaturgy, solo plasticity of a shaman or priest, mass dance of fellow tribesmen and accompaniment on primitive "musical instruments", most often noise and percussion, and later wind instruments, were combined. The development of plot plasticity to the music also received in the era of ancient civilizations. In the medieval era, mimes, or histrions, wandering universal actors, became carriers of the art of pantomime.

Starting from the Renaissance, especially in modern times in Western Europe, staged ballet in royal palaces was developed - one of the popular entertainments of the aristocracy of that time. True, you would not see the development of the plot in these performances, and the dance was more like a ceremony of changing beautiful poses to the music. But gradually changes began to occur in the ceremonial ballet. For the first time, the Venetians played a special role in the plot, and then the French, or rather the Italian dancers who moved to France and promoted this new art form there.

Ballet in Russia: Origins

The ballet came to Russia from Italy during the reign of Anna Ioannovna, who loved entertainment and invited foreign theater troupes to St. Petersburg on a contractual basis. Among them was an Italian one, who introduced the St. Petersburg aristocracy to a new kind of art.

ballet in moscow
ballet in moscow

And at the Winter Palace they even opened a dance school, headed by the French dancer and choreographer Jacques Lande. Later, already in the 19th century, Gertrude Rossi left their mark on the history of Russian ballet.and Jean Lepic. But the formation and rise of ballet art occurred thanks to the patriarch of Russian ballet Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky and choreographer Marius Petipa. At the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, Sergei Diaghilev, who organized the Russian Seasons in Paris, contributed to the development and popularization of Russian ballet in Europe and the world.

Moscow Ballet: Yesterday and Today

Thanks to the production of Marius Petipa to the music of Tchaikovsky, ballet performances that have already become classics of Russian ballet still do not leave the stage. In Moscow, ballet is associated primarily with such a theater as the Bolshoi. It was formed on the basis of its predecessor, the Petrovsky Theater, and until the middle of the 19th century it showed only dramatic performances. But in the second half of the century, opera and ballet performances were increasingly presented on its stage.

theater ballet moscow
theater ballet moscow

But there is more than one stage in the capital where you can watch ballet performances. Ballet in Moscow often takes place in the Concert Hall of the Cosmos Hotel, the Kremlin Palace and the Novaya Opera Theatre. Recently, in addition to classical ballets, they began to present to the audience ballets to music and staged by modern masters. They are sometimes quite controversial, but many are very successful. Although not every adherent of classical ballet can appreciate them.

Ballet Theater in Moscow: show-ballet "Kostroma"

A new type of modern ballet art has also appeared - the ballet theater. Among these, the following theaters can be distinguished: named after I. Moiseev, "BalletMoscow", named after the ballet B. Eifman and the show ballets "Gzhel" and "Kostroma". But these are far from all the groups specializing in the modern ballet concept. The Russian national ballet "Kostroma" was born in the early 90s of the XX century thanks to the idea and creative fire of Elena and Yuri Tsarenko. He continued his development and achieved worldwide fame thanks to their son - Ivan Tsarenko.

show ballet moscow
show ballet moscow

Having originated in Kostroma and having absorbed its ancient traditions that permeate all the ballet creativity of the team, the theater has become a visiting card not only of its homeland, but of the whole country. The Russian national ballet "Kostroma" annually represents Russia on world stages and, of course, performs more time in its capital.
