How to quickly draw a cute cat?

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How to quickly draw a cute cat?
How to quickly draw a cute cat?

Video: How to quickly draw a cute cat?

Video: How to quickly draw a cute cat?
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This article will tell you how to draw a cute cat. Looking at pictures of cute animals can lift your spirits. You can draw a cat if you want to send someone a homemade postcard or just express your feelings. It is not necessary to invent something complicated - sometimes simple solutions are enough. The cat image is perfect for any occasion and is almost guaranteed to please those around you.

How to draw a cute cat with a pencil? Grab a pencil, paper, and an eraser. Think about what makes drawings attractive to your eyes. If you use your favorite elements in creativity, it will only benefit the result.

gray kitten in a basket
gray kitten in a basket

Main parts of the body

To understand how to draw a cute cat, it is not necessary to study something first. The structure of a cute creature may differ slightly from the anatomy of ordinary cats. It's no secret that children's proportions add a certain charm and evoke emotion in mosthumanity. Therefore, the head of a cute cat should be large. You can make the head disproportionately large, up to designating the body with a tiny circle. At the same time, a disproportionately small head will cause more of a creep or creep effect on the observer.

The next unique thing about drawing cute animals is that the head can merge with the body. If you draw a person without a neck, it will look creepy to say the least. However, animals are allowed to have a spherical or oval body that does not have a clear transition between the head and the body.

The paws of a cute cat should be small. How small? The volume in them should be less than in the head.

how to draw a cute cat with a pencil
how to draw a cute cat with a pencil


You can make the cat's eyes big, or you can just mark them with dots. Many famous images of seals have thin slits instead of eyes. How to draw a cute cat friendly? Usually curved upward lines are associated with a wide smile. So wide that the oval of the face visually changes and the eyes seem to be slits. However, if you change the angle of the lines, the facial expression will change. Lines inclined towards the nose, located close to each other, will make the cat's face more angry. To make the cat look happy, place your eyes wide on the muzzle. At least keep the standard distance between them. To do this, measure the width of each eye. The distance "in one eye" will be sufficient for the cat to retain its cuteness.


So, how to draw a cute cat with a pencil step by step:

  • Take a pencil and draw a circle for the head.
  • On the head, mark the eyes, following the rules above.
  • Below the head, draw another circle, this time unfinished. Let the line start just below the middle of the animal's head, and end there, but on the other side. If you have a bad eye, take a ruler and put it on the cat's head. Mark points on the line of the head, located on the same straight line. Draw the torso based on this measurement.
  • Draw the ears. Simple triangular ears will do. But the cat will look cuter if the lines of the ears are slightly rounded towards the bottom.
  • It is not necessary to draw a mouth for a cute cat - it is enough to indicate the nose. This rule also works in reverse - the cat will look good without a nose. The nose can be in the shape of a triangle with rounded edges, it can be depicted in the form of a heart. It can also be marked with a single dot.
  • If you want, draw a mouth below the nose. The mouth of a cute cat is two lines concave down, the number "3" lying on its back. Between these two roundnesses, one more line bent downwards can be drawn. Then the cat's mouth will be ajar. If you make this line more elongated downwards, you get a tongue.
  • The paws of the cat should be short and merge with the body. Very cool if you are familiar with the anatomy of the cat family. If you are unfamiliar - it's okay, just draw small rounded and slightly oblong limbs.
  • Draw a mustache. Don't make them too big. Let them grow from the cheeks, at the very edges of the muzzle.
gray kitten
gray kitten

Rule of folds

The fewer lines in the figure, the cuter it is. If you are interested in how to draw a cute cat, remember: do not make complex transitions between body parts. The less details, the prettier the result. This is especially true if you do not have special drawing skills.
