How to draw lipstick with a pencil

How to draw lipstick with a pencil
How to draw lipstick with a pencil

Lipstick is an important attribute of every woman's handbag. And girls love to play with their moms makeup. However, mothers rarely like the result, because after such games some items have to be thrown away. To distract your little beauty from makeup, try painting lipstick with her.


Before you start creating a drawing, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • paper;
  • pencil;
  • eraser;
  • colored pencils or markers.

How to draw lipstick?

To draw lipstick with a pencil, the first step is to draw a tube of lipstick. To do this, you need to draw with a pencil two lines slightly inclined to the left parallel to each other, and then connect them.

The next step is to draw the cap. To do this, draw an uneven rectangle at a small distance from the tube.

Stages of drawing lipstick
Stages of drawing lipstick

Above the tube, we draw two more volumetric rectangles, and on top we draw an oval-shaped figure, which will be the mostlipstick. A curved line will help complete the cosmetic layer.

On the cap, draw a stroke that repeats the curvature. After that, lipstick needs to be painted. To do this, you can choose any colors you like. For example, red or pink is good for a bright accent of a picture, and dark blue can be used for a tube.

Another way to draw lipstick

For lipstick in a different way, first draw a slightly tilted oval on top of the sheet. Then drop down two parallel lines and connect them. Even lower draw a slightly uneven rectangle. It should be slightly wider than the previous figure. Under the rectangle, draw another figure, tapering to the bottom.

Stages of drawing lipstick
Stages of drawing lipstick

On the right we depict a lipstick cap, which resembles a lying cylinder. We add some highlights in the form of uneven rectangles on the tube, lipstick and cap. Having finished drawing the outline, you need to remove the extra lines with an eraser and color the finished drawing.
