Dry acrylic paint: how to dilute?

Dry acrylic paint: how to dilute?
Dry acrylic paint: how to dilute?

Acrylic paints are a very popular material among artists, designers and creative people in general. They have a very wide range of uses, from construction to painting and fabric designs. Unfortunately, this material has one drawback - it seizes very “strongly”, it is difficult to wash or dilute it.

From this article, the reader will learn: if the acrylic paint has dried up, what to do. To understand why it is so strong and difficult to breed, you need to know a little more about this amazing material. And also how to dilute if the acrylic paints are dry.

acrylic paints for drawing
acrylic paints for drawing

A little about acrylic paints

This material has a synthetic base and exists on the shelves of shops and in everyday life of artists, designers and decorators for about 50 years. Its composition is extremely simple: water, pigment and binder - acrylic polymer emulsion or resin. These paints are known for their special qualities:

  • They are easy to apply to the surface.
  • They have high coverage.
  • They are resistant and do not change color after the base has evaporated, for whichloved by everyone - from amateurs to professionals. Such paint seizes very firmly, tightly.

In addition, these paints are synthetic-based and fire-safe and ethical as they do not contain animal products.

The disadvantages include the cost. Acrylic paints are more expensive than the same gouache, so they are not used very often for painting. Acrylic is mainly used for illustrations, decorating clothes, houses and other decorative works. It is also difficult to clean hands and surfaces from the substance due to its adhesive properties, and it is difficult to reanimate it after the paint has dried.

acrylic in tubes
acrylic in tubes

More about the properties of paint

  • Brightness and color saturation.
  • Acrylic paint dries quickly enough thanks to the water base.
  • Dense and uniform surface coverage.
  • Resilience. When applied, the water evaporates quickly, leaving a durable synthetic substance and pigment. They firmly bond the paint to the surface.
  • Retains color when dry and exposed to sunlight.
  • Structure strength and resistance to external stimuli.
  • Water repellent. Acrylic paints are not affected by moisture after drying.
  • acrylic paint in cans
    acrylic paint in cans

Comparison with oil paints

Acrylic paints, like oil paints, are a covering material. They are applied to the surface in a similar way and have many similarities when mixing different colors with each other. However, despiteon their similarities, they have many differences.

Acrylic dries faster as water evaporates more easily and more intensely than oil paints, which can dry from days to weeks. It is not sensitive to changes in temperature and humidity, as well as to the amount of sunlight. Acrylic paints are much more durable. They won't tarnish, crack or flake off over time, making them suitable for building work and decorating clothing and home exteriors.

acrylic for drawing
acrylic for drawing

Acrylic and watercolor

This amazing material can also be used in the "liquid" technique. If acrylic is diluted with a large amount of water, it will repeat the properties of watercolor, give a light, delicate color and soft contours, but it will dry faster, and it will not be possible to blur after drying.

It differs in that it does not fade in the sun and is not washed off by water or rain after drying, and also gives more scope for creativity. After all, they can also work in covering technique.

Features of working with acrylic

You can dilute acrylic paints with water or other thinners that will change their properties when dried. For example, you can give gloss by mixing with varnish or, conversely, dullness with oil. Glitter can also be given with hairspray, sprayed with it after the paint has dried. With the help of a solvent, the flow of acrylic can be improved, making it convenient to paint large surfaces or work with a paint roller.

They can be used to prime canvases and other surfaces. With helpacrylic can be obtained as an even base, as well as textured or textured.

acrylic in a jar
acrylic in a jar


Most often in stores this material can be found in two packaging options. Acrylic paints are sold in metal tubes and in cans. In the second version, they have a more liquid consistency, and they have an increased risk of drying out, and they are stored longer in tubes.

Jars must be closed very tightly, and paint residues must be carefully removed from the lid and from the thread so that nothing sticks together when it dries, and the container can be easily opened.

Can dried acrylic be restored?

Paints dry out due to contact with air. Water dilutes the pigment and binder to keep the paint at the right consistency, allowing you to mix colors or paint over a large area. If it evaporates, the acrylic resin in the composition sets and the acrylic loses its properties, hardening.

It is possible to restore them, but it is difficult. Due to inattention, acrylic paints in jars dry out quite often, and due to their density, it is difficult to wash and dilute them. You can restore them, but most likely, they will never acquire their former properties and color and will become more like gouache. The tint will fade, the coating will become less even, but the colors will remain usable.

acrylic painting
acrylic painting

How and how to dilute dried acrylic paint

Sometimes damage to acrylic paint cannot be avoided. It happens that the bank fails, and sometimes there is too much material lefton the palette. In any case, I don't want to throw it away at all.

Acrylic paint dried up, how to dilute if it has acquired a "rubber" consistency? In this case, you can just add a little water to it. However, if the acrylic paint for drawing is completely dry, drastic measures will be required. There are a couple of ways to bring material back to life.

Several options for what you can do if acrylic paint has dried:

  1. The easiest way is to dilute with a special agent. So, if the acrylic paint is dry, how to dilute it? For these purposes, a special Gamma acrylic thinner, which can be purchased at art stores, is suitable. Also effective will be white spirit, an industrial composition for removing old paintwork for all types of paint or solvent. When diluting with special means, it should be borne in mind that they may not help if the acrylic paint has dried completely.
  2. There is a more radical way. A solid piece of acrylic must be ground into a powder. It should be as small as possible. Then the powder must be heated in a water bath or diluted with boiling water.
  3. If hot water does not help, you can add alcohol or regular nail polish in small amounts.

Irrevocably the paint deteriorates only under the influence of very low temperatures due to the polymerization of the acrylic emulsion in the composition.

acrylic like watercolor
acrylic like watercolor

However, despite the fact that in some cases acrylic is relatively successfully reanimated, most experts strongly recommenddispose of dried material. This is because the restored paint irretrievably loses its unique properties. The adhesion to the surface will no longer be as good, the coating will become lumpy and the consistency is uneven, the color will fade, the paint itself will become less strong, stable and durable.

Restoring acrylic paint is a rather laborious task, and the result may simply not be worth the effort spent on resuscitation.
