The art of drawing: how to draw a kitten by cells

The art of drawing: how to draw a kitten by cells
The art of drawing: how to draw a kitten by cells

A fascinating activity that has a calming effect on a person is drawing in a notebook. In addition, such an activity develops fine motor skills and improves memory. Let's consider ways of how to draw a kitten by cells.

Features of this type of drawing

The main difference of this art is that the cells must be painted over in a certain sequence or by example, while not forgetting to count the required number of cells and correctly support the color palette.

For example, when choosing how to draw a kitten by cells, you should first decide on the complexity of the scheme and the appropriate color scheme.

how to draw a kitten by cells
how to draw a kitten by cells

The easiest way to draw is with colored pencils and felt-tip pens and use a cross stitch pattern.

Drawing steps

Let's consider sequentially the main stages of how to draw a kitten by cells on your own, without having a diagram at hand:

  • Initially, you should choose a place on the sheet where the ears will begin, and then count a few cells to the right, down and left. The distance between the ears must be at least four cells.
  • A big role in how to draw a cute kitten by cells is played by the eyes. To depict them, you need to retreat one cell from the middle of the ear towards the muzzle - this will be the upper point of the eye. From it, indent three cells down and draw a line two cells to the side, then connect with a slight rounding up. The shape of the eye is ready, to give it greater brightness and expressiveness, it is necessary to draw a small oval in the pupil - a kind of highlight. We also depict the second eye.
  • Place a triangular nose between the eyes, which can also be supplemented with a highlight. Just below it, add a mouth 1-3 cells.
  • To complete the oval of the muzzle, you need to step back from the ear on both sides four cells down and one to the left.
  • On the cheeks, select several points from which the antennae are drawn.
  • Draw paws with three fingers on each. Fingers occupy two horizontal and vertical cells. At the end, the lines are rounded and claws are added.
  • The final touch is the image of a tail of any shape.
how to draw a kitten by cells
how to draw a kitten by cells

If desired, you can make a more complex drawing by depicting a bowl of a kitten or adding additional paraphernalia.

Types of this art

The easiest way is to use a pattern for embroidery, which is gradually transferred to a notebook sheet - for a simple pattern, one leaf will be enough, more complex ones are drawn up on special paper.

The question is how to draw a kittenby cells, a diagram from Japanese crosswords will help. Having trained your hand and using your imagination, you can start designing independent schemes.

how to draw a kitten by cells
how to draw a kitten by cells

Recently, such a character as Simon's cat has gained great popularity, there are a great many image schemes for it. They depict the active activity of the character - he sleeps, eats, hunts and breaks everything in his path.

how to draw drawings on the cells of a kitten
how to draw drawings on the cells of a kitten

In general, the main nuances of how to draw drawings by cells were considered. It will not be difficult to portray a kitten, it will not take much time. And at the end you will get a beautiful drawing with a cute character.
