Turgenev: nature in the works of the writer

Turgenev: nature in the works of the writer
Turgenev: nature in the works of the writer

Nature is a piece of heaven on earth. Pure, virgin, unspoiled by human intervention. People from cities are rushing there.

But we digress, back to Turgenev's nature. Ivan Sergeevich was able to clearly notice one or another of her phenomena. Judging by the way he describes nature, one can draw bold conclusions about the writer's ardent love for her.

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev
Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

Let's talk about the description

Nature in the works of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev is closely connected with the characters themselves. If you re-read, for example, the novel "Fathers and Sons", then this can be seen with the naked eye. Nature changes, the character of the protagonist changes. Moreover, the writer conveys it so powerfully and clearly that it is breathtaking.

And if we consider the story "Bezhin Meadow"? How vividly and colorfully Ivan Sergeevich described the summer landscape: "The color of the sky is light, pale purple." And a village morning appears with its bright sky. The air smells of buckwheat, bitter wormwood and rye. And at night everything freezes, only the water in the river flickers. Undoubtedly, the descriptionnature Turgenev deserves the highest praise. You can only compare a writer with an artist. Only the second paints his paintings with paints, and the first - with words.

Who read the story "Biryuk"? Remember how rain is described there? You start reading and it seems that you hear the wind howling angrily outside the window. You raise your eyes to the sky, it is black and heavy. Suddenly, golden lightning cuts through him, splitting in two. Thunder rumbled in the distance, forcing him to recoil involuntarily from the window. And here are the first drops of rain. Large and heavy, they slap the green leaves and hit the roof. Re-read the story - you yourself will understand how beautifully Turgenev describes nature.

Summer in the countryside
Summer in the countryside

The nature and personality of the writer

There is no doubt that Ivan Sergeevich loved nature and admired it. But few people know that he bowed before this wondrous creation of God. The nature of Turgenev is majestic and all-consuming, a person is powerless in front of her.

The writer tried in vain to understand what links nature and man. What strings stretch from immortal and eternal nature to a weak creation. But each time, stumbling over her formidable silence, he abandoned his search for a while. Then they resumed again, and everything repeated.

Nature in Turgenev's works is something unshakable. She is the counterbalance to stupid and strange human desires and ambitions. Ivan Sergeevich was able to see how far the laws of nature are from the plans and ideas of man. How easily she can destroy them. Sometimes Turgenev was afraid of her laws, which he could notaffect a person. It seemed to him that these laws were embodied in a kind of indifference of nature towards people.

There is a poetic prose from Turgenev - "Nature". so it is called, and in it the author tries to ask questions to this eternal and unshakable giant. But the answers of nature are cold, harsh and make it clear that there is no need to go where the human mind is powerless.

Autumn in the works of Turgenev
Autumn in the works of Turgenev


We talked about how Turgenev describes nature. About his very sensitive and personal attitude towards her. The writer knew how to make nature a part of human life, to merge them together.

Love for nature in his works is so pure and tender that you want to re-read them again.
