Paustovsky: stories about nature. Paustovsky's works about nature

Paustovsky: stories about nature. Paustovsky's works about nature
Paustovsky: stories about nature. Paustovsky's works about nature

The aesthetic education of children includes many aspects. One of them is the child's ability to perceive with pleasure the beauty of the nature around him. In addition to a contemplative position, it is also necessary to cultivate a desire to take an active part in environmental protection activities, to understand the relationships that exist in the world between objects. It is this attitude to the world that Paustovsky's works about nature teach.

Criticism about the work of Paustovsky

Notice all the mysteries of nature and describe what he saw in such a way as not to leave any reader indifferent - the main thing that Paustovsky was perfect at. Stories about nature are proof of this.

paustovsky stories about nature
paustovsky stories about nature

About the work of Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky, his fans speak with love. Literary critics express great respect for the master of artdescriptions. According to them, rarely does a writer manage to "humanize" the phenomena of nature, to present them in such a way that all interconnections become obvious. Even a small person is able to understand how fragile the world in which people live. According to some critics, it was nature that made Paustovsky a great writer. Paustovsky himself always compared his creative insight, which more than once helped him in his work, with spring in nature. It is just as beautiful and joyful.

How Paustovsky developed his creative gift

Stories about nature are the result of many years of work. Not a single day lived by the writer was erased from his memory. All his life observations, stories, experience of communicating with interesting people, impressions accumulated after numerous travels, Paustovsky constantly wrote down. Most of these memories became the basis of the writer's works.

Paustovsky's works about nature
Paustovsky's works about nature

The creations of great poets, writers, artists, composers, in which the beauty of simple Russian nature was sung, were always of interest to Konstantin Georgievich. Enjoying the work of recognized masters, he was surprised at how accurately they were able to convey the feelings of their souls, innermost thoughts. Years later, Paustovsky himself could do this. Nature stories draw the reader in powerfully, captivating with precise, concise descriptions.

Nature in the works of Paustovsky

The peculiarity of the stories is that they mainly represent the nature of the middle zone, which is not rich in its colors and variety of speciesRussia. But this is done by the writer so masterfully that the reader is fascinated and amazed by this discreet beauty.

nature in the works of Paustovsky
nature in the works of Paustovsky

Paustovsky always wrote stories about nature based on personal observations. It is for this reason that all the facts presented by Paustovsky in his works are reliable. The writer admitted that while working on this or that story, he constantly discovered something new for himself, but the secrets did not become less. The plants, animals, and natural phenomena described in the works are easily recognizable by the reader. The stories are filled with sound, visual images. You can easily feel the smells that fill the air.

The meaning of the landscape in the works of the writer

Paustovsky believed that for a more complete perception of the work, the reader must definitely immerse himself in the atmosphere that surrounds the characters. This can easily be done if the writer uses the techniques of landscape characterization. Paustovsky's stories about nature, short and more voluminous, necessarily contain artistic descriptions of a forest, river, field, garden or some other natural community. A thoughtful reading of these characteristics helps the reader to more deeply understand the meaning of the whole work or its individual parts.

Paustovsky's short stories about nature
Paustovsky's short stories about nature

Landscape, according to the master, is not some kind of addition to prose or its decoration. It should logically enter the structure of the story and immerse the reader in the world of native nature.

Paustovsky's stories forchildren

Careful thoughtful attitude to the world must be brought up from an early age. Great help in this is provided by the works of Russian writers. K. G. Paustovsky is one of those whose works are included in the school curriculum for literary reading. The list of recommended readings includes a whole series of stories about nature. Their list can be represented by the following names: "Hare paws", "Cat-thief", "Rubber boat", "Badger nose", "Collection of miracles", "Meshcherskaya side" and many others. The stories told by Paustovsky touch the soul of a child. Heroes of works are remembered forever. And the writer himself becomes a friend, a role model for many young readers. This is exactly what the lines from children's essays that were written by schoolchildren after getting acquainted with the stories of Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky speak of.
