Want to learn how to draw an anime girl?

Want to learn how to draw an anime girl?
Want to learn how to draw an anime girl?

If you are interested in the question of how to draw an anime girl, then this article is for you. It contains the algorithm of work and some secrets of obtaining the desired result. So, arm yourself with sharp pencils, an eraser and a piece of paper and get to work!

How to draw an anime girl step by step?

Stage 1. Image skeleton. Drawing begins with the fact that the author makes sketches, determining the location of the head, body, arms and legs. To do this, draw light lines, as shown in the figure below.

how to draw anime girl
how to draw anime girl

Stage 2. Now you can start drawing the character's body.

How to draw an anime girl: head

We will depict the head in the form of "three quarters". To do this, draw a circle so that the vertical auxiliary line is shifted to the left. So:

1. Determine where the chin should be and draw a small line there.

2. Draw two tangents from the sides of the circle to its ends.

3. Based on the drawn lines, drawrounded triangles to form the character's cheeks.

4. Draw the eyes, mouth and nose.

how to draw anime girl head
how to draw anime girl head

How to draw an anime girl: hair

The hair of an anime character can be very diverse. It can be loose or gathered into a neat ponytail. To make the result more beautiful, it is recommended to create small parts of the hair, grouping them into a strand. This is how the hair should be shaped. The tip of the strand should curl more strongly at the bottom, so the overall look is more interesting. You can detail the hair as much as your imagination allows.

how to draw anime girl hair
how to draw anime girl hair

How to draw an anime girl: body

From the head, carefully sketch out the neck. When drawing the shoulders, do not forget that one of them should be shorter than the other, because the anime character we are drawing is standing sideways to us. Sketch the waist lightly.

how to draw an anime girl step by step
how to draw an anime girl step by step

The biggest difficulty at this stage is to draw the chest. It can turn out unnatural and similar to balloons. To avoid this, follow our advice. The thing is that you need to clearly know the shape and location of the breasts. They should look like inverted cups or halves of a sphere. Now let's talk about location. Imagine a vertical line running down the center of your body from head to toe. The breasts should be at a 45 degree angle to her and somewhere in the middle of the chest.

Stage 3. Now you need to draw the arms of the anime-heroine. If there are no problems in creating a drawing of the humerus and forearms, then there may be difficulties in depicting the hands. To understand the location of the fingers on the hand, let's analyze the algorithm for drawing a hand with outstretched fingers:

1. First, draw an oval and put a dot in the center of its lower part.

2. Five straight lines (future fingers) are drawn from it.

3. Fill them with flesh. The index and ring fingers should be almost equal in length. The little finger ends at the top joint of the ring finger. The thumb should be long enough to reach the index finger. Focusing on the above, depict the desired shape of the brush. At this stage, you can start drawing clothes, but you can do it later.

how to draw anime girl hands
how to draw anime girl hands

Stage 4. Next, draw the legs of the anime girl. To do this, the thighs and lower leg are first depicted as small cylinders, then they are corrected. The forefoot can be shaped like a half walnut, and the heel can be rounded. On this basis, you can get the desired result.

how to draw anime girl legs
how to draw anime girl legs

Step 5. If you haven't drawn clothes yet, do so now.

Step 6. When the sketches are ready, circle the drawing with a black marker.

how to draw an anime girl step by step
how to draw an anime girl step by step

Stage 7. The final step: erase unnecessary lines with an eraser.

how to draw an anime girl with a pencil
how to draw an anime girl with a pencil

Now you know how to draw an anime girl with a pencil. The drawing can be carefullyshade or color. For example, as shown in the photo above.
