Joana Reed and a modern women's novel about passion, love, jealousy and betrayal

Joana Reed and a modern women's novel about passion, love, jealousy and betrayal
Joana Reed and a modern women's novel about passion, love, jealousy and betrayal

Fatal love and violent passions in women's novels always intrigue readers. The real author, who wrote the exciting love scenes, arouses the genuine interest of readers.

Joanna Reed is an author of erotic and romance novels. What kind of life hides behind the pseudonym of a popular writer who has written more than 60 baby romance novels, the total circulation of which has exceeded 26 million copies?

in the rhythm of passion
in the rhythm of passion

Only what you want matters

The real name of the British writer is Lynn Graham. In Russia, her books are known under many pseudonyms, in addition to Joanna Reed, for example, Tori Quinsley, Inga Barrister and others.

When asked what inspires her most to create another novel, she replies that it is inventing another, more colorful world in which everyone is in love.

Joanna Reed (Lynn Graham) was born into an Irish-Scottish family on July 30, 1956. Read itstarted at age three. I tried to write different love stories from early youth, but at first they were not successful.

After graduating from the University of Edinburgh, she married a childhood friend she met when she was 14.

escape for romance
escape for romance

Dreams come true

According to renowned short romance publisher Mills & Boon, Lynn Graham is a popular and successful women's novelist with a total circulation of 26 million.

In Russia, she is better known as Joanna Reed. Since childhood, the writer dreamed of a fairy-tale prince, until now she sometimes says that maybe he will fly for her on a supersonic plane.

She has five children. The native child born in wedlock is 19 years old. Now he is studying at the university. She also has four adopted children: two orphans from Guatemala and two toddlers from Sri Lanka.

She wrote her first novel at 15, but it was not accepted anywhere. While on maternity leave, Lynn began to write again. For a long time, success did not come to her. In 1987, Mills & Boon published her first novel, and another one a year later. She is now a regular publisher, writing two novels a year.

Under the pseudonym Joanna Reed has been published in Russia since 1991. The series "Panorama of Love Novels" has earned high marks from readers. The photo shows all the books by Joanna Reed from the Love Novels Panorama series.

series "panorama of love"
series "panorama of love"


Since Lynn landed her first publishing deal, a lot of water has flown under the bridge. But her daily routine remains virtually unchanged.

In the morning you need to send your husband to work. Then you should take the children and meet. In his free time - writing. On weekends, Lynn tries not to write, devoting all her free time to her family.

She is exacting about her manuscripts, endlessly corrects yesterday, sometimes completely rewriting and changing the plot. The high reader rating of Joanna Reed's books is quite predictable, as it is built on daily and tireless work and work on the plot. The writer loves luxury, so a lot of attention is usually paid to the detailed description of luxury items.

these days
these days

She lives with her close-knit family in her own country house, surrounded by a luxurious forest that comes right up to the garden fence. He likes to grow flowers and vegetables, cook delicious culinary dishes, is fond of collecting rare and rare things, collecting them.

The company of a large family is diluted with a black cat Thomas and a white baby terrier Daisy. They brighten up winter evenings with games with each other and with their owners. Also, Thomas and Daisy love to walk in the woods with Joanne in search of something interesting.

The writer has a favorite and obligatory holiday - Christmas.

But even on holidays, children notice how their mother moves her lips, as if speaking up, they know: she is composing a new book, and at this time they try not to make noise and not interfere with her. What the book will be aboutonly its author…

romance novels
romance novels

Reed Joanna and "One More Wish"

Five children do not stop her from inventing new stories for her mini-novels.

Usually, the central heroine of the novel becomes a modest and defenseless girl who has to overcome passion and humiliation, but remain herself, maintaining nobility and dignity, no matter what it takes.

The novel "One More Wish" by Lynn Graham was released under the pseudonym Joanne Reed. This is the story of a sweet girl Annie, who came to London to visit her brother. If she knew what was waiting for her when she got off the plane, she would have turned around and left.

Revenge and love in one bottle - such feelings overcame the second hero of the novel - Chris, the owner of a large company. He declared a manhunt for Annie to use her as a weapon of revenge. He became for Annie first a curse, and then happiness. It is said that marriages are made in heaven. It's hard to disagree, because Annie's love turned out to be stronger than Chris's revenge. Although brother Annie's revenge was a success, the all-conquering power of love really brought the lovers together.

The novel is full of the sounds of the sea, the rustle of waves and leaves, cries of despair and pain, but the main thing here is a declaration of love that even the proudest girl cannot resist.

universe - love
universe - love

Engagements are different

For Audrey, the protagonist of the mini-novel "Fake Engagement" by Joanna Reed, her whole life consisted of hardships and continuous troubles. She worked two jobs to get herself out of debt, but by accidenton the street she helped an old man who was offended by teenagers. Took him to the hospital and pulled out a lucky ticket.

A pleasant everyday story with a happy ending, like all novels of the writer. Not everything is simple and fast for the main characters Philip and Audrey, there is too much difference in upbringing, Audrey is too insecure and absent-minded, and her other half is the boss of a large bank, domineering and tough, uncompromising and cunning. He does not like Audrey for her bad work in the firm, she is afraid to anger the boss with her stupidity.

However, Philip needs the girl for a fictitious engagement to appease that same old man - godfather Philip from the first chapter of the novel.

Love catches up with them suddenly right after the fictitious engagement took place.

modern love
modern love

Becoming a couple by chance, the heroes reveal the best sides of their natures. He becomes sensitive and kind, she becomes passionate and proud.

Erotic scenes are detailed but reserved. The author pays more attention to the psychology of the relationship of lovers, external events that affect the actions of the characters.

The action of the novel is dynamic, not drawn out, gives hope that another Cinderella managed to fulfill her dream - to meet her prince.
