Actress Irina Pechernikova: biography, personal life

Actress Irina Pechernikova: biography, personal life
Actress Irina Pechernikova: biography, personal life

Irina Pechernikova has been known to viewers for many roles since the days of the Soviet Union. Now the honored artist of the RSFSR can often be seen in popular TV shows on many well-known channels. In her youth, in the 70-80s, she was considered one of the most beautiful actresses in Russian cinema and called herself "Radiant".

Irina Pechernikova: the first steps of the actress

Irina was born after the war in 1945, on September 2, in the glorious city of Grozny. The family of the future actress did not stay there for a long time and moved to Moscow. Like all girls, little Irisha dreamed of acting in films and being famous. In the capital, she was lucky to settle next to the theater artist Rufina Nifontova. Asking her once about what needs to be done in order to become the same as her, the baby heard the answer: "That's it." With this word, Pechernikova's path to glory began.

photo by irina pechernikova
photo by irina pechernikova

Irina did everything she could. There was nothing on her list: gymnastics, figure skating, shooting, fencing, horseback riding and, of course, amateur theater.

After school, the girl easily entered the Moscow Art Theater and in her second year got an excellent role inperformance "The Winter of Our Anxiety" Along with the first success, both envious people and gossipers appeared, but Irina soon realized that the more they talk about her, the more her popularity in the art world grows. In the theater, a beautiful young actress immediately took all the significant roles for herself, for which her female colleagues did not like her. Soon the atmosphere became so tense that the theater had to be abandoned.

Pechernikova Irina Viktorovna and her film partners

The heroine of our story appeared on the screen for the first time in the film "The Stone Guest", she had the main role of Donna Anna. The career of the film actress was rapidly gaining momentum. Look at the photo of Irina Pechernikova, this sweet girl was able to turn the heads of such celebrities as Vysotsky, Tikhonov, Smoktunovsky.

irina pechernikova
irina pechernikova

These famous people were partners of the aspiring actress in films, and the ubiquitous journalists after each new shooting talked about Irina's stormy romances with her colleagues.

With Vyacheslav Tikhonov, a very young actress starred in the film "We'll Live Until Monday." Next to the experienced and famous Vyacheslav, Irina seemed like a girl, but she played very talentedly and earned the recognition of the audience, they began to recognize her on the streets. Next to Vysotsky, Smoktunovsky and other world-famous movie stars, Pechernikova looked on an equal footing, in no way inferior to them in professionalism.

Private life

Irina Pechernikova had a lot of fans, this is not surprising with such an appearance and talent. She married three times. For the first time, the actress tied her fate witha musician from Poland, whose name was Zbigniew Bizon. The marriage did not last long, the young hot-tempered spouses could not get along together. The second time the heart of the beauty trembled from the assertiveness of the famous actor Boris Galkin. Again there was a wedding and hope for a long life together, but the couple broke up very soon.

Then came the perestroika years, which were difficult for Russian art. Pechernikova, like many other actors, was left without work. Trying to get out of depression, Irina began to drink alcohol in large quantities. It is not known how such “therapy” would have ended if not for a new love. In 1997, Alexander Solovyov proposed to the actress, and they signed. Problems with alcohol are left behind. Unfortunately, happiness did not last long, in 2000 Solovyov died. Pechernikova did not give birth to any children from any husband and was again left alone.


In her personal life, emptiness, in her career - complete oblivion … It would seem that the glorious past will not be reborn, but a miracle happened, and fate gave Pechernikova a second chance. The desperate, middle-aged actress took part in the Formula of Beauty project, after which she seemed to be born again. Plastic surgeons returned the actress to her former beauty, she looked twenty years younger and believed in herself again.

Pechernikova Irina Viktorovna
Pechernikova Irina Viktorovna

Cinema appreciated the changes that have taken place with the actress, and she began to receive offers to act again. Series Irina Pechernikova does not take seriously. She stubbornly refuses to take part in such shootings. She believesthat it would be better to play one role instead of ten, but this role will be worthy of her talent.
