Actress Maria Kapustinskaya: films, roles, biography

Actress Maria Kapustinskaya: films, roles, biography
Actress Maria Kapustinskaya: films, roles, biography

Maria Kapustinskaya is a St. Petersburg actress. Russian citizen. There are 16 cinematic works in her creative biography. You can see her acting work in the feature film "Single" and the television series "Pregnancy Test", "High School Students". She has creative ties with actors: Natalia Tkachenko, Gennady Smirnov, Svetlana Smirnova-Katsagadzhieva, Dmitry Sutyrin, Denis Moiseev and others. She worked in films directed by Sergei Shcherbina, Kirill Kapitsa, Andrey Korshunov and others.

2014 was a successful year for the actress, when she was involved in the Pregnancy Test project. She embarked on the cinematic path in 2000, embodying Masha on the screen in the TV series OBZH. Plays in detectives, melodramas, action films. Mostly known as an actress of serials. According to the sign of the zodiac - Sagittarius.

Maria Kapustinskaya actress
Maria Kapustinskaya actress

Biography, personal life

Maria Kapustinskaya was born in the city of Leningrad on December 2, 1985. As a child, she loved music. When she was 11 years old, she made her debut on the stage of the musical theater "Rally". In the mid-2000s, she learned the basics of actingskills, sitting at the bench of the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, which she successfully graduated in 2006.

About person

Maria Kapustinskaya is a light blond and green-eyed woman of the European type of appearance. Her height is 168 cm. She wears shoes of the 37th size, the clothing size that suits her is 38 (44). Speaks English at a conversational level. She has mastered the art of dancing, dances jazz-modern. Lives in Saint Petersburg. Plays in entreprises, starred in commercials, television series and movies.

Frame with Maria Kapustinskaya
Frame with Maria Kapustinskaya

Movie roles

In 2005, he appeared in the 8th episode of the detective television project "Sea Devils". Her character Veronika Samoilova builds relationships with other characters in the teen series High School Students. In 2008, Maria Kapustinskaya decided to take part in the creation of the short film High Feelings. She secured the “title” of an actress of crime serials by working in the project “Foundry, 4”, where she developed the image of Zhenya. She made a role in the short film "Young Evil" in the piggy bank of her acting work. She played Tatyana in the television projects “I love you alone” and “Single”. In the "Counter Current" introduces the audience to his character Oksana. Tries herself as Daria in the 2014 project "Pregnancy Test".

In the mini-series, "The Past Can Wait" contributes to the development of the plot in the image of Ali. Plays two characters in the Russian melodrama series Letters on Glass. Fate". This story involves the viewer in the life of Alina Alferova, who does not know howwhat she should do when someone she once loved, and perhaps still loves, appears in her quiet family life. The participation of the actress in the creation of the popular series of the detective genre "Nevsky" can be called the creative success of Maria Kapustinskaya. In the mini-series "The Ghost of the County Town" she can be recognized in the heroine Marina Nikiforova.
