Reflections of Nekrasov at the sight of the front entrance. Front or entrance? How to say right?

Reflections of Nekrasov at the sight of the front entrance. Front or entrance? How to say right?
Reflections of Nekrasov at the sight of the front entrance. Front or entrance? How to say right?

Nekrasov is the greatest folk poet. Almost all of the writer's work convinces of this. He never, even if he lived in St. Petersburg or abroad, did not break ties with his small homeland, rural and peasant. The reality that he recreated was socially voluminous. It combined an intelligent and muzhik view of things. The poem “Reflections at the front door” has such two plans. Its content and features will be discussed below.

On the peculiarities of speech in the two capital cities

A lot of controversy arises when questions concern the Russian language. Front door or entrance - which is correct? Petersburgers prefer the first option, and Muscovites - the second. These options for naming the street entrance - "front" or "entrance" - were formed, according to residents of St. Petersburg, after the revolution. It is hardly essential. Although how to look. Do you say "front" or "entrance"? Petersburgers distinguish these concepts by meaning.

front door or porch
front door or porch

The first word for them means an indoor staircase or the main entrance to a mansion, the second is a place that is approached or approached, and it is on the street. For a Muscovite, the front door or the entrance mean the same thing. And the phrase "front entrance" means an entrance decorated with a front porch. The arguing very often recall the poem by Nekrasov named above. Let us also turn to Reflections at the Front Door.

Author's view

Judging by the text, the author is watching the main entrance of a rich manor house from the window opposite. And what does he see? On holidays, small city officials rush to pay their respects by “writing their name and rank” in a book that lies with the porter. They are not allowed to go further than this place - they did not go out in rank so that a high-ranking person would receive them personally. But they are not offended, on the contrary, they are so pleased with themselves that the author wonders if this self-abasement is their calling?

What happens on weekdays at the front door

On weekdays, petitioners are drawn to the nobleman's house in a string. Some of them are looking for a place to work, a widow or an old man wants to apply for a pension. In addition to petitioners, who often get rejected and cry, leaving without finding favors, couriers with papers jump in the morning.

False expectations

The author once saw a soul-rending spectacle. Ordinary men came up to the entrance from distant places. Before knocking on the door, they took off their hats, prayed to the church, stood at a distance, their heads hopelessly lowered. The door opened and the doorman looked out.

reflections at the front door
reflections at the front door

miserable knapsacks, crosses visible on open necks. Hopelessness and anguish were written on their faces. From the house came an instruction to the porter to drive out the ragged mob, since the owner does not like such beggars. The door slammed shut. The peasants consulted and began to collect money, but the porter neglected their miserable pennies and did not allow them to reach his excellency. So the wanderers left, forgiving everything to both the porter and his master. The meeting of the unfortunate people from the people with a powerful and we althy person, on which they had placed so many hopes, did not take place. And back they carry hopeless grief in their hearts.

Contrast of two worlds

While the unfortunates leave, a high-ranking official sleeps and sees sweet dreams. Nekrasov's poem "At the front door" and in the future, in a different context, will use the word "dream" and its synonyms. The darling of life, he is happy with everything.

reflections at the front door
reflections at the front door

"Wake up," calls the author. There is real pleasure: helping the disadvantaged, this is the awakening to a real honest life, this is the salvation from that soulless quagmire in which the rich man is mired. But he is deaf and does not want to see or hear anything. It is enough for him that he now rules the world, and what will happen later does not frighten him.

How this idle life will continue

A very well. He does not care about the sorrow of the people. Carefree, never waking up to see real life, in the bosom of Italian nature, after retiring, he will spend his days. And all sorts of hacks, clickers who stand up for the people's welfare, he is deeplydespises, looks at them arrogantly and mocks them. It is quite enough if there is serene beautiful nature around.

Nekrasov reflections at the front door summary
Nekrasov reflections at the front door summary

The nobleman will live to a ripe old age, in a happy dream, from which he will never wake up, dying. Finishing his biography, the author predicts: "You will fall asleep …" He will be surrounded by affectionate and attentive heirs who are looking forward to his death. With irony, the author will call him a hero, who after death will be praised, but in fact he will be secretly cursed.

The theme of people's suffering

Thrice N. A. Nekrasov passes from the world of we alth to the world of poverty and ends the poem with a description of the suffering share of the people. It is safe and even fun to take out anger on small people, the poet remarks sarcastically. In the last part of the poem, Nekrasov looks around all of Russia and repeats the word "groan" many times. From immeasurable grief, walkers to the nobleman will go to a roadside tavern, drink everything and groan, begging and returning home with nothing. Where can you find such a place in your native land that the peasant, the guardian of the Russian land, does not moan?

Nekrasov's poem at the front door
Nekrasov's poem at the front door

It turns out there is no such place anywhere. He does not rejoice in God's light anywhere: in the fields, on the roads, under the barn, next to the judicial chambers, where it is impossible to find the truth. And over the huge Volga, a drawn-out song-groan is heard. The earth overflowed with the moan of the people more than the flood of the high-water Volga in the spring. EndsNekrasov “Reflections at the front entrance”, a brief summary of which we examined, with the question: “Will the people wake up, having gained strength, or is this the end, has it rested forever?”
