Dmitry Shirokov: biography, career, photo

Dmitry Shirokov: biography, career, photo
Dmitry Shirokov: biography, career, photo

This kind and charming giant with a childish smile has been familiar to almost all television viewers and radio listeners of the country for many years. Born in a disadvantaged area of the city of Odintsovo, he, unexpectedly for all his numerous relatives who worked in factories for many decades, managed to become a popular presenter on radio and television, having come to his fiftieth birthday as an experienced producer and editor-in-chief of the police wave radio station.


The whole large Shirokov family was from the eighth microdistrict of the city of Odintsovo near Moscow, popularly called the Second Plant. His great-grandfather was among those few lucky ones who had a large brick house. The great-grandmother, who skillfully cheated at cards even when playing with her own great-grandson, was remembered by the leader of the Belomor block behind her back and an eternal cigarette in her mouth.

Grandfather Dmitry Shirokov had twenty-two brothers. They all lived close to each other and were one big average working family in the city of Odintsovo.

Dmitry with mom
Dmitry with mom

Tamara Serafimovna, the mother of our hero, died of cancer in 1991. Evgeny Shirokov, Dmitry's father, was destined to outlive his beloved wife by only ten years.

Father Evgeny Shirokov
Father Evgeny Shirokov

In 2001, he died in a car accident, at the last moment having managed to substitute the car with his side under the blow of a car rushing in the oncoming lane, driven by a drunk driver. At the cost of his own life, a man saved his son and daughter-in-law, who were traveling with him on that tragic day…

Childhood and youth

Dmitry Evgenievich Shirokov was born on February 9, 1969. New generations of residents of Odintsovo and the Second Plant, which today is a large construction site that has turned these places into a modern city with new microdistricts, streets and social facilities, do not even suspect that a few decades ago this entire territory was not the most prosperous area.

Dmitry Shirokov in childhood
Dmitry Shirokov in childhood

Private houses and factory barracks, which in the late 70s replaced the gray rows of Khrushchev's five-story buildings; the remains of clay quarries that have turned into a pond on Komsomolskaya Street; constant fights between teenagers and skirmishes "microdistrict against microdistrict" - that was the place where the future famous presenter Dmitry Shirokov was born.

After graduating from secondary school No. 1, he got a job at the Moscow Pump Plant, where he worked as a turner until 1986, until he was called to serve inarmy.

Dmitry Shirokov during the service
Dmitry Shirokov during the service

Demobilized, Dmitry returned to his hometown. In 1992 he entered the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. He graduated in 1997 and became a certified specialist in Russian language and literature.

Radio work

In the biography of Dmitry Shirokov, radio first appeared in 1994, while still studying at the Pedagogical Institute.

At that time, business opportunities at all levels were opened up in the country, and commercial radio stations were opened one after another. Among them was Radio 101, where, by the will of fate, Dmitry's classmates ended up. Knowing the guy's sociable nature, erudition and erudition, they invited him to host the Book News program at this station.

Shirokov worked at Radio 101 until 2000. Together with him, such future famous presenters as Valdis Pelsh, Kirill Kleimenov, Alexei Kortnev, Alexei Lysenkov and Irina Bogushevskaya began their activities here. "Radio 101" became a unique radio phenomenon of those years. It was the only station that did not have either a format or a musical repertoire approved by anyone. Each presenter prepared his broadcast purely at his own discretion and taste.

From 2000 to 2003, Dmitry Shirokov worked as the program director of the Russian Radio-2 radio station, then, until 2007, he was the host of popular programs on Avtoradio, Radio Online, Radio Disco and"Russian songs".

In 2008, Shirokov became the program director of the Good Songs radio station, one of the first in the country to start broadcasting chanson on the air. In 2014, he was the editor-in-chief of the Nashe Podmoskovye station. And most recently, in 2018, he was appointed editor-in-chief of the Police Wave.

Dmitry Shirokov, good hero
Dmitry Shirokov, good hero

Television work

Even when he was a student and started working on "Radio 101", Dmitry Shirokov, who had not even thought about television before, worked part-time as a showman in a club at night. Aurora and Sasha Pryanikov, popular presenters of Muz-TV, were frequent guests in this institution. On one of the beautiful nights, they offered the textured and bright Shirokov to try his hand as the host of the morning programs of this television music channel. Dmitry took a chance and a month later he was on his first TV broadcast in his life.

On "Muz-TV" he worked for a total of five years, simultaneously leading programs on the radio. Over the years, he has implemented several successful musical projects, the most popular of which was "Canned". The period of work on the TV channel turned out to be truly stellar for Dmitry. He became so popular that he was recognized on the streets and not allowed to pass, even if he just went to the nearest grocery store.

After "Muz-TV" Shirokov took part in several more special projects. For some time he worked on the opened TV channel"TV-6". He was also the host and even the producer of the La Minor channel.

Private life

Dmitry Shirokov got married back in 1990, immediately after returning from the army. He met his wife practically in his own yard, since she was also born in the microdistrict of the Second Plant in the city of Odintsovo.

Dmitry with his wife. 2008
Dmitry with his wife. 2008

Open and sociable during his radio and television broadcasts, Dmitry considers his personal life to be an absolutely inaccessible topic for everyone. The name, biography and occupation of his wife are unknown. On Shirokov's page in one of the social networks, you can find her only photo.

Son Dmitry
Son Dmitry

It is known that our hero has a son Dmitry, all information about which is also presented by a single photo.

In conclusion

Despite the fact that almost his entire conscious life is connected with the profession of a presenter, Dmitry himself finds the radio a sweet poison, and the ether a drug. The same thing that dragged him into the whirlpool of radio and television, he considers partly his bad luck. Such is the paradox. And when asked what advice he would give to aspiring radio hosts, he replies:

If it's a girl, beat the crap out of your head, get married, have kids, and only listen to the radio on your radio. If it is a young person, do not engage in it if possible. Chekhov used to say: “If you can not write, don’t write”…

On the photo - Dmitry Shirokov today.

Dmitry Shirokov with radiocorona
Dmitry Shirokov with radiocorona

Dmitry celebrated a few days agoits fiftieth anniversary. From a good-natured charming giant from Odintsovo, like a boy worried about the air, he has long turned into a producer wise in life and experience. And now, despite the fact that he has a lot of interesting work and meetings ahead of him, he considers life itself to be the most important and unusual…
