Icewind Dale Trilogy: Books in the Cycle and Their Contents

Icewind Dale Trilogy: Books in the Cycle and Their Contents
Icewind Dale Trilogy: Books in the Cycle and Their Contents

Fantasy is a genre that has been very popular in recent decades. Many books have been written in it, many worlds have been created by the authors. Some of them are more detailed and widely known, for example, "Arda" by JRR Tolkien, others are less popular, but also have their fans. One of the worlds that is quite popular, but not too well known to the general public, is the world of the Forgotten Realms, originally created for games, but later "overgrown" with books written on it. More than a dozen authors create in this universe. One of the first literary works is a cycle about a dark elf, or rather, the trilogy "Icewind Valley" included in it. It was she who, in fact, laid the foundation for the whole story about the elf DoUrden. It was written by American Robert Salvatore.

salvatore icewind valley
salvatore icewind valley

Icewind Dale Trilogy Brief

This universe started with games. Even in recent decades, Forgotten Realms computer gamesare popular. However, the Icewind Dale books are not only one of the first FORGOTTEN REALMS books, they are also the first time one of the universe's most famous characters, the dark elf Drizzt and his company, appears.

The trilogy was written in 1988-1990 and covers the events of several years. Heroes have to find their place in this world. Drizzt DoUrden, an exile from the despised dark elf race, must learn to live on the surface among alien races. The dwarf Bruenor, on the contrary, needs to find a way underground, to Mithril Hall, long abandoned by him. That's just the past haunts the heroes on the heels, taking, for example, the guise of a hired killer Artemis Entreri. But first things first.

icewind valley trilogy
icewind valley trilogy

Crystal Shard

The book takes place in an area called Icewind Dale, where it is said that any exile will be accepted and understood. It is here that the elf Drizzt, who left the underground city, is heading. But he remains an outcast here, forced to live far from everyone.

The central character of this part is rather the dwarf Brenon Battle Axe. The dwarven king at one time quite successfully repelled the invasion of the barbarian tribes in the Valley, preventing them from destroying and plundering the Ten Cities. Of the enemies, only a young man named Wulfgar survived, whom the dwarf adopted.

Parallel to these events, the magician Akar Kessel, betrayed and thrown out of his hometown outside the Valley, is burning with a thirst for revenge. Using magiccrystal, he plans to create an army and conquer the whole world. And Kessel is going to start from Icewind Dale.

icewind valley book
icewind valley book

Silver Streams

In the second book of the trilogy, King Bruenor Battle Ax sets off in search of his homeland, the path to which he has forgotten in the hundred years that have passed since his departure (by the way, there is an opinion that Bruenor's entire campaign is an allusion to Thorin's campaign Oakenshield from Tolkien's universe). A century ago, the Battleaxe clan was forced to leave Mithril Hall because of a dragon named Shimmering Darkness that settled there.

Immediately after the danger of Kessel has passed, the heroes emerge from Icewind Dale. But trouble awaits them not only ahead - they are followed by the mercenary Artemis Entreri, who initially pursues one of the participants in the campaign commissioned by the Thieves Guild, but as a result becomes Drizzt DoUrden's personal enemy. Just out of a desire to prove to everyone and to himself that the dark elf is not superior to him, because before that Entreri was considered the best among warriors.

At the gates of Mithril Hall, two squads meet, a fight breaks out. Drizzt and Artemis fall into the dungeons. They are forced to cooperate to get to the surface.

At the end of the book, during another skirmish, the fleeing Entreris captures Guenhwyvar, Drizzt's magical panther. The mercenary is counting on the fact that the elf will want to return the fighting girlfriend and go after him.

ice wind valley
ice wind valley

Jewel of the Halfling

The final book of the trilogy tells about the pasthalfling Regis and why Artemis Entreri was after him, finally catching up with him. The company, familiar to the reader from previous books, gathers again and sets off in pursuit of a mercenary. Actually, the whole book is devoted to this confrontation.

The path of the heroes is even longer and more distant than in the previous book, and therefore a great many adventures await them. In addition, this journey reveals the world well - the squad passes through different cities, regions, meets representatives of different races and cultures.

At the end of their adventures, the heroes find themselves in a parallel world, but they will be saved by the Guenhwyvar obtained by Regis. Drizzt's squad returns to the material world, defeating the enemies, but a badly wounded Entreri manages to escape. The heroes' path lies back north, they still need to retake Mithril Hall.

Is there a sequel?

This story has a continuation. Robert Salvatore wrote over a dozen more books on the adventures of DoUrden and company. In addition, the author created a prequel to this story - the Dark Elf trilogy, which tells about Drizzt's childhood and youth and how he ended up on the surface, about his difficult relationships with compatriots and relatives, about his views on life and about meeting Guenhwyvar.

The FORGOTTEN REALMS books by Salvatore are among the most popular books written in this universe.
