List of films with Will Smith: the most popular and best roles
List of films with Will Smith: the most popular and best roles

Video: List of films with Will Smith: the most popular and best roles

Video: List of films with Will Smith: the most popular and best roles
Video: Top 10 Will Smith Movies 2024, June

Wil Smith is one of the most sought after Hollywood actors. Smith became the first actor in Hollywood history to have nine films in a row gross over $100 million each. His career began in 1990 with ABC's After School Special. He continues to act actively today. His work is varied. He starred in fantasy films, dramas, melodramas and action films. Consider the list of films with Will Smith that are especially popular with the audience.

Bad Boys (1995)

This film brought him unprecedented success just as his portrayal of the teen idol on The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air was beginning to fade. The comedy film "Bad Boys" tells the story of two police officers from Miami. They are friends, but they are completely different: one is an exemplary family man,the second - lives like a playboy for his own pleasure, considering work as entertainment. One day, a large consignment of heroin disappears from the storage of material evidence, which friends seized the day before. Now they have to return the stolen.

Rated 8, 3 out of 10. A sequel was filmed in 2003, and a movie titled "Bad Boys 3" will be released in 2020.

"Independence Day" (1996)

This picture continues the list of films with Will Smith. Given the age of the film (and it is already over twenty years old), the modern viewer cannot demand ideal special effects from it. But the actors did a great job in their roles.

An alien race is preparing an attack on humanity. Possessing more powerful and improved weapons, she is going to destroy people in order to settle on the planet Earth generous with gifts. The aliens sow fear and death, but the President of the United States, led by a group of daredevils, is ready to challenge them.

Rating - 8, 2.

Film "Men in Black" (1997)

men in Black
men in Black

Fantastic action comedy shows our reality from a completely different side. There are one and a half thousand representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations on Earth, whose actions are controlled by employees of the bureau for cooperation with aliens. The aliens behave peacefully, because they are just immigrants. But one day, a representative of the invader bug race arrives on Earth.

Rated 7, 7. Men in Black (1997) received numerous awards. Subsequently, two more films were shot,telling about the adventures of special agents who repeated the success of the first film.

"Enemy of the State" (1998)

This detective story is not only a high-quality thriller, but also an exciting drama with an unusual plot. Robert is a talented lawyer, in whose hands accidentally turns out to be compromising evidence on a high-ranking official. Now national security officials are looking for him. In desperation, the hero turns to a former intelligence agent nicknamed Bril.

Rating - 8, 2.

"Wild Wild West" (1999)

A legless villain-inventor, deprived of a reproductive organ, is trying to seize power in the West. He makes an assassination attempt on the President of the United States, but he is saved by two super agents. The reckless shooter James West and the intelligent Artemius Gordon are a very colorful, but well-coordinated team, whose task is not only to cope with the villain, but also to save a beautiful lady from the clutches of an ambitious monster.

Rated 8, 3. The film is full of adventure and funny moments, so it will definitely not make the audience bored.

"The Legend of Baguer Vance" (2000)

And we continue to consider the list of films with Will Smith in the title role. The story takes place during the Great Depression. Ranulph was once the best golfer in his town, but a war broke out and he returned a different man. In desperation, the man begins to wash down his longing for his former life with alcohol. But soon he will simply return to his former sports form. And the mysterious Bager Vance will help him in this.

Rating - 8, 2. A touching and kind film about something important and intimate.


Ali is a 2001 film starring Will Smith. The autobiographical drama tells about the life of the famous Muhammad Ali. Few people know the details of his youth. He considered himself the greatest boxer of all time, and his adherence to Islam led him to take on the name known to the whole world today. What else do we not know about him?.. The film "Ali" (2001) will tell the audience a lot of the biography of the boxer.

Rating - 8, 3.

Movie "I am a robot" (2004)

I am robot
I am robot

Quality fantasy thriller with elements of drama tells about the future of mankind. Robots have become part of everyday life. They are harmless and helpful. And only one person does not tolerate them - Detective Del Spooner. He is sure that robots are capable of killing. And one day his opinion is confirmed by the case…

Rating - 8, 6.

"Removal Rules: The Hitch Method" (2005)

hitch method
hitch method

An incredibly touching romantic comedy tells the story of a talented … matchmaker - Alex Hitchens. He makes money by helping men find happiness with the women of their dreams. But he prudently keeps his activities secret. One day, clumsy and shy accountant Albert, who is secretly in love with one of the richest women in the country, turns to him for help.

Rating - 8, 8.

"The Pursuit of Happyness" (2006)

In this film, the actor played with his son Jayden. In the center of the plot is Chris Gardner. Heraises his son alone and works as a salesman. But his salary is not enough to pay for an apartment. As a result, they are evicted. Then Chris decides to start working as a broker, but even here he faces difficulties. However, he still goes ahead as he wants to see his son happy.

Rating - 8, 8.

"I Am Legend" (2007)

A fantasy drama set in a post-apocalyptic future. All of humanity is infected with an unknown virus that has turned them into monsters. Robert is the only person on Earth who is immune to the disease. His only companion is the dog. Suffering from loneliness and despair, Robert is persistently trying to find an antidote for a terrible virus.

Rating - 9, 5.

"Hancock" (2008)

movie hancock
movie hancock

At the center of the plot is a somewhat unusual superhero who constantly drinks and suffers from depression. The problem is that Hancock is trying to help those in need, but every time his actions are associated with numerous destruction. One day, he saves a man who, in gratitude, decides to help him change his image of a boor-destroyer.

Rating - 9, 5.

"Seven Lives" (2008)

Engineer Tim sets off on a journey across the country in order to atone for the consequences of his fatal mistake. During his trip, he meets seven strangers, each of whom tells him the story of his life. Among them is the beautiful Emily, with whom Tim falls in love. But she is terminally ill.

Rating - 8, 9.

"After our era"(2013)

In this disaster film, the actor once again starred with his son Jayden. After the catastrophe that happened on Earth, humanity left the planet. Fortunately, another home was found - the planet Nova Prime. But one day, General Cypher, making a space flight with his son, finds himself on an unfamiliar and hostile Earth…

Rating - 7, 7.

Focus (2015)

movie focus
movie focus

Continues the list of films with Will Smith criminal tragicomedy. It tells about the relationship of an experienced fraudster with a girl who is taking her first steps in criminal activity. Initially, their relationship is only sexual and business in nature, but soon love breaks out between them. Now they are both in danger of exposure.

Rating - 9, 4.

"Defender" (2015)

This drama film is based on real events. In the center of the plot is a talented pathologist who draws attention to the mysterious deaths of young athletes. He wants to get to the bottom of the truth, but is in mortal danger.

Rating - 7, 8. In this film, Smith showed himself as an excellent dramatic actor.

"Suicide Squad" (2016)

suicide squad
suicide squad

The government has finally succeeded in isolating all the superpowered villains. However, after the death of Superman, humanity is defenseless in the face of a new possible danger. Amanda Waller offers the government a way out - to gather a squad of criminals to protect the Earth.

"Suicide Squad" with Will Smith is a spectacular and dynamic film with an unusual plot. Rating - 8, 6.

"Ghost Beauty" (2016)

We continue to discuss the list of movies starring Will Smith. This romantic drama features an excellent cast - Smith, Keira Knightley, Kate Winslet, Helen Mirren. In the center of the plot is an employee of an advertising agency, whom a failure in his personal life plunged into a protracted depression. His colleagues are developing a plan to help Howard regain his mental strength.

Rating - 9, 6.

"Brightness" (2017)

The film "Brightness" with Will Smith is one of his last works. This is a fantastic action movie that shows the viewer an alternative reality. Los Angeles has long been a haven for orcs, elves and other magical creatures. The protagonist investigates the crimes committed by these creatures. But to complete the next mission, he will have to team up with an orc…

Rating - 8, 7.

New works

movie aladdin
movie aladdin

In 2019-2020, fans of Will Smith expect to see three films with his participation at once.

  1. "Aladin". The film tells about the adventures of a nimble young man in love with Princess Jasmine. Gina in the movie "Aladin" Will Smith played.
  2. The actor's next work is the film "Twin", which is expected to be released in October 2019. It is known that the picture will tell about an aging killer who will one day meet his young clone.
  3. And,finally, it has already become known about the release of the film "Bad Boys 3" in 2020. The action will focus on the continuation of the events that took place in the second part.

What is your favorite movie from Will Smith's extensive filmography?
