2025 Author: Leah Sherlock | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:46
Actor Albert Filozov, whose life was connected with the national theater and cinema, was remembered by the audience for his excellent roles. He succeeded in his role of an “ordinary person” so much that many considered him “their own”, easily handling conversations and requests. Filozov lived a rich creative life and at the same time was not a stranger to simple human joys.

Family History
The father of the future actor, a Pole by origin, came to the USSR in 1933 to participate in the construction of a new, socialist world. He, like many Europeans, idealized Soviet power and paid dearly for it. He worked in a candy factory and was arrested on charges of espionage and shot in the fall of 1937, when his son was only a few months old. Therefore, Albert Filozov grew up without knowing his father. His mother came from a we althy Ukrainian family. Her parents moved to Siberia during the Stolypin reforms. When collectivization began, Albert's grandfather, under the threat of dispossession, left forSverdlovsk.
June 25, 1937 in Sverdlovsk in the family of a native of Poland, a boy was born - Filozov Albert Leonidovich. After the death of his father, his mother had big problems with work, she often had to change jobs. For a while she worked as a projectionist, and Albert could watch movies from the control room as much as he wanted. The boy was raised by his grandmother and mother, although the street influenced him the most. Fortunately, he became interested in reading very early and spent a lot of time reading a book. Although in his childhood there were fights, and even small thefts, and the charm of prison romance. At that time, there were a lot of former prisoners in Sverdlovsk, and children from an early age understood that their future was a term. Few managed to escape. Albert recalled that all his childhood he was haunted by a relentless feeling of hunger. And even as an adult, he was more than once seized by panic from the fact that suddenly there might not be food. Filozov had a good voice as a child and was taken to the choir. But during the transitional age, the voice disappeared, and Albert went to the drama club.

I studied at school Albert Filozov medium. For financial reasons, he completed only 8 classes and went to work at a ball-bearing factory. In parallel, he studied at night school. Once representatives of the Moscow Art Theater School arrived in Sverdlovsk, friends strongly advised Filozov to go to the audition. He did not see himself as an actor at all, so he went to the show calmly. And apparently it helped him. He got through pretty easily.tours, although the commission was more than strict: Gribov, Yanshin. Filozov passed the exams and entered the Studio School in the workshop of V. Stanitsyn. He picked up a brilliant course: Romashin, Lazarev, Grebenshchikov, Lavrova, Pokrovskaya. They became very friendly with each other, and gave all their strength to study. The times were not easy, they lived only on a small stipend, Filozov had to borrow money, they even sometimes stole food at the station with a company. He was very shy of his provincial origin and struggled to comprehend all the sciences and arts taught at the School.

The start of the journey
In 1959, Albert Filozov, a biography whose family was very far from theater and art, graduated from the Studio School. According to the distribution, he ended up in the theater. K. Stanislavsky to the teacher of the School M. Yanshin. He was introduced to the roles played by the then very popular E. Leonov. But the public wanted to see the famous actor, not the novice Filozov. A year later, he decided to go to the theater. Yermolova. There, the main director L. Varpakhovsky offered him a very good role in the play "Continuation". Albert Filozov worked in the theater for 1, 5 seasons, as by an absurd accident, he was already an adult 27-year-old man drafted into the army. He served two years in the sapper troops. According to his recollections, it was a very difficult time, he had to endure many humiliations and difficulties. But this further tempered the character of the actor.

Theatrical life
From the army, Albert Filozov returned totheatre. Yermolova, but the main director changed there and the actor’s relationship with him did not work out. At this time in the theater. Stanislavsky, a young director B. Lvov-Anokhin began to work, he had several classmates of Filozov in his troupe, including fellow countryman Yu. Grebenshchikov. They persuaded the director to take Albert into his troupe. It was a happy moment for the actor, he served in this theater for more than 20 years. With the advent of director Andrei Popov, a very rich and interesting creative life began. Popov brought his students: I. Reichelgauz, A. Vasiliev, B. Morozov. Their performances were a real discovery in theatrical art and an opportunity for actors to show their talent. Filozov played in many iconic productions of that time: "Adult Daughter of a Young Man", "Vassa Zheleznova". For 3 years he rehearsed with A. Vasiliev in the play "Serso" at the theater "On Taganka" and in 1985 the audience finally saw a difficult performance. In 1989, Iosif Reichelgauz created his own theater, the "School of the Modern Play", where he invited several actors, including Filozova. Thus begins the artist's happiest theatrical period. Here he played his best roles. All of Moscow went to his performances, it is enough to recall such works as “A man came to a woman”, “Why are you in a tailcoat?”, “City”, “Russian jam”, “Greetings, Don Quixote”. In total, Filozov produced 23 performances, each of which became an event in theatrical art. Several times the actor accepted invitations from other directors and played in performances of other theaters. A lot of Albert Filozov worked in the enterprise,having traveled not only the whole country, but also many neighboring countries.

Filozov also tried himself as a theater director. He staged two performances: "2x2=5" and "Suicide of lovers on the island of heavenly nets".
Working in movies
The actor was no less successful in cinema. Albert Filozov, whose films are known and loved by many viewers, first tried to act in films while still studying at the Moscow Art Theater School, although the management of the educational institution categorically did not welcome this. But the debut did not work out, and for another 10 years Filozov went to audition, but did not receive roles. The actor himself considered the film “Residence Permit” (1971) to be the start of his film career. The tape was filmed in the GDR, it was also a new experience for the actor. The film received recognition, and from that time Filozov began to act regularly. In total, his filmography includes almost 120 paintings. Of these, the most famous are: "Tehran-43", "Mary Poppins, goodbye!", "Redhead, honest, in love", "You never dreamed of." More than once, Albert Filozov, whose films are gaining immense fame, works on dubbing other actors and cartoons. His performance was incredible, while every role, even microscopic, he sought to bring to perfection.

Private life
Actor Albert Filozov, whose personal life interested millions of spectators, was married three times. The first time he married in 1961, his bride was Lydia, an anesthesiologist. PairI met in a company and quickly got married. Lydia came to Filozov when he served in the army. But the marriage did not last long. Returning from the army, Albert plunges into a new theatrical life and meets Alla, who worked as a theater critic at GITIS. The couple got married and lived together for more than 20 years, in this marriage the actor had a son, Andrei. In 1986, in Kyiv, on the set of the film, Filozov met Natalia Stotskaya, she was the deputy director of the film. The difference of 20 years did not embarrass the actor, he decided that he had found his ideal. Quite quickly, he divorced and married a third time. The marriage produced two daughters. The couple went through many everyday difficulties, for some time they had to live in a hostel, then in a small apartment. Filozov, with a huge employment in the theater and cinema, he himself often did housework, picked up children from kindergarten and school, and always hurried home. Albert Filozov, personal life, for whom children became the most important, always treated his third wife with great care and reverence, who behaved like a little girl.

Care and memory
In the last year of his life, the actor was very ill, he had oncology, but at the same time he did not leave work for a day. He believed that the artist may not go on stage only in the event of his death. When the pain became unbearable, he was hospitalized. Two days before his death, the actor was discharged from the hospital, but his wife Natalya refused to take him home, explaining that she could not bear it. Therefore, the last days of Filozov Albert Leonidovich spent in the house of his second wife Alla, where untilthe last minute next to him was his son. On April 11, 2016, the actor died, he was buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery.
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