The series "Real mysticism": actors and roles

The series "Real mysticism": actors and roles
The series "Real mysticism": actors and roles

"Real mysticism" is a Ukrainian television series, which was filmed by order of the TV channel "Ukraine". There are currently five seasons of the series available to watch. Each episode has its own gripping storyline. This series is a great pastime for fantasy lovers. The actors of "Real Mysticism" are professionals in their field.


Cast members
Cast members

The actors of "Real Mysticism", whose photos are located above, are interesting and attractive actors. They are talented in their roles. Each of them fell in love with the viewer in his own way.

In the series "Real Mysticism" actors and roles are distributed as follows:

  1. Andrey Debrin. Agency head. His real name is consonant with the name of his hero. The actor's name is Andrey Debrin.
  2. Andrey Debrin
    Andrey Debrin
  3. The role of Timur is played by Timur Ibragimov.
  4. Evgeny Beltyukov plays the role of a technical specialist.
  5. Aleksey Nechay-Kuchinsky as Denis Radchenko.
  6. Marina Sokol is Natalia Muzychko.
  7. The role of the cleaner Vera Ivanovna Sashenko is played by Elena Bondareva-Repina.
  8. Violetta - Lyudmila Ardelyan.

Series summary

As mentioned above, each episode has a separate plot. The series begins with some mystical passage or incident. After that, visitors come to the office of "Real Mystic" and ask for help.

Office workers begin to deal with the problem. A laboratory is also equipped here, and the astrologer Violetta always comes to the rescue. Yes, and Vera Ivanovna is not averse to participating in the investigation. Often, team members are injured and put their lives in danger in the course of clarifying the full circumstances of the case.

At the end of each episode, the workers of "Real Mysticism" find the perpetrators of supposedly mystical incidents and help to dot all I.

Actor Andrei Derbin

Andrey Derbin was born on October 14, 1973 in Ukraine in the city of Ivano-Frankivsk. In 1996 he graduated from KNUTKit named after Karpenko-Kary. Andrew starred in more than 70 films. His appearance is familiar to many viewers. In the frame, he is always smart and reasonable. For the first time, Andrei starred in a television project immediately after graduation. Currently, the actor is quite famous and plays in many TV shows.

Most interesting roles:

  • "Matchmakers 6";
  • "Catch me if you can";
  • "Major";
  • "Return of Mukhtar";
  • "Sasha";
  • "Bird incage";
  • "Dasha".

Elena Bondareva-Repina

Vera Ivanovna is a cleaner. She is the comic character of the picture. The actress is quite famous, she starred in more than 100 television projects. Almost all of her heroines are kind and helpful women.

Films starring Elena Bondareva-Repina:

  1. "Princess's Will".
  2. "Upside down".
  3. "Chicken".
  4. "Run, don't look back!".
  5. "Artist".
  6. "Ballerina".
  7. "I never cry".
  8. "Wedding dress".
  9. "Surgery. Territory of love".
  10. "Letter of Hope".
  11. "Threads of Fate".
  12. "Do not promise".
  13. "Between love and hate".
  14. "Journey to the center of the soul".
  15. "Hare".
  16. "Pantry of Life".
  17. "Foundlings 2".

In addition to the above films, Elena starred in many other famous films. Currently, she continues to pursue her profession and is actively involved in various television projects.

Actor Timur Ibragimov

Timur was born on November 5, 1957 in Leningrad. In 1983, Timur graduated from the theater institute. The first picture of Ibragimov was the film "Makar the Pathfinder", which was filmed a year after Timur graduated from the institute. He is an actor in drama theater and cinema.

Pictures starring Timur Ibragimov:

  • "Hotline".
  • "Brother for brother 3".
  • "Czech century".
  • "Gordian knot".
  • "Love Lab".
  • "All for Mom".
  • "Unreal ancestors".

Other actors of "Real Mysticism"

TV series actor
TV series actor

Marina is the heroine of the television series beloved by many viewers. The name of the actress is Natalya Muzychko. The audience watched with interest her romance with another hero of the series, wondering if it would work out or not. Natalia is not only an actress, but also a model. This is not surprising, because she is a very beautiful woman.

Denis - actor Alexei Kuchinsky. This young man is not only a talented actor, but also a model. In 2008, Alexei graduated from the theater institute. She has experience in television and theater. Takes an active part in the filming of films and television series.

Violetta Nebesnaya is this female astrologer who always comes to the aid of Andrey Debrin's team. The audience has conflicting opinions about her. Some people like it, others, on the contrary, annoy it. Lyudmila Ardelyan, who plays the role of Violetta, has starred in more than 30 television projects. Her characters are always interesting to the viewer.

actors of real mysticism photo
actors of real mysticism photo

Ukrainian series "Real mysticism" captivates the viewer with its diverse plots. Once you watch one episode, you can't put it down. I would like to see other plots and interesting stories. Beautiful and talented actors of "Real Mysticism" perfectly cope with their roles. Every fan of mystical stories, stories, films should definitely see this TV project. The first four seasons were filmed in Russian. The fifth project was slightly modified and voiced in native Ukrainian. Nevertheless, this change is unlikely to interfere with the Russian audience.
