What is a negative character in literature and cinema

What is a negative character in literature and cinema
What is a negative character in literature and cinema

The theme of negative characters has not yet been sufficiently studied, so we decided to fill this gap by studying the negative characters of films and books. They appear not only in fairy tales, but also in classical literature and cinema. No work or film can do without negative characters.

What should be the negative hero

It is quite difficult to describe the appearance and character traits of a negative character unambiguously. But most often the negative hero is evil and unbalanced, and he is also often endowed with bad habits. For example, the negative character Wolf from the cartoon "Just you wait" rarely appears without a cigarette, and in action films the villains always use drugs. The appearance of the villains also leaves much to be desired, especially compared to the stately, fit goodies.

bad guys are underage
bad guys are underage

Note that sometimes in films for adults it is quite difficult to determine which of the characters is negative. At first glance, it seems that both evil and good characters behave in approximately the same way, and only additionalattributes or signs.

But when we talk about children's literature or cartoons, we always see a clear division, because they must not only understand where the villain is and where the good character is, but also see an example for themselves in goodies, and strive to become such same. That is why they are always endowed with kindness, they are obedient and study hard.

Interaction between good and bad characters

In most cases, there is a confrontation between the characters, which can be expressed openly or remain just at the level of words and tension. A common motive is to create obstacles in the way of the hero to his goal, which is usually expressed in the form of saving the world or his comrade.

Also, the villain almost always loses in the end. There are, of course, a couple of works where the opposite is true, but they are very little known, and therefore do not deserve attention.

Negative movie characters

Usually the bad guys in movies are fairly easy to spot. Basically, they crave world domination or just want to destroy as many people as possible. Not necessarily it can be people, aliens, zombies and other mythical creatures can act as bad creatures. The good characters usually kill or arrest the bad ones, and everything ends with a happy ending.


However, everything is not always so simple, and if the content of the film is close to life, then it becomes almost impossible to clearly distinguish the boundaries, because each person carries traits both good andand bad ones. And then it becomes clear that positive and negative characters exist only in our imagination.

Negative characters on the example of "Undergrowth"

In every book there are always positive and negative characters. "Undergrowth" of the writer D. I. Fonvizina was no exception. On the example of the classics, you can well trace the actions of the characters and their characteristics.

positive and negative characters
positive and negative characters

The whole family is represented in the comedy. So, the landowner Prostakova and her brother Skotinin are the main negative characters. The undergrowth, he is the son of Prostakova Mitrofan, completely adopted all the negative traits of his mother.

If we talk about what qualities negative characters are endowed with, then we can list stupidity and unwillingness to learn, laziness, indifference to everything except money and the absence of any feelings, even relatives or sons. The only exception is Prostakova, because, although in a peculiar way, she loves her son with all her heart.

In comedy, positive and negative characters interact differently. The undergrowth Mitrofan, for example, longs to marry the virtuous Sophia. This does not bother his uncle, who himself plans to marry her and enjoy the girl's we alth. One gets the feeling that Skotinin is ready to do anything to fulfill his cherished dream - to breed pigs.

It can be said that the heroes personify all the worst that is in the serfs. They are brightly opposed by positive characters who are valued ineducation first, not money. What is only Prostakova's indignation at the fact that Sophia can read. In the eyes of a woman, this is absolutely useless for a girl.

If we are talking about what negative characters are, then Undergrowth-Mitrofanushka is indicative in this regard.


Let's start with the fact that Mitrofanushka is far from being so small - he is already 16, and he is going to get married. The character is incredibly stupid, the teacher even compares him to a stump, saying that this person cannot be trained. However, he does not give up, although the training is more for show.

Mitrofan is not at all used to doing anything, because there was always a mother or servants nearby, so he is very lazy. Moreover, he, like his mother, is ready to go to cruelty for the sake of gain.

negative heroes of fairy tales
negative heroes of fairy tales

At the end of the story, the protagonist is sent to serve in the army. One can only hope that at least there he can learn something.

Negative heroes of fairy tales

The perception of negative characters in fairy tales can be considered indicative, because children must clearly understand whether a good character is in front of us. That is why in fairy tales and fables the qualities are especially exaggerated. So, for example, Baba Yaga, the main villain of folk tales, often craves to eat the main character, the child.

If we talk about appearance, then from here you can also immediately see what kind of character we have in front of us. The negative heroes of fairy tales live in the forest, they are old and look scary, for example, Koschey or Leshy. These creaturesready to intrigue people even for no reason, just to mischief.

Positive and negative heroes of fables also have a bright affiliation, and it is the latter that the authors especially often ridicule. And this is not surprising, because the most common plot is when the villain tries to do dirty tricks, but he himself falls into it. This is the best way to teach kids not to deliberately try to hurt someone.

The Dragonfly from Krylov's fable also shows unwillingness to do anything. So, she does not even think about the future, frivolously relaxing all summer. The ant is opposed to her, he is hardworking and thrifty.

positive and negative heroes of fables
positive and negative heroes of fables

Baba Yaga

Without a doubt, Baba Yaga is the most evil and frequent character in children's fairy tales. She lives alone in the forest, but sometimes a black cat or birds live with her.

Usually, the villainess tries to drag the child to her to make him work, or simply tries to eat him. However, she is not averse to tasting adults, because in fairy tales Baba Yaga often tries to eat heroes as well.

This bad character appears to be old, twisted, wrinkled and with a bone leg, which also reflects spiritual qualities.

positive and negative characters undergrowth
positive and negative characters undergrowth

However, do not forget that not in all fairy tales Baba Yaga is an absolute evil. Sometimes she acts as an assistant, giving the heroes the necessary items or advice, however, for this they must defeat Yaga.
