Artistic image

Artistic image
Artistic image

In the conventional sense, an artistic image is a sensual expression of an idea. This term defines reality, the reflection of which is in the form of a specific life phenomenon. An artistic image is born in the imagination of a person who engages in art. The sensual expression of any idea is the fruit of hard work, creative fantasies and thinking based only on one's life experience. The artist creates a certain image, which is an imprint in his mind of a real object, and embodies everything in a work of art. Paintings, books or movies reflect the creator's own vision of an idea.

artistic image
artistic image

An artistic image can be born only when the author knows how to operate with his impressions, which will form the basis of his work.

The psychological process of sensual expression of an idea lies in the imagination of the final result of labor even before the start of the creative process. Operating with fictitious images helps, even in the absence of the necessary completeness of knowledge, to realize your dream in the created work.

The artistic image created by a creative person is characterized by sincerity and reality. The hallmark of art is craftsmanship. It is it that allows you to say something new, and this is possible only through experiences. Creation must pass through the feelings of the author and be suffered by him.

The artistic image in each area of art has its own structure. It is determined by the criteria of the spiritual principle expressed in the work, as well as by the specifics of the material used to create the work. Thus, the artistic image in music is intonational, in architecture it is static, in painting it is pictorial, and in the literary genre it is dynamic. In one form of art, it is embodied in the image of a person, in another - nature, in the third - an object, in the fourth it acts as a combination of combinations of people's actions and their environment.

The artistic representation of reality lies in the unity of the rational and emotional sides. The ancient Indians believed that art owes its birth to those feelings that a person could not keep in himself. However, not every image can be attributed to the artistic category. Sensual expressions must carry special aesthetic purposes. They reflect the beauty of the surrounding nature and the animal world, capture the perfection of man and his being. An artistic image should testify to the beautiful and affirm the harmony of the world.

art image is
art image is

In the genre of art, sensual incarnations are a symbol of creativity. Artistic imagesact as a universal category of understanding life, and also contribute to its comprehension. They have properties that are unique to them. These include:

- typicality that arises in connection with a close relationship with life;

- liveliness or organicity;

- holistic orientation;

- understatement.

artistic expression in music
artistic expression in music

The building materials of the image are the following: the personality of the artist himself and the realities of the surrounding world. Sensual expression of reality combines subjective and objective principles. It consists of reality, which is reworked by the creative thought of the artist, reflecting his attitude to what is depicted.
