How to draw a soldier

How to draw a soldier
How to draw a soldier

Soldier Image Complexity

how to draw a soldier
how to draw a soldier

Many children love military-themed toys, soldiers are especially popular with them. But to draw a soldier will require a considerable amount of perseverance and assertiveness, especially if you have never done this before and just want to try your hand at depicting a military man. In general, it is believed that drawing a person is a very thankless undertaking. Here you need to take into account all the details, the scale relative to a particular background, the proportions of parts of the body, head. Facial details and more. Before you understand how to draw a soldier correctly, you need to practice a few skills. First of all, you need to learn how to correctly depict the eyes, body, face, facial expressions, movements. All of these require individual hours of operation. Soldiers, as we know, have their own personal uniform, weapons, physique, and sometimes even by the face we can understand whether a person served in the army or not. We are used to seeing soldiers in brave poses, ready to move on the enemy at any second. Their facesoften express courage and courage. Now we will gradually delve into how to draw a military man - a soldier. To do this, you need to have a little patience, remember all your experience of portraying a person, and, of course, imagine what your soldier will be like.

How to draw a soldier? Step by Step

So, step one. First, with the help of circles and ovals, as well as straight lines, we outline all the most important areas of the body. That is, we will schematically show the pose of a soldier, his armament, body proportions, while without aiming the face and other body details.

how to draw a military soldier
how to draw a military soldier

At the second stage, we will work with the face - we will correct the oval, bring the chin, its shape, which will have to give the proper character to the person. Next, draw the superciliary part. Select the ears, nose, eyes, mouth. After we deal with the face, it will be possible to move on to a form that fits his body.

To give a soldier the right look and not make him look like a cook or a policeman, you need to know exactly what a soldier's uniform looks like. To do this, you need to show the details of the weapon that will be in the hands of a soldier, his headdress, shoulder straps, camouflage. Here we gradually move on to the details of the body. We draw one, then the other hand, a military soldier's jacket, his bag, the location of pockets and buttons.

Having de alt with the details of the body of our soldier, we move on to the legs and pants. For the legs, you need to come up with a pose that would tell about this soldier. At the end, draw the boots.

draw a soldier
draw a soldier

At the final stage, justwe erase all unnecessary areas on the face, body details, as well as much that remains superfluous. And in principle, everything is ready. Now you know how to draw a soldier. Believe me, you will succeed, even if you do not have such experience. And in the future, you will know how to draw a soldier in a very simple and accessible way, without even having any important tools at hand. Drawing a military man, if you turn on your imagination, will turn out to be a simple and quite entertaining business. If you still practice this, then in the future it will be possible to portray real soldiers. All your skill depends on how much you are ready to give yourself to this cause.
