How to draw a sparrow

How to draw a sparrow
How to draw a sparrow

How to draw a sparrow? Many lovers of reproducing the details of the world around them, giving them their own vision, are seriously asking this question. In order to draw a sparrow correctly and as accurately as possible, you must first learn more about them - at least some important facts. The description of the sparrow will help to more accurately reproduce the bird on paper. So, let's figure out who the sparrows are!

How to draw a sparrow
How to draw a sparrow

Sparrows are birds of great beauty and structure, drawing which is always a pleasure. You have watched many times how these lovely creatures fly to you and sit on the bars, piercing you with their convincing look. Sparrows are one of the most common representatives of the bird world. By structure, they belong to small birds. Sparrows are stocky, with a rather strong small beak. They always nest in hollows and other people's nests. Sparrows can be completely different in color - from white to brown. Sparrows, unlike many representatives of the birds, do not fly away for the winter. To survive severe frosts, they gather together in small flocks and stay as close as possible to human homes.

In principle, this is exactly the descriptionsparrow, which we need for our first drawing. Most people, when drawing birds, start with the most expressive part of it - the head. And this is correct, since the head dictates the direction of the lines of the body. How to draw a sparrow It's not as difficult as it sounds.

draw a sparrow
draw a sparrow

There are a few simple steps to help you understand how to draw a sparrow. First you need to draw the head, beak and eyes. After that draw the body, separating the tail and wing. The description of the sparrow gives an idea of the proportions of its body. Next you need to make the sparrow fluffy. To do this, we outline the most fluffy places with zigzag lines, in this case it is the belly and head. Then we draw the plumage and outline the color spot on the bird's head. To draw all this, you will not need more than 20 minutes. After the sketch has been successfully made, you need to paint over some areas around the nose and eyes. Basically it is done in dark color. After that, with the same dark color, we finish the feathers on the tail and wing. At the last stage of the drawing, we direct paws with claws. Having de alt with the most difficult part, you will not notice how quickly you go through the last stage of the drawing. After you have finished drawing the paws, look at the finished version. If your sparrow looks flawless, then you've done a good job.

sparrow description
sparrow description

From all of the above, the most important conclusion follows: in order to correctly and accurately draw a sparrow, you need to understand and study these birds, observe them, their appearance and structure. Just watching them will give your drawingexpressiveness and precision. These are birds that may differ from each other in appearance. And if you want to draw a sparrow that does not look like its fellows, then an accurate knowledge of the features of its structure will help you with this. The accuracy of any of your drawings depends on the qualitative study of the world around you. How to draw a sparrow Very easy, watch and play!
