Nikolai Demidov, (singer). Biography, personal life

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Nikolai Demidov, (singer). Biography, personal life
Nikolai Demidov, (singer). Biography, personal life

Video: Nikolai Demidov, (singer). Biography, personal life

Video: Nikolai Demidov, (singer). Biography, personal life
Video: Нина Шацкая "Биография любви" 2024, June

Nikolai Demidov is a young talented Russian artist, singer and composer who is successfully walking the road to fame. He is a little over 20, but he has already managed to reach significant heights in his creative endeavors. The young man writes music and lyrics, performs with them at well-known international competitions and wins prizes. In addition, Nikolai Demidov is the owner of his own recording studio, where he works with performers and helps other artists find themselves. Nikolai also acts in films, writes soundtracks for TV shows and does not get tired of self-improvement. The young man has several higher educations in various professional fields and still does not stop there, today he devotes his strength to obtaining an actor's diploma.

Nikolai Demidov
Nikolai Demidov

How it all began

Nikolai Demidov began his career as a member of the "Dream" group. In 2003-2004, he performed as a soloist and keyboard player in the group, and then, feeling powerful forces in himself, he decided to pursue a solo career. The talent of a young man allows him to compose such compositions that effortlessly bring him success and recognition. In 2005 onChannel One announces an open call for applications for participation in the Eurovision Song Contest. Nikolai Demidov sends his data and a song written in English - Differences. The voting results put him in the lead and pave the way for participation in a prestigious and popular international competition.

Nikolai Demidov singer
Nikolai Demidov singer

Famous works

After performing at Eurovision, Nikolai Demidov receives an invitation to the New Wave contest. In Jurmala, he deservedly receives a special award called "Worthy" for performing songs by famous domestic artists, as well as his Differences. The pleasant timbre of his voice, charisma, inner radiance emanating from Nikolai leads him further and further along the road to success and recognition.

Film projects featuring Nikolai

Fans also know that Nikolai Demidov is an actor. This new life path also brings the young man a lot of positive emotions and interesting events. "Suicides", "Step by Step" "You and Me" - films with the participation of Nikolai. He starred in serials and feature films, tries himself as the author of soundtracks for TV shows. "The Return of Mukhtar", "Love and Other Nonsense" are film projects in which compositions written by Nikolai especially for them sound. Music for awarding athletes in Sochi-2014 was created by Nikolai and recorded in his studio.

Nikolai Demidov actor
Nikolai Demidov actor

Study comes first

Nikolai Demidov - singer, composer, actor, poet - inIn the frantic pace of life between filming, concerts, performances and trips, she manages to get a higher education. And not just one. To date, Nikolai has several diplomas. He has economic, linguistic and production education. Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, State University of Management are listed in the biography of Nikolai among the universities he graduated from. The young man also has a diploma of a referent-translator, and at the moment he is mastering an acting speci alty in order to act in films already professionally. Nicholas spent several years of his life in the East, gaining wisdom and inner strength. Today, he draws a lot from his experience there and strives further in his endeavors.

Private life

Nikolai Demidov is not married. The age of a young man is already approaching the milestone when a man needs to start a family. In his interviews, Nikolai admits that he has little left before the decisive step, when he can turn his life around in such a way as to pay attention to both his family and his career. But today among the bachelors and Nikolai Demidov. His biography includes a long relationship with the young singer Maria Devyatova. The couple lived together for several years, but their relationship has exhausted itself without ending in anything. The young people broke up, and each continued his creative path separately. In women, Nikolai appreciates modesty, a kind of chastity. He will put such qualities at the forefront when choosing a future girlfriend of life. In accordance with the meaning of the Russian word "married", a woman should behave modestly, being"for" your man.

Nikolai Demidov biography
Nikolai Demidov biography

Self-development and spiritual perfection

A young and talented composer, singer and artist is engaged not only in the development of his intellectual and professional abilities, but also devotes a lot of time to spiritual development. Yoga classes are also included in the mandatory program that Nikolai developed for his self-improvement. Daily workouts make him feel better spiritually and physically. Nikolai practices a vegetarian lifestyle, cleanses his body of toxins. He brought all the methods of self-development from the East. From there, Nikolai got many internal attitudes that provide answers to various complex life questions and help the young man to correctly understand the situations that arise on his way and make the right decisions.
