Quotes about miracles, or learning to believe in the best

Quotes about miracles, or learning to believe in the best
Quotes about miracles, or learning to believe in the best

Quotes about miracles are used to create essays, formulate statuses for social networks and just read to cheer up. They are preferred not only by romantics and people with a fine mental organization, but also by those who are tired of the dullness and routine of days. We offer quotes about miracles to awaken the faith that life is made up of beautiful little things and surprises.

quotes about miracles
quotes about miracles

Beautiful quotes, statuses about a miracle

  • "To believe in a miracle, you need not delve into the essence of what is happening."
  • "A miracle is the merging of everything together. The beauty of a sunset, the wind in your hair, warm breath and awe in your chest. Miracles are available, you just have to see them."
  • "The feeling of unreality of what is happening, familiar to many, is an attempt by miracles to get into our soul."
  • "Those who believe in miracles cannot be unhappy."
  • "Believing in miracles is prevented by two human qualities - blindness and callousness".
  • "And no matter how life punishes, the strong believe in miracles."
  • "A miracle is at every turn. It's just that someone sees in it a coincidence, and someone sees it as magic".
  • "Man denies what he does not notice. So it is with miracles."
  • "A miracle will never happen if it is not expected."
  • "Miracles love the patient".
  • "Miracles do not tolerate hypocrisy. They feel when they do not believe in them."

Quotes about the New Year miracle

  • "Believing in the magic of the New Year is giving yourself a chance to start over."
  • "Have you noticed that no one looks forward to New Year's Eve as much as children? They actually believe in simple things that every adult can do. So why shouldn't we believe it ourselves?".
  • "Even the most notorious skeptics believe in miracles under the chiming clock."
  • "We are rarely as happy as decorating the house for the New Year. Maybe a miracle lives in a box with garlands?".
  • "It's easy to believe in the magic of New Year's Eve. It's harder to enjoy the good after."

Quotes about miracles and magic

  • "Adults often think that only children can believe in magic. They don't understand that it exists when you want to believe in it."
  • "A new day and dawn is already a miracle."
  • "Sorcery and magic have very little in common. The first is born in the soul, the second - in the deception of the other."
  • "We are often deceived that not everything is possible. But it takes and happens. And how can one not believe in magic?".
  • "Magic is subjective. Someone sees him in the sparkling frost on the trees, someone sees him in the kiss of a loved one".
quotes about christmas miracle
quotes about christmas miracle

Quotes about a miracle with your own hands

Quotes about miracles can make you look at your life from a different angle. Consider in it accidents that led to unexpected pleasant consequences. And to believe that we ourselves are able to create a miracle.

  • "Each of us is a magician and a wizard. You just need to remember this."
  • "Kindness to another person works better than a magic wand."
  • "Man can't explain everything. But he can give meaning to everything. So it is with miracles."
  • "To hug a sad person is to give him a little magic. Sometimes we don't even know what power is in us."
  • "Ordinary differs from a fairy tale in that the first loves to take, and the second loves to give."
  • "Believing in magic is a form of self-hypnosis. By directing our thoughts towards the fulfillment of our dreams, we attract them in an amazing way."
  • "We endow many objects with a mysterious power. We don't even notice when they start working, attributing everything to coincidences and patterns. Or maybe it's really not like that?"
  • "You can choose which path to follow in life: to believe that everything around is a miracle, and to be sure that miracles do not happen."
  • "You can not wait for a miracle, but give it to another. Then it will return to you not empty-handed."
quotes about miracles and magic
quotes about miracles and magic

Quotes about miracles can be used for other purposes. They are easy to fit into a message to a person who is desperate and needs support. They can be made a reminder on your phone or part of a wish card. After all, they are easy to remember and remember in moments of weakness and sadness.
