Daniel Radcliffe: wife, biography, personal life, filmography

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Daniel Radcliffe: wife, biography, personal life, filmography
Daniel Radcliffe: wife, biography, personal life, filmography

Video: Daniel Radcliffe: wife, biography, personal life, filmography

Video: Daniel Radcliffe: wife, biography, personal life, filmography
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Daniel Radcliffe is a talented, popular British actor who was born on July 23, 1989 in a small town near London. The biography and personal life of Daniel Radcliffe is a simple but fascinating success story of a young talented boy.

Childhood of an actor

Daniel's family has always been associated with the world of cinema and art. His father, originally from Ireland, worked as a literary agent all his life. His mother organizes and conducts various castings, acting as a manager.

Of course, his mother wanted her son to have a bright future. It is worth saying that the boy showed his acting talents at an early age. From the age of 5, he went to various auditions and castings, where they were looking for children for filming in various projects. In 1999, luck smiles at him: he gets a small role in a TV series based on Charles Dickens' novel about David Copperfield. Much to the surprise of both the parents and the director, the boy played the role superbly, remembering the audience. This influenced the fact that other directors began to pay attention to him. In the same year, he successfully passed the selection for actingcomposition for the first part of the legendary "Potteriana".

The Boy Who Lived

The actor was selected from several thousand children for the main role in Philosopher's Stone. The casting was divided into several stages, so Daniel wanted to at least get into the extras for this film. But, much to his happiness, he was approved for the main role. All weekend he could not recover from delight and shock. This work became his ticket to the big world of cinema. Daniel Radcliffe became world famous as Harry Potter.

However, a big role influenced his schooling. His parents dreamed of giving him a great education, and Daniel went to an excellent school. However, after the shooting started and they found out about it at school, the children began to envy his success, which spoiled the attitude of the guys towards the young actor. They began to tease him, and in just a few months he turned into a real outcast.

Fortunately for Daniel, his mother was well aware that his future would not be determined by his education, but by the shooting he was doing. The fee that Daniel will receive after filming in the first part, made it possible for his parents to hire private teachers. They gave him an excellent education after his parents took him out of school. Radcliffe received his certificate a little later than his peers. It was on this set that Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson met and became good friends.

Money and fame

adult actor
adult actor

After the first part of the "Potteriana", which brought the producers a hugeprofit, immediately started work on the second part. The boy's fee has increased significantly. The role in the film will provide for him for a long time, today the actor's fortune is estimated at about $20 million.

It is worth noting that the films based on the Harry Potter books were filmed for 12 years. If at the time of the release of the first part, Daniel was only 12 years old, then when this fantastic epic ended, he was already 24 years old, although he continued to play a teenager. Fortunately, his youthful appearance, as well as the skill of the make-up team, made it possible. Not only were Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson older than their characters, Rupert Grint also outgrew the book Ron.

Life after Harry Potter

Despite the fact that the producers did not force Daniel to refuse other offers while working on Harry Potter, he still simply did not have free time and desire to engage in other projects. There was also no talk of a wife for Daniel Radcliffe. It is worth noting that his fees increased rapidly, thanks to which he could afford a measured, luxurious lifestyle. In fact, that's exactly what he did for several years. The actor began to have minor problems with alcohol, which could well have ruined his entire career. Nevertheless, his loved ones helped him cope. After two years of wild life, the actor took up his mind and appeared on the site in a new role.

For the first time in a new incarnation, viewers could see Radcliffe in a mystical thriller, where he played the role of a young lawyer and hunted down a ghost. Of course, The Woman in Black was not as successful as the Harry Potter films, but the picture turned out to be quite successful. He was even nominated for several prestigious awards. Rumors began to appear about a possible wife of Daniel Radcliffe, because he had long ceased to be "the boy who lived."

Victor and Igor
Victor and Igor

His next interesting work was the thriller "Frankenstein", where Daniel played in tandem with James McAvoy. He chose the role of an assistant to a talented scientist who was engaged in the revival of the dead. Despite such an interesting duet, the film failed to meet the expectations of the audience and, unfortunately, did not pay off. Further, the actor plays in the film "Kill Your Darlings", where Erin Darke and Daniel Radcliffe met.

kill your loved ones
kill your loved ones

Radcliffe then appears in the detective thriller Illusion of Deception 2, where he played the antagonist W alter. The film was warmly received by critics, and the studio earned from it three times more than the budget spent. At the moment, the actor has about 20 works in his filmography, and he is constantly looking for a new field for his talent.

Theatrical life

actor with beard
actor with beard

The actor also occasionally plays in London theaters with great success. During filming, it turned out that Daniel had good vocal abilities, thanks to which he often performs on the Broadway stage. Now the actor often appears in theatrical productions, which brings him pleasure.

Private life

happy couple
happy couple

There are a lot of questions about a possible wifeDaniel Radcliffe. About his personal life, the actor tries not to spread much. He is best known for his charitable and social activities. Since 2008, he has often supported programs for the protection of gays, as well as members of LGBT movements. As we have already said, the actor hardly talks about his love affairs, and even the paparazzi rarely manage to film him with someone. Of course, during the filming of "Potteriana" there were often rumors about his romances with partners on the set, but between him and his colleagues there were always only friendly relations.

The actor's first known romantic interest came in 2010. He began dating Rosie Cocker, a girl who worked as an assistant director. In fact, their romance ended as soon as the work related to Harry Potter was completed.

In 2012, Erin Darke and Daniel Radcliffe collaborated on the set of Kill Your Darlings. Despite the fact that she is 5 years older than the guy, this did not in the least prevent them from falling in love with each other. They did not advertise their relationship and practically did not appear together in front of the cameras.

Their first outing together took place in 2014, when the press was buzzing with rumors about their possible engagement. However, this event either did not take place, or has not yet been made public. While she is not the wife of Daniel Radcliffe. In any case, there is definitely no talk of a wedding yet. Young people enjoy each other and isn't that wonderful?
