Gorina's real name. Biography of Gorin

Gorina's real name. Biography of Gorin
Gorina's real name. Biography of Gorin

Interest in the personality of Grigory Izrailevich, in his literary and cinematic masterpieces and in what the real name of Gorin is, speaks of the huge popularity of the famous Russian satirist and the demand for the genre in which he became especially famous. Someone knows him primarily as a writer, someone remembers him as a TV presenter, for others he is a brilliant screenwriter, for others he is a witty comedian.

real surname Gorina
real surname Gorina

Gorin's biography. Childhood

The writer joked that he had several biographies - for each published book he had to "select the appropriate one." And each of these biographies is, of course, real. Gorin's surname adorns the title pages of journalistic and artistic publications, dozens of works created by him for theater and cinema. The writer claimed that as a playwright he was born in 1968, as a screenwriter he first “sounded” in the 70s, but Gorin noted his birth as a humorist with the real date of his birth: March 12, 1940. Little Grisha came into the world in happy moments, to the joyful exclamations, laughter andapplause: on the radio at that moment they announced the end of the military conflict between the USSR and Finland. "… the feeling when you yell … and everyone around laughs … determined my creative destiny," Gorin joked. His humor was never rude and flat, he laughed in a special ironic and intellectual manner that captivated the audience and made them fall in love with this imperturbable cheerful person.

Origin of pseudonym

Gorin's real name is Ofshtein. She inherited from his father, who was an officer with the rank of lieutenant colonel. During the Great Patriotic War, Israel Abelevich served in the 150th Division of the Third Shock Army of the First Belorussian Front. Mom worked as an emergency doctor, Gorinskaya was her real name.

Gorin-Ofshtein was often "tormented" by publishers: they say that with a Jewish surname, he has little chance of publishing his magnificent creations. Since 1963, the writer has worked under the pseudonym Gorin. Perhaps his mother's maiden name served as his source. Or maybe Grigory Izrailevich was guided by the history of the origin of the name Gorin, which arose from the name Grigory. Thus, it turned out that the name and surname of the humorist duplicated each other. And when journalists asked the question about the real name of the satirist Grigory Gorin, he answered with a joke, they say, this is an abbreviation of the phrase "Grisha Ofshtein decided to change his nationality." Later, Grigory Izrailevich made a pseudonym his official surname.

the real name of the satirist Grigory Gorin
the real name of the satirist Grigory Gorin

Doctor Writer

As a child, Grigory was sure that he would becomea writer, so he entered medical school, a place “where they taught…the tricks of life and did it…fun.”

Gorin wrote feuilletons and humoresques non-stop while working as a doctor as part of an ambulance team. But literature eventually won, and the novice writer became a member of the Writers' Union and, as he said with a smile, "was forced to leave medicine alone." The fact that she “did not leave” the writer until the end of her life was told by his colleagues. So, Gennady Khazanov recalled how his head ached, no medicines helped, but as soon as he heard Gorin's speech on TV, the pain disappeared without a trace. Gorin can also be called a "doctor" of human souls, because his refined humor and philosophically colored irony provide a rare opportunity to look at oneself and the world around with amazing criticality.

Gorin's career
Gorin's career

Satirist or comedian?

Grigory Gorin has always insisted that he does not see himself as a fighter whose mission is to improve life, but he saw his calling in making it easier, scattering live lights of sparkling humor around. Someone from the celebrities of the past remarked that satire is humor that has lost its patience. Gorin always had plenty of patience.

Gorin's successful career

For the first time, the young writer's story was published on the sixteenth page of the authoritative Literary Gazette. It happened in 1960. Six years later, Gorin published his first book, where his prose is side by side with the works of other authors. In the same period, a comedian, in creative tandem with ArkadyArkanov, wrote several plays. One of them - "Banquet", staged in 1968 by Mark Zakharov, caused a resounding success in the Moscow Theater of Satire. Actual and sharp performance the actors played only thirteen times, until the officials-censors came to their senses. In 1970, the premiere of Gorin's play "Forgetting Herostratus" took place at the Theater of the Soviet Army (later, other theaters willingly staged the tragicomedy). The same year marked the beginning of the renewal and growth of the popularity of the Moscow theater Lenkom.

Gorin's biography
Gorin's biography

The creative friendship between playwright Grigory Gorin and director Mark Zakharov was truly real. The surname of Gorin - a satirist and screenwriter - was listed on the posters of the theater's most beloved performances: "Memorial Prayer", "The House That Swift Built", "Till". Zakharov once remarked that Grigory Izrailevich had a special gift - to take an old story and fill it with modern meaning and subtext. Therefore, in the heroes of different countries and eras, we sometimes recognize ourselves. The last joint work in Lenkom - the play "Jester Balakirev" - was cut short by the sudden death of Grigory Gorin, which happened from a heart attack in June 2000. The performance was conceived as reckless and daring. This is how it turned out, in memory of a sincere, talented and deep person who could not stand the "stuffiness" of hypocrisy and meanness.

Film work

In our country, there is probably no person who would not have seen the films created by Zakharov and Gorin. These film masterpieces have always become a cultural event. Witty and spectacular films - "Ordinary Miracle", "ThatMunchausen himself”, “Formula of Love” and others are full of subtle allegory and ideological depth. The movie parable “Kill the Dragon”, which was released at the beginning of perestroika, allegorically expressed the vitality of the sinister, hypocritically disguised as innocence, evil energy.

In collaboration with Eldar Ryazanov, Gorin wrote the script for the film “Say a Word About the Poor Hussar” in 1978. The text about the dark atmosphere of provocations, denunciations, and meanness of the police of the secret department that reigned in the forties of the nineteenth century unambiguously alluded to the situation that had developed by the end of the seventies of the twentieth century. Censorship to its fullest "shredded" the script of the film, which was released on the screens of the country only a year later.

In total, there are about twenty excellent adaptations in Gorin's film collection.

Grigory Gorin real name
Grigory Gorin real name

Two sad comedians

The creative duo Gorin - Arkanov formed when both were just starting to publish, and lasted for more than ten years. Their joint plays and humoresques were a huge success. Both authors tend to tell amazingly funny things with a deadly serious face. The writers understood each other perfectly. According to Arkady Arkanov, the person with whom he could easily be sent on a long space flight was Grigory Gorin. The real name of Arkanov (Steinbock) also left no doubt about his nationality, and the satirist also had to change it.

Smile, gentlemen

True fame is when a writer's words become folklore. such phrases andGorin had dozens of aphorisms. About love as a theorem that always requires proof, and about an institution with a bad reputation, thanks to which it had no end to visitors, and about the fact that Russians harness for a long time, but do not go anywhere. And what is the phrase in the film about Munchausen that all the stupid things on earth are done with a smart expression!

real name Gorin satirist
real name Gorin satirist

The famous aphorism about a piano in the bushes, which is used when talking about a fake impromptu, was born in one of Gorin's early stories. It was about a reporter who "accidentally" met a production leader on the street, who also "accidentally" had a smart book with him, and when it turned out that he could play musical instruments, it turned out that it was "accidentally" in the bushes there is a piano to demonstrate the harmoniously developed personality of the drummer of communist labor.

Universal gift

Gorin never put on airs, there was not a trace of arrogance in him. TV viewers remembered his subtle and funny humoresques, which he read with a deadpan serious face in the program “Around Laughter” for almost ten years. In the early 1990s, he became a member of the judges of the Major League of KVN, then - the author, participant and host of the White Parrot TV show.

Gorin's gift was multifaceted. Like Chekhov, he combined the talent of a storyteller and a playwright. In terms of the depth and scope of the philosophical and allegorical understanding of life, critics rightly compare him with Swift and Brecht. Without exaggeration, Grigory Gorin is a unique and striking phenomenon inour culture.
