Andrey Ivanovich Kolganov: biography, creativity

Andrey Ivanovich Kolganov: biography, creativity
Andrey Ivanovich Kolganov: biography, creativity

Andrey Ivanovich Kolganov is a well-known domestic writer and publicist, mainly working in the genre of science fiction and alternative history. In parallel, he is engaged in scientific activities. He is a Doctor of Economics and teaches at Moscow State University.


Andrey Ivanovich Kolganov
Andrey Ivanovich Kolganov

Andrey Ivanovich Kolganov was born in 1955. He was born in Moscow. After graduation, he began to study at the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University, later became a graduate student.

Since 1979, his official career began. First as a junior and then as a senior researcher. Andrey Ivanovich Kolganov devoted his whole life to the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University, still continuing to work there.

In 1992, the hero of our article received a promotion to a leading researcher, and in 2013 he became a professor. Kolganov defended his Ph. D. thesis in economics in 1979, and in 1990 he became a doctor of economic sciences.

Scientific and pedagogical activity

Andrey Ivanovich Kolganov became famous inscientific circles, having written a special course on the comparative analysis of economic systems, which he teaches among undergraduates. At Moscow State University, he also reads a course of undergraduate lectures on transitional economics.

The hero of our article has already prepared 4 candidates of science. He himself wrote more than a hundred works, the author of several textbooks and monographs. Some of his writings have been published in German, French, English and Chinese.

Currently holds the position of Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Moscow Economic Forum, one of its experts.

Political and social activities

Writer Andrey Kolganov
Writer Andrey Kolganov

In 1990, Kolganov joined the Communist Party. He created the Marxist platform of the CPSU, becoming the author of the project for it. He was a member of the "Marxism - XXI" group.

In 1992 he participated in the organization of the "Party of Labor". It was never officially registered.

After the events of October 1993, he joined the "Movement for Civil Rights and Democracy in Russia". Was an opponent of the policy pursued by Boris Yeltsin.

Kolganov joined the Central Council of the public movement "Alternative", taking part in organizing trips to social forums in Paris, Florence and London.

He owns about three hundred socio-political publications. Among the main areas of his work are the social and economic problems of the socialist structure of the state, the study of the consequencesliberal reforms in modern Russia. He pays much attention to the theories of the transitional and post-industrial economy, production management, and the prospects for the domestic economy.


Scientist Andrey Kolganov
Scientist Andrey Kolganov

Throughout almost the entire 90s, Kolganov wrote science fiction works, which are currently skeptical. Regularly takes part in the literary forum "In the Whirlwind of Times".

Writes books for the joint creative project of several authors "7 days". The works are published anonymously, under the pseudonym Fedor Vikhrev. Among the books of Andrei Ivanovich Kolganov, it is worth noting the novels "I'm fighting! 2012: The Second Great Patriotic War" and "Mortal Combat". They were released just under the pseudonym Whirlwind.

Author's project by Kontorovich

Landing troops
Landing troops

The hero of our article is one of the participants in the "Landing of the Popadantsev" project. Books are published under the name of its coordinator. This is Alexander Kontorovich - another popular Russian science fiction writer. He mainly writes military-historical science fiction novels. For example, "Black domes. Shot into the past".

As part of collective creativity, six books have already been published with a total circulation of about 66 thousand copies. These are novels with the following sub titles:

  1. "A second chance for humanity".
  2. "Time Marines".
  3. "Cadres decide everything".
  4. "Counterintelligencefight".
  5. "Clear history".
  6. "British to the bottom!".

These are fantastic action films that tell about our contemporaries moving into the distant past to provide Russia with a better future.

For example, they are attacking the British Empire, and the secret detachments of Emperor Paul I are engaged in the elimination of agents posing a danger to the well-being of the Russian Empire, cooperating with the British royal secret services. The history of Europe begins to develop according to a fundamentally different scenario. In this alternative reality, the Patriotic War does not start, and Moscow does not burn down in a fire.

The millstone of history

Image"The millstone of history"
Image"The millstone of history"

In 2012, the hero of our article writes the first independent book in the alternative history genre. Andrei Kolganov's novel "The Millstones of History" is published by Alfa Publishing House.

In it, the author offers a non-standard view of the events in the USSR in 1923 from our contemporary. The protagonist of the novel travels back in time. He finds himself in the position of a responsible officer of the People's Commissariat of Foreign Trade.

Unlike the people around him, he knows what awaits his country: the great terror, the war against fascism and Hitler. At the same time, it begins to feel like a microscopic grain of sand that has fallen into the millstones of history, which at the same time tries to stop this inexorable rotation so that history develops according to a more favorable scenario.

In 2013, the second book in this series was published,sub titled "Winds of Change". This novel takes place two years later. In 1925, the hero continues to take all sorts of actions so that global changes begin in the USSR. He will again have to fight at the top of the party with an unpredictable ending.
