Lime color in clothes, interior (photo). What colors go with lime?

Lime color in clothes, interior (photo). What colors go with lime?
Lime color in clothes, interior (photo). What colors go with lime?

Rich, sunny, bright, sparkling - it's all about lime color. The cheerful shade has been extremely popular lately, so we invite you to learn how to use it in the interior and in the wardrobe.

Lime color
Lime color

Psychology of lime color

Everyone knows that colors can affect a person and his psyche from different sides. As well as the fact that green shades tend to calm and pacify. It is the color of life, harmony, nature. It is believed that those who love him are generous, reliable and constant people. In psychology, green is a symbol of growth. Therefore, people who prefer it are always tuned in to change, to something better. There are a great many shades, but recently lime color has become increasingly popular. He seems to be filled with vital energy and exudes it to those around him. Citrus notes give it dynamism and brightness. It is actively used in the interior and clothing. Consider the most relevant and fashionable options, combinations and tips from designers and stylists.

Lime color in the interior

Combinationlime color
Combinationlime color

Juicy summer shade has been popular for more than a season. Its main advantage is energy and eccentricity. It fills the room with summer warmth, exotic notes from tropical distant islands and sparkling freshness, like all citrus fruits. Lime color appeared only at the beginning of the 20th century as a result of mixing yellow and light green.

He uplifts and brings joy. As a rule, it is chosen by people who are not afraid to experiment, seeking to show their individuality. The shades of lime can be different, and it depends on what you want to get in the end: a bright accent, freshness or romantic tenderness.

Features of use

Lime color: photo
Lime color: photo
  1. Designers recommend using this shade as a bright and catchy accent. For example, in the form of separate furnishings: curtains, pillows, vases, carpet, etc. They will help you enliven the space of a room made in monochrome. This is especially true for dark and pastel shades.
  2. Use lime color when choosing furniture. It always looks stylish and interesting. The most advantageous option is kitchen sets of a juicy shade. They will decorate even the gloomiest and darkest room.
  3. Lime color is the best option for poorly lit rooms, when the windows are on the north side and there is not enough light all the time. In this case, you can choose furniture and wall decoration.
  4. Giving preference to such a shade, do not forget that such a catchy brightness can quickly get bored, andeyes - tired. The most important thing is not to overdo it and use it in moderation. Remind yourself that you will have to look at this design every day for a long time. Furniture, walls and accessories in a shade of lime are a completely unacceptable option. Need at least one calm, neutral color.
  5. Cheerful green shade can be used in the kitchen, living room, children's playrooms, but do not abuse it in the bedroom, as it does not have peace and relaxation. If you can't imagine your life without this color, then choose some small elements.

What colors to combine in the interior?

Lime color in the interior
Lime color in the interior
  1. Black and white classic. It is used in a wide variety of styles and will be a good base for a lime shade. The best option is black (or white) furniture and bright walls or individual elements.
  2. Orange and yellow gamma. The combination of lime color with them allows you to create a sunny and summery atmosphere. In the original version, such a range is well suited for the kitchen, children's rooms, bathroom (pictured), but in the design of the living room, we recommend using a calm shade in addition to lime.
  3. Pastel, beige, brown tones and natural wood - this is perhaps the ideal case. They will complement the lime color in the best way, creating a base for it and shading it favorably.
  4. Several shades of green. This is also possible, the main thing is to choose the right warm and cold tones.
  5. Lime color and lilac (purple) shade. The brightest anda bold combination, which nevertheless has the right to exist. Non-standard solution for creative natures.

The Art of Blending

If you are a fan of DIY repairs, then this section on how to get a lime color will be useful to you. Of course, you can buy a color scheme, but an independent process is much more interesting. You can create your own unique combinations and shades, crafts and various interior items. This is a shade that occupies an intermediate position between yellow and green, but closer to the first. Therefore, it must be obtained by mixing them. Add one color to another gradually, drop by drop, to achieve the desired result.

Bright kitchen design

What colors does lime go with?
What colors does lime go with?

Few people know, but the lime color has a natural glow, which just gives it such energy. When used in the interior, its ability to visually expand the space is also used. Its presence in the design of the kitchen suggests the presence of plastic panels for sets, tables and chairs or wallpaper. You should not choose everything together, give preference to one thing. The most well lime color (photos show this) will be combined with a woody (natural) range. These are light walnut, white ash, maple, birch. More unusual - with a touch of chocolate, cob alt or anthracite black. These are very harmonious pairs that will be appropriate in any kitchen. Facade furniture can be two-tone, and it looks extremely original. For example,gray and white kitchen with glossy lemon and lime fronts.

Color can be used to visually separate one zone in an apartment from another. For example, kitchens from the dining room or living room. If you choose lime-colored curtains, then let them be a few shades lighter or, on the contrary, brighter than the furniture or walls.

Citrus fresh in the living room

how to get lime color
how to get lime color

When decorating a living room, you must comply with the measure, because here you spend much more time than in the kitchen. It is not necessary to fill the whole room with a shade of lime, it is enough to correctly distribute bright accents. What it will be depends only on your preferences. Consider the lighting in the room and its layout. Perhaps it will be a separate wall that dilutes the monochrome design, or a couple of refreshing chairs.

Lime color in clothes

Lime color is actively used not only in interior design, but also in clothing. From one season to another, its popularity either weakens or gains new strength. There are two directions on how to fit it into your wardrobe. Firstly, separate bright things of this summer shade, and secondly, accessories - for those who are afraid to take risks.

Pants, skirts, blazers…

If you want to look bright and stylish, attracting the attention of others, then choose anything. It is even acceptable to make sets in the style of color blocking, as in the photo, where the designers used a shade of lime green. But with fabrics that have a neon glow, you need to be careful.

With what colorsdoes lime match in clothes? With the same as in the interior. When choosing a classic range, do not overdo it with black, let it be in a minimal amount (stripes on a vest, clutch or shoes). To create romantic and delicate images, combine a catchy color with pastel, beige, brown tones. A bold combination - with a bright pink color. Well, as always, do not forget about denim, classic indigo will shade lime in the best way. Choose, for example, sundresses or skirts for fresh green blouses, tops or classic jeans for a blazer.

Lime color in clothes
Lime color in clothes

Accessories and shoes in lime color

Bright accents are always relevant. Any even the most boring and gloomy outfit can be decorated with a lime clutch, scarf, plastic bracelet or clip-on earrings, sneakers, sandals, etc. Accessories of this trendy color will be an excellent base for further experiments with looks. The most profitable investment in this regard is a neat clutch or a small handbag. They will be appropriate not only in everyday life, but also for an evening out. For the beach or shopping, you can choose more bulky options or backpacks.

Lime-colored jewelry will look best in summer. It would seem that such small details can do, but they truly work wonders. The main advice - do not save money, choose quality and style, then things will last longer and look much better. The easiest combination is with a little black dress.
